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Тот, кто, вдохновившись такой позицией, возьмет на себя обет Бодхисаттвы у ног Будды, в вечном присутствии всех Просветленных, может вспомнить глубоко проникновенные слова Р.Тагора:
"Позволь мне молиться не об убежище от опасности, а о бесстрашии при встрече с ней.
Проси не о том, чтобы стихла твоя боль, а о сердце, превозмогающем ее.
Не ищи товарища в житейской битве, а опирайся на собственные силы.
Не беспокойся о своей свободе, а терпеливо жди ее прихода".
Благословение всем!
Anangavajra: "Prajnopaya-vinishchaya-siddhi" (Sanskrit).
"Anguttara-Nikaya" (Sutta-Pitaka, Pali-Canon).
"Atanatiya-Sutta" (Digha-Nikaya, Sutta-Pitaka, Pali-Canon).
"Atthasalini", Buddhaghosha's commentary on the Dhammasangani, the first book of the Abhidhamma Pitaka (Pali-Canon).
Aurobindo, Sri, "The Synthesis of Yoga". Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1955.
"Avalokiteshvara-guna-karanda-vyuha" (Sanskrit), edited by Satyavrata Samushrami, Calcutta, 1873.
Avalon, Arthur, "The Serpent Power", two works on Tantrik Yoga (Shatcakra-nirupana and Puduka-panchaka), translated from the Sanskrit with introduction and commentary, Luzac & Co., London, 1919.
"Bar-do-thos-grol" (Bardo Thodol), Tibetan block-print.
Beckh, H., "Buddhismus", Sammlung Goschen, 1916.
Bhattacharyya, Benoytosh, "An Introduction to Buddhist Esoterism", Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1932.
"Bodhicharyvatara" by Shantideva (Sanskrit).
Buddhaghosha, "Visuddhi-Magga", Ed. by H.C.Warren, Cambridge, 1950.
"Buddhavamsa" (Pali).
"Buddhist Bible", edited by Dwight Goddard, containing selections from Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, and Tibetan sources, translated by Nyanatiloka, Rhys Davids, Chao Kung, Goddard, Wai-tao, Suzuki, Wong Mou-lam, Evans-Wentz and Lama Dawa Samdup. (1938; Reprint, Harrap, London, 1957).
"Byan-chub-sems-dpahi-spyod-pa", Tibetan version of Shantideva's "Bodhicharyavatara" (block-print).
"Chariyapitaka (Pali).
"Chhandogya Upanisad" (Sanskrit).
"Chos-drug bsdus-pahi-zin-bris" (Tibetan block-print), Naropa's "Six Doctrines", compiled by Padma Karpo.
Dacque, "Urwelt, Sege und Menschheit".
Das, Sarat Chandra, "A Tibetan-English Dictionary", Calcutta, 1902.
David-Neel, Alexandra, "Tibetan Journey".
________ "With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet" (Penguin Books, London, 1937).
Demchog-Tantra, see "dPal-hKhor-fo bDe-mchog"
"Devendra-pariprccha-Tantra" (Sanskrit).
"Dhammapada" (Khuddaka-Nikaya, Sutta-Pitaka, Pali Canon).
"Dhammapada-Atthakata" (Pali Commentary).
Digha Nikaya.
Dutt, Nalinaksha, "Aspects of Mahayana Buddhism and its Relation to Hinayana (Calcutta Oriental Series, No. 23), Luzac & Co., London, 1930.
"Expositor, The", English translation of "Atthasalini" (Buddhaghosha), by Maung Tin; Pali Text Society, London, 1920.
Evans-Wentz, W.Y., and Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup. "The Tibetan Book of the Dead", with a Psychological Commentary by Dr. C.G.Jung, Introductory Foreword by Lama Anagarika Govinda, and Foreword by Sir John Woodroffe (Third Edition, 1957).
________ "Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa" (1928).
________ "Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines" (1935).
________ "The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation", with a Psychological Commentary by Dr. C.G.Jung. (1954).
"Gandavyuha", one of the Avatamsaka-Sutras (Sanskrit).
Glasenapp, H. von, "Der Buddhismus in Indien und im Fernen Osten", Atlantis-Verlag, Berlin/Zurich, 1936.
