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Okay, I was bluffing, but it was a really, really good bluff. I swung the door open, hoping there wouldn’t be some society matron with her poodle-dog in the hall, and stepped out with my naked feet on the plush carpet. Expecting clothes to materialize around me.

They didn’t.

It wasn’t that good a bluff, apparently. David raised the stakes.

The door slammed shut behind me, slapping me like a barely friendly smack on my bare butt. I yelped, crossed my arms over my breasts, then dropped one hand down to make a totally inadequate privacy panel. Shifted from one foot to another and pressed my back against the wood and said, “Fu

He didn’t sound amused. “You need to learn how to dress yourself.”

“I will. I swear. Just—not right now, okay?”

“Not okay. Either you admit you’re not ready and come back inside, or put your own clothes on. Out there.” Not a drop of sympathy in David’s disembodied voice. I pulled in a breath, leaned against the door, and struggled to concentrate. Clothes are tricky, when you have to create them out of air and energy and make them look, well, good. Although frankly at the moment, I figured I’d better settle for fast and ugly. Wal-Mart was okay by me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and focused. Seconds ticked away. I started to feel the burn of panic because my mind was completely, utterly—

“Any time,” David advised. His voice didn’t come from behind the door, it was in front of me. I peeked and saw him leaning against the opposite hall wall. No way to classify that particular smile except as sadistic—cute, but sadistic. He checked his watch. “It’s a high-traffic area. I give you… two, maybe three minutes, if you’re lucky, before someone comes along.”

“Bastard,” I muttered, and went back to concentrating. When I had the image in my head, I opened my eyes wide and stared at him as I started building my new wardrobe. And yeah, okay, I was trying to get back at him.

But still, it was so cool.

I added pieces the same way I’d constructed my body, from the inside out: boy-cut panties first (lacy), bra (sheer), stockings (thigh high), knee-length leather skirt (black), lime green midriff-baring shirt (polyester). David leaned against the wall and watched this striptease-in-reverse with fabulously expressive eyebrows slowly climbing toward heaven. I finished it off with a pair of strappy lime green three-inch heels, something from the Manolo Blahnik spring collection that I’d seen two months ago in Vogue.

He looked me over, blinked behind the glasses, and asked, “You’re done?”

I took offense. “Yeah. You with the fashion police?”

“I don’t think I’d pass the entrance exam.” The eyebrows didn’t come down. “I never knew you were so…”


“Not really the word I was thinking.”

I struck a pose and looked at him from under my supernaturally lustrous eyelashes. “Come on, you know it’s sexy.”

“And that’s sort of my point.”

Oh yeah. We were going to see Lewis. I chose not to think too much on what that revealed about my motives. Too late now. I walked past him, head high, heading for the elevators.

“Coming?” I asked. He fell in step with me.

“Considering I’m the only one of us who knows where he said to meet him, you’d better hope.”

“I’m surprised you’re so eager.” Not that he and Lewis didn’t get along, or hadn’t, anyway… “Oh. You’re hoping he’s got some idea about your little sparkly things.”

I got another frown for that one. “I hope that’s what they are.”

“Instead of…?”

“Something else. I just get nervous when the universe doesn’t obey its own laws.”

“Welcome to my world,” I said. “Having kind of a weird life experience these days.”

I hadn’t been out of the room except to travel the aetheric—and that somewhat queasy trip to the Drake Hotel—since we’d checked in; the elegance came as a shock. First, the carpet—a blue-and-gold riot of French Provincialism. Next, the genuine Louis-the-whatever gilt tables with chunky glass vases of silk flowers.

No, I definitely hadn’t dressed to fit the room.

I stopped in the full force of a patch of sunlight in the lobby window and let my skin soak up the energy. I hadn’t realized I needed it until it reached inside and stilled me in a way that only David’s touch had been able to achieve.

David didn’t speak for a moment, just stood with me in that hot golden patch of warmth. When I looked over at him, his eyes were closed, his face rapt in a kind of worship. I took his hand. He looked over at me, smiled, and pushed the down button on the panel for the elevator.

“Why does that feel so good?” I asked. “And don’t tell me it’s because we’ve been shut in a room for days.”

“Like calls to like,” he said. “You’re made of fire now.”

“So I’m going to feel like this every time I pass an open flame? Great. Firegasm.”

“Remember that focus thing we were talking about? Learn to practice it.”

The elevator dinged and yawned open. Nobody inside. We entered and David touched the button for l.

“You haven’t told me where we’re heading.”

“No,” he agreed.

“And you’re not going to?”


“So much for the partnership.”

He was still facing the control panel, deliberating not looking at me. “I’m responsible for your safety, Jo. You have to let me make the decisions about what’s too dangerous.”

“What’s dangerous about letting me know where we’re going?”

“Nothing. But you need to keep in mind that whatever Lewis is going to talk about, it’s to do with the mortal world. You need to be very, very careful right now about keeping separate from it.”

“So whatever Lewis wants, we’re going to say no, unless it has to do with the Dji


“Does he know about that? Because if he does, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t bother wasting the—”

The elevator hadn’t stopped, and I was sure it had been empty when we’d gotten inside, but all of a sudden a third voice behind me said, “Ah, there you are.”

I yelped and went south until I collided with an elevator wall; my body threatened to break up into mist, but I held it together. There was another Dji

Rahel had always known how to accessorize.


She’d enjoyed the joke then, and she was clearly enjoying it now. She crossed her arms, leaned back against the elevator wall, and took in the reaction with a smile.

Unlike me, David didn’t seem surprised at her sudden appearance. He slowly turned to face her, and his expression was a closed book. “Rahel.”


“Not that I’m not happy to see you, but…”

“Business,” she said crisply.

“Yours or mine?”

“Both. Neither.” Not really an answer. “You know whose business it is. Don’t you?”

No answer from David. Rahel hadn’t paid the slightest attention to me, but now her vivid gold-shimmering eyes wandered my direction and narrowed with something that might have been amusement, or a