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I’d arrived just in time for Act III of an ongoing drama. And possibly a tragedy.

Even if the cops arrived, they weren’t going to be able to handle this.

“Um… stay here,” I said to Cherise, and moved around the stopped cars, heading for Alice.

“Hey! What are you doing?” She bailed out on the driver’s side. “Do you know that guy?”

“Just stay here!” I barked, and I guess the ring of command must have come through; Cherise stopped where she was, watching me as I moved carefully toward the railing.

Something she said made me think. The guy up there did look vaguely familiar, but no, I wasn’t sure I knew him. But there was something…

He fixed on me. Like recognizing like. He stopped flailing with his free right hand for balance and held it out to me. Palm exposed.

And I saw the swift, silver glitter of a glyph.

He was a Warden.

Prada, balanced on the railing with the ease of a hawk on a high wire, shook him violently for moving without permission. His feet scrabbled for purchase on the slick metal and he yelped, face gone pale and blank with strain.

Alice suddenly flicked that nuclear-hot stare in my direction, and there was nothing childlike in those eyes.

“You shouldn’t be here,” she said to me.

“Tell me about it,” I said. “I’m not thrilled about it either.”

This is what you bring as reinforcements?” That was Prada, indulging in a sneer while Alice’s attention was elsewhere. I wouldn’t have, if I’d been her, but then, I wouldn’t have been stupid enough to get into the fight in the first place. Alice was definitely not a power you wanted to mess with. “This human?”

Prada had killed me once. Well, temporarily. And to be fair, she’d been under orders to do it, since she was enslaved to a master—speaking of which, no sign of her hit man Warden boss. Which made me both happy and nervous.

Alice didn’t so much as look at Prada, just shifted her weight slightly in the other Dji

Oh, this was way ugly, and bound to get worse. Wardens having at it with their powers was bad for humanity at large; Dji

Why were they fighting? And more importantly, what were they fighting over?

And wait… reinforcements? That sounded bad. That sounded like Prada might have help coming. Did Free Dji

Especially not with a Warden as the chew-toy between two attack dogs. That, I would have heard of.

“I didn’t call for help,” Alice said, in that sweet little-girl voice. “I don’t need any. One last chance. Let him go.”

Prada gave her a mocking little laugh and jerked the Warden off balance again.

All she had to do was open her hand. It was a good long ways down to an ugly, bone-crunching impact on the busy freeway below. Alice didn’t move; it was possible, given the power balance, that there was nothing she could do that wouldn’t kill the hostage caught in the middle.

“Alice, what’s going on?” I asked.

“Who’s Alice?” Cherise asked, craning her neck. She’d ventured over to stand next to me. “That guy’s named Alice? Hope it’s his last name.”

“Shut up and go back to the car!” I practically yelled it at her. She winced and danced backward, holding up her hands in surrender.

This was out of control, and it was very, very dangerous. Prada and Alice couldn’t unleash anything like a full-scale Dji

“This isn’t your fight,” Alice said to me. Her attention was riveted on Prada, on the man Prada was holding. “Leave. You’ll draw their attention if you interfere.”

“Me? Wait… their attention? Who are you talking about? Alice, talk to me! What the hell’s happening?”

I could feel Cherise looking at me strangely, since I was apparently having a conversation with thin air. I couldn’t worry about that right now.

“Go!” Alice said sharply, and I felt a sudden push on the aetheric. She meant business. “I can’t protect you. Stay away from us.”

I was liking the sound of this less and less. “Not until I know what’s going on with you guys.”

She made a growling sound. It was really unsettling, because so far as I’d ever noticed, Alice in Wonderland hadn’t been big on growling like a rabid animal.

The growl broke off as if somebody had pulled the switch on it, and she swiveled away from me to survey the general area. “Too late,” she said. “They’re here.”

As I turned, I saw the other Dji

“You have to stop,” Alice said, turning back to Prada. “He’ll forgive you for what you’ve done, but you must stop now. No more.”

Prada sank her flawlessly polished talons deeper into the Warden’s left arm, and pulled him off balance again. He teetered desperately, struggling to stay alive.

I could hear his gasps even over the shouts of the onlookers, trying to talk him down. They, of course, were operating under the assumption that he was crazy, and could choose to do something on his own. Could save himself.

I knew better.

Around me, the four new Dji

This didn’t make any sense. Dji

Prada was aiming a cold, hard, inhuman smile at Alice.

“You should run, little one,” she purred. “I promise not to chase you.”

“I’m not ru

“I am.”

“Then leave the man out of it. He doesn’t matter.”

“Of course he matters!” Prada gave her a contemptuous look. The Warden’s feet slipped, and he flailed for balance, anchored by Prada’s ruthless grip. The crowd of spectators who’d gathered gasped. A trucker leaned out the door of his semi, open-mouthed.

I didn’t have a lot of time. I could hear the wail of sirens approaching; the cops would be here soon, and God only knew what that would mean.

Alice folded her hands together and watched. Wind ruffled her cornsilk-smooth hair, fluttered the sky blue dress and white pinafore. She was straight out of Lewis Carroll, but when I focused on the adult strength in that child’s face, I could see something older, stronger, and far scarier than anything out of the Looking Glass.

Prada had made her angry. That was probably a really, really stupid move.

“That guy’s go

The four other Dji

With all the power she had, she was helpless to do anything without endangering i

I had no idea whether Alice was on the right or wrong side in this, but at least she wasn’t the one holding a guy over a three-story drop.

I considered my options, and decided on something relatively risky. Dji