________ "Die Entstehung des Vajrayana". Zeitschrift der deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, Band go, Leipzig.
Goddard, Dwight, "A Buddhist Bible", Thetford, Vermont, 1938. (Reprint: Harrap, London, 1957).
Govinda, Lama Anagarika, "The Psychological Attitude of Early Buddhist Philosophy" (according to Abhidhamma Tradition). Patna University, 1937.
________ "Some Aspects of Stupa Symbolism" (Kitabistan, Allahabad and London, 1940.
________ "Solar and Lunar Symbolism in the Development of Stupa Architecture". Marg, Bombay, 1950.
________ "The Significance of ОМ and the Foundations of Mantric Lore". 'Stepping Stones', Kalimpong, 1950-1.
________ "The Philosopher's Stone and the Elixir of Life". 'The Maha Bodhi Journal', Calcutta, 1937.
________ "Masters of the Mystic Path". The 'Illustrated Weekly of India Bombay', 1950.
________ "Principles of Tantric Buddhism". '2500 Years of Buddhism', Publications Division, Government of India, Delhi, 1956.
________ "The Tibetan Book of the Dead". 'The Times of India A
________ "Time, Space, and the Problem of Free Will", Part II: "The Hierarchy of Order: Causality and Freedom". 'The Maha Bodhi Journal', Calcutta, 1955.
"Grub-thob brgyad-cu-rtsa-bzihi rnam-that" (Tibetan block-print) belonging to the bsTan-hgyur (rgyud).
Guenon, Rene, "Man and His Becoming, According to the Vedanta", Luzac & Co., London, 1945.
Guenther, H.V., "Yuganaddha, the Tantric View of Life", Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, Benares, 1952.
"Guhyasamdja Tantra" (Sanskrit), Gaekwad's Oriental Series, No. LIII.
"mGur-hbum" (Tibetan block-print), "The Hundred Thousand Songs" of Milarepa.
Hui-Neng, "Sutra Spoken by the Sixth Patriarch" (Chinese, translated by Wong Mou-lam in "A Buddhist Bible").
Indrabhuti: "Jnanasiddhi" (Sanskrit), Gaekwad's Oriental Series, No. XLIV.
"Isha-Upanisad" (Sanskrit).
Jaschke, H.A., "A Tibetan-English Dictionary", Routledge & Kegan Paul. London, 1949.
"Jataka" (Pali), Stories of the Buddha's former lives.
"rJe-btsun-bkah-bum" (Tibetan block-print), Milarepa's Hundred Thousand Verses.
"rJe-btsun-rnam-thar" (Tibetan block-print), Milarepa's Biography.
"Kathopanisad" (Sanskrit).
"Kevaddha-Sutta" (Digha-Nikuya, Pali-Canon).
"Khuddakapatha" (Sutta-Pitaka, Pali-Canon).
Krishna Prem, Sri, "The Yoga of the Bhagavat Gita", John M. Watkins, London, 1951.
"Kshurika Upanisad" (Sanskrit).
"Kulachudamani-Tantra" (Sanskrit).
"Lalitavistara" (Sanskrit).
"Lankavatara-Sutra" (originally in Sanskrit), translated from the Chinese by D.T.Suzuki and D.Goddard in "A Buddhist Bible".
"Mahaparinibbana-Sutta" (Digha-Nikdya, Pali-Canon).
"Maha-Prajnaparamita Hridaya" (Sanskrit).
"Mahayana-Samparigraha-Shastra" (Sanskrit).
"Mahayana-Sraddhotpada-Shastra" (originally in Sanskrit), translated from the Chinese by Bhikshu Wai-tao and Dwight Goddard in "A Buddhist Bible"..
"Maitrayana-Upanisad" (Sanskrit).
"Majjhima-Nikaya" (Sutta-Pitaka. Pali-Canon).
"Mandukya-Upanisad" (Sanskrit).
"Manjushrimulakalpa" (Sanskrit).
Masuda, Jiryo, "Der individualistische Idealisrnus der Yogachara-Schule", Heft der Materialien zur Kunde des Buddhismus, Heidelberg, 1926.