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‘I apologise, madam. I had no idea you were here.’

‘Evidently,’ she smiled. She leaned further into Napoelon and nuzzled up to his breast, kissing his flesh.

Lucien flushed with irritation and embarrassment. ‘I, er, need to speak with my brother. At once.’ He fixed his eyes on Napoleon. ‘It’s very important. I’ll wait for you down in the study. Don’t take too long.’

He turned and left them, shutting the door behind him. As the sound of his footsteps retreated along the landing Josephine smiled to herself.

‘Now that you’re here,’ Lucien said testily, ‘we can finally begin.’

Napoleon did not reply, but smiled and helped himself to a cup of coffee and sat down. He took a careful sip and grimaced as he realised it was cold. He set the cup down and looked at his younger brother. ‘Well?’

‘You have picked a good time to return. A very good time indeed, brother.’

‘Good?’ Napoleon’s brow rose in surprise. ‘France is at war with England, Austria, Naples, Portugal and Turkey. The only enemy who is willing to discuss peace is Russia, and then only because Tsar Paul hates the English even more than he hates us. Our army is still recovering fom the defeat at Novi. Most of the departments of France are on the verge of rebellion, our troops haven’t been paid for months and the treasury is almost empty, and the Jacobins are pushing for a new Committee of Public Safety.What have the Directory done with the country that I left so powerful when I sailed to Egypt? The situation could hardly be worse.’

‘And therefore the opportunities for change could hardly be better.’ Lucien smiled. ‘Especially as those who govern us at present are so hopelessly divided. Talleyrand is in disgrace since he tried to get a bribe out of a treaty with the Americans. General Bernadotte is hardly making a secret of his schemes to seize power. Barras, so my informants tell me, is even plotting a coup to return the Bourbons to power. And now you arrive in Paris, on the crest of a wave of popularity thanks to your victory at Aboukir. That’s about the only news the people have had to celebrate for months. They are desperate for change.’

Napoleon eyed him shrewdly. ‘And you are keen to give it to them, no doubt.’

‘Me, and others like me,’ Lucien admitted. ‘I’ve managed to stay clear of political scandals, and I command the support of a large number of the deputies, but I lack the affection of the people. If something is going to happen, if my comrades and I are to change the government, then we’ll need a figurehead to lead the movement. It has to be someone untainted by the politics of the capital. Someone who is popular with the mob, and who can command the respect and loyalty of the army.’

‘Someone like me, I imagine.’ Napoleon smiled.

Lucien’s expression remained serious. ‘It has to be you. Any other choice would be too divisive. You’d only have to be the public face of the new government. Once things have settled down, you could return to the army and retire from public life.’

‘I might not want to,’ Napoleon said carefully.

‘It’s possible that your . . . retirement from public life, might not be in the best interests of France. But I wouldn’t express such a view in front of those whose help we will need in the days to come.’

‘I understand.’ Napoleon eased himself back in his chair.‘Who else is in on your plans?’

‘Two of the Directors, Sieyès and Ducos. We’ve sounded out Talleyrand, Joseph Fouché and some of the other ministers. They’re all for a change in government and want a new, more powerful executive in its place. The thing is, many of them are afraid of using a soldier as the putative leader of the coup.’

‘Very wise of them. And at the same time they’re being foolish. They want a centralised government with the authority to act swiftly and decisively, and at the same time they’re afraid of the consequences of such a move.’ Napoleon shook his head with contempt. ‘They can’t have it both ways.’

‘They know that,’ said Lucien. ‘That’s what has been paralysing them for months. The trouble is with Bernadotte and Barras circling like wolves their hand is finally being forced.You weren’t their first choice. Sieyès wanted Joubert, but he was killed at the battle of Novi and you’re our last chance. Sieyès isn’t keen on you. He is worried about your “incendiary temperament” as he put it, and your ambition.’

‘Then he’s no fool.’

‘We must handle him carefully, brother.’

Napoleon nodded. ‘When do we make our move?’

‘I’ve thought about that. Not until after your official reception by the Directors. We have to see how they react to your popularity.They might question your reasons for abandoning the army in Egypt. They may try to fling some shit at you and hope enough sticks to taint your public image.’

‘A compelling vision, Lucien, but hardly poetic.’

Lucien slapped his hand down on his thigh in irritation. ‘This isn’t a game, Napoleon! We are playing for the highest possible stakes. We foul this up and it might cost us our lives.’

‘You know, if we succeed, it might also mean the fall of the revolution.’

‘Perhaps, but anything is better than a return to the monarchy. Almost anything.’

Two days later, Napoleon presented himself, in full uniform, before the Directors in the audience chamber of the Luxembourg Palace. There were far fewer officials there to witness the meeting than there had been on his last such appearance.The president of the Directory, Louis Gohier, greeted Napoleon cordially and offered him the congratulations and gratitude of the Directors, on behalf of the people of France. Then he glanced at Barras, and Napoleon noted that Barras gave a slight nod before Gohier turned back and continued.

‘The Directory, like all France, greets your unanticipated return with pleasure mingled with a little surprise. Only your enemies, whom we naturally regard as our own, could put an unfavourable interpretation on the patriotic motives which induced you to abandon your army.’

Napoleon felt his blood surge with anger but managed to keep his tone calm and respectful as he replied. ‘Citizen, the news that reached us in Egypt was so alarming that I didn’t hesitate to leave my army, but set out at once to come and share your perils.’ Napoleon grasped the hilt of his sword. ‘I swear that this sword will never be drawn except in defence of the republic, and its government.’

Barras leaned forward and smiled. ‘We are comforted to hear that, General. And we will endeavour to find a new command suited to a man of your talents and ambitions just as soon as we can, so that you might be spared the interminable politics that bedevil Paris.’

The words were spoken with such deliberate emphasis that Napoleon suddenly felt that his façade of loyalty was as transparent as the finest blown glass and that his ambition was on view for all to see. The ceremony ended and he approached the Directors and embraced each one of them in turn, in a frosty gesture of fraternity. As he left the palace the sentries at the gate presented arms and chorused, ‘Long live Bonaparte!’The cry was echoed by the dense crowd of civilians who pressed around his coach as it passed through the gates and on to the street. Napoleon smiled and waved to his public and wondered how many of them would still be so enthusiastic in their support for him in a month’s time.

‘It has to be soon,’ Napoleon said firmly as he looked round at the men in his study. ‘The Directors dare not discipline me now, for fear of the public reaction. But the moment my popular support fades they will move against me, and I will have no chance of leading the coup.’

Sieyès stirred uneasily.‘This isn’t about your salvation, General Bonaparte. It is about the salvation of France.’

‘Of course it is,’ Napoleon agreed readily. ‘I understand that, citizen, as I understand that I am merely the instrument through which our cause will achieve its aim. No man shall rise above his peers.’