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"Now, however, I feel that I must pat more distance between myself and House Hiritsu. That is why I have been somewhat secretive about my movements. It is also why I ca

"What are you piloting, Ajax, that makes it so worthy of House Hiritsu's trouble?"

"My 'Mech is an advanced Raven,"the warrior said, making Rose give out a low whistle. "It mounts the latest in advanced weaponry in addition to a Beagle active probe and Guardian ECM suite."

Rose rubbed his chin and considered the place such a 'Mech would have in his company.

"I'll tell you what we can do. I'll have Ria

"In the meantime, however, I've got to get to the repair bay to check on my own 'Mech. Can I trouble you for a ride?"

Ajax nodded and Rose grabbed the check, just slightly faster than the smaller man. He