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Ben and Luke had learned about some creepily powerful being with dark slithery mental tendrils of needwho was probably responsible for the crazy Jedi, and had been going to pay her a visit inside the Maw when they abducted a Sith. One that was definitely easy on the eyes, but who was nonetheless a Sith, from a whole planetload of them, no less. A Sith who was still with them right now, standing and smirking at them while nearly a dozen frigates crammed with her pals surrounded them.
Yeah. He would definitelybe older than his dad.
Luke had followed the instructions given by the u
Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi:Allies 33
placing the Shadowin orbit around Dathomir. There was no other choice, not with eleven ChaseMaster frigates ready to open fire.
“A wise decision,” Vestara said. “I’m fond of my own life, so I’m glad you’re cooperating, but if you had attempted to flee they most certainly would have destroyed you.”
Luke eyed her thoughtfully. Clearly, he wasn’t so sure.
“So,” Ben continued, “what are they going to do with us? Are we going to be the main attraction at some kind of Sith ritual party?”
“I’ve no idea,” Vestara said. She might be lying through her teeth. She might be telling the truth. Ben simply couldn’t be sure.
“Your cooperation is appreciated, Master Skywalker,”
came the voice that had first hailed them. Ben and Luke exchanged puzzled glances. Of course Vestara had told them who was holding her captive, but why the cour-tesy and respectful title?
“I am High Lord Sarasu Taalon, commander of this force,” the voice continued. “Your reputation precedes you. We have studied you, and your son, a great deal.”
“I wish I could say the same,” Luke said. “I know nothing about you and your people, High Lord Taalon.”
“No, you don’t. But I am prepared for that to change . . . somewhat. Your vessel carries a Z-95
“It does,” Luke said. “I presume you’re about to ask me to come over to your flagship and chat over a nice glass of something.”
“You and Vestara, yes,” Taalon said. “You will have to turn her back over to us, of course. But there is no reason we can’t be civilized about this.”
“No thanks,” Luke said. “Anything you have to say to me can be said at a distance. Vestara isn’t the worst mill_9780345519412_2p_all_r1.qxp:8p insert template 2/25/10 1:27 PM
Christie Golden
companion I’ve ever traveled with. I think I’ll let her stay here with us for a while longer.”
Ben looked again at the Sith girl. His father was right. She wasn’tthe worst companion he’d ever traveled with.
“Let us revisit that subject in a moment,” came Taalon’s reply. “As I’m sure you know by now, Apprentice Vestara Khai has done a commendable job of keeping us informed of what has transpired. We are aware that you are having
. . . difficulty with certain Jedi who were fostered inside the Maw. We believe this is due to the intervention of a being known to us as Abeloth, whom Vestara encoun-tered. Many of our own apprentices are displaying the same symptoms as your younger Jedi.”
“Your younger Sith were in the Maw as well?”
“No. But such identical displays of aberrant behav-ior ca
Ben was skeptical. But there was so much they didn’t know yet. His father’s blue eyes met his and he shrugged slightly. It was possible.
“We are many. You are only two,” Taalon continued.
“We have a common cause.”
“Are—are you proposing a formal alliance?” Luke was so surprised he didn’t even bother to hide it. Ben, too, literally gaped for a moment. Vestara seemed more shocked than any of them, judging by her expression and her feeling in the Force.
Luke started to laugh. “I’m sorry, but that doesn’t sound like a very Sith thing to say.”
The voice was cold when Taalon spoke again. “This creature, this . . . Abeloth . . . has the audacity to reach out and harm ourapprentices. Ourtyros. To toy with the Tribe—the Sith. The insult ca
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Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi:Allies 35
Ben glanced at his father. “That, however, isa very Sith thing to say.”
Luke nodded. To Taalon, he said, “It may be that we do not need to teach her a lesson, as it were. We may simply need to find out why she is doing this.”
“And ask her nicely to please stop?” Ben thought Han Solo could learn a thing or two from this Sith about infusing one’s voice with sarcasm.
“You just asked me nicely to help you out. Clearly you’re capable of good ma
There was silence. “It is possible she may not be amenable to . . . polite conversation. What then, Master Skywalker?”
“I will do whatever is necessary to free the ill Jedi from her control,” Luke said. “I assure you of that.”
His voice was not harsh, but there was a tone in it Ben recognized. The deed was almost as good as done when Luke Skywalker spoke like that.
“You agree, then?” Taalon asked.
Luke didn’t answer at once. Ben knew what he was struggling with. And he was surprised that it was even a struggle for the Grand Master. Luke was a Jedi. These were Sith. There couldn’t possibly be an alliance. Everyone would constantly be watching one another’s backs.
But then again . . . He glanced at Vestara. She came from an entire culture of Sith. They couldn’t be back-stabbing one another constantly—they’d have become extinct long ago. Somehow this flavor of Sith had learned how to cooperate. Vestara had proved it was possible. She had worked with Ben and his father before, on Dathomir, and that cooperation had saved Luke Skywalker’s life.
“We do have a common goal,” Luke said at last. “It mill_9780345519412_2p_all_r1.qxp:8p insert template 2/25/10 1:27 PM
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would be better to work toward it together rather than getting in each other’s way. But don’t think that I will not be expecting treachery at every turn. There are fewer enmities more ancient than that of Sith and Jedi.”
A sigh. “This thing we both fight might be older than that,” Taalon said. “Well, I did not expect this to be a particularly comradely union. Very well. You deliver Vestara Khai. Together, in an alliance not seen since this galaxy was new, Sith and Jedi will confront and defeat their mutual foe—one way or the other. And after that . . . well, let us see where we stand then, shall we?”
“Vestara stays here.”
The Sith girl froze. There was a long silence.
“I ca
“Then we have no alliance.” Another long silence.
“She has information we require. She comes with us, or there is no deal.”
“Information about how to reach and confront our mutual foe?” Luke said, turning Taalon’s own flowery words back on him. “That, I do not object to permit-ting her to share. That wasthe information you were talking about, wasn’t it?”
“She will come to no harm while entrusted in your . . .
care,” said Taalon. “None. Or we will attack and destroy you down to your marrow and obliterate your very cells.”
“Provided you keep your bargain, she’s perfectly safe. Jedi aren’t in the habit of torturing children.”
Vestara frowned at being referred to as a child. Ben started to smile a little, despite the situation, then realized that she was the same age as he was. He shot his dad a disappointed glance.
“Then I believe we have an agreement,” Taalon said.
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