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“At leastseveral hundred,” Thrang added.

“Won’t the people he took the treasure from want it back?” Alex asked.

“Common law clearly states that whoever kills the dragon gets the hoard. It’s on page fifty-seven of the Adventurer’s Handbook,” replied Thrang in a businesslike tone. “’Course that don’t mean others won’t try to steal it from us. There’s always someone lookin’ for easy treasure, but that’s part of the adventure, isn’t it?”

Alex rubbed his eyes. The idea of killing a dragon and taking its treasure sounded dangerous to him. It didn’t matter that he’d never seen a dragon and had no idea what a real dragon might look like. More troubling was the thought that if they did manage to kill the dragon and collect its treasure, other people might try to take the treasure from them. For the moment, Alex had completely forgotten that he didn’t really believe in dragons or magic because somewhere in the back of his head, a small voice whispered, It might all be real, you know.

“Don’t worry about losing the hoard,” said Arco

“Of course,” said Alex. “But I can’t help thinking that we’ll just be doing the same thing the dragon did.”

“What’s that?” Thrang questioned.

“Well, the dragon killed people and took their treasure. Now we’re going to try to kill the dragon and take the treasure from him,” Alex replied in a thoughtful tone.

“Yes, I see what you mean,” Arco

“Much more than that,” Thrang added quickly. “We’re on a quest and that makes all the difference.”

“A quest?”

“We’re not going after the dragon merely to get the treasure,” Arco

“So this Slathbog,” Alex said slowly. “He’s destroyed several cities and killed lots of people?”

“At least five cities that I can name,” answered Arco

“I see,” said Alex thoughtfully.

“If you agree to this quest and accept the bargain, you need to sign the contract,” said Thrang, pointing at the paper in his hand.

“May I ask a few more questions first?”

“Yes, of course,” said Arco

“How many of us will be on this adventure?” Alex thought twenty would be a small number to attack a dragon, especially one like Slathbog the Red.

“Eight, as I said before,” answered Arco

“Do we know how to kill a dragon?” Alex asked hopefully. “I mean, is there a special way that dragons are killed?”

“There’s lots,” Thrang answered enthusiastically. “But none of them are one hundred percent effective. There’s always some risk when goin’ against a dragon—that’s why so few adventurers ever do. Powerful creatures, dragons, and magical as well.”

Alex thought about Thrang’s answer for a minute before asking his next question. The fact that he didn’t believe in dragons was lost in the flood of questions that the little voice in the back of his head was asking.

“If only eight of us are going, why are there twenty shares in the hoard?”

“Said he had a good head for this.” Thrang laughed.

“Shares are given to each adventurer based on experience and special skills,” answered Arco

“Do we have a wizard?” Alex asked hopefully.

“No,” said Thrang, stroking his beard. “Couldn’t find one available. Mind you, there aren’t many wizards around these days, and very few of them ever go on adventures.”

“That’s only sixteen shares,” said Alex, quickly thinking the numbers through.

“Well, one share goes to Clutter for setting up the adventure,” Thrang said. “And one goes to the Widows and Orphans fund, which is normal for most decent adventurers. Then there’s a share set aside to pay expenses the group might have while on the adventure.”

“That’s nineteen,” said Alex, not sure why he was so interested in how the treasure was divided. He felt certain that the dragon would be keeping all of the treasure, and he and his new companions would be coming home empty-handed, if they came home at all.

“There’s an extra share for whoever kills the dragon,” said Thrang with a grunting laugh. “If more than one adventurer is in on the kill, they split it up.”

“Oh,” Alex managed to say as thoughts of dragons raced through his head.

“’Course there’s other places to get treasure along the way,” Thrang added happily. “Always the chance of ru

Alex didn’t like the sound of goblins, bandits, or trolls.

“Before you decide, there are a few other things you should know,” said Arco

“Oh,” said Alex. “It’s just . . . I mean, the thing is—”


“Alex,” said Arco

There was a sudden spark in Alex’s chest, and an odd electric pricking in his fingers and toes. He felt a real desire to go on this adventure. He didn’t understand why, but it felt right in a way that he couldn’t explain, not even to himself. All of his short life he’d wanted to do something different, something exciting. He’d never had the chance until now, and he knew that Arco

“All right, I’ll go,” said Alex, taking the paper from Thrang and signing his name to it. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

“You don’t want to know,” replied Thrang with a snort of laughter.

“Perhaps not,” Alex admitted, handing the paper back to Thrang. “Now what?”

“Now we go to Telous,” said Arco

* * *

Alex followed Thrang and Arco

“All settled then?” Mr. Clutter asked, looking up from his desk as the trio entered the room.

“Signed and ready to go,” Thrang answered, handing Mr. Clutter the paper Alex had signed. “Need you to file that for us, if you would.”

“Right you are,” said Mr. Clutter. “You’ll be on to Telous then?”

“Yes,” said Arco

“Oh, no,” Mr. Clutter answered, his smile fading. “Someone tried to bring a bummblehog through there earlier today; it’s quite a mess.”

“Bummblehogs don’t like wardrobes,” said Thrang, nudging Alex with his elbow. “In fact, there isn’t much that bummblehogs do like.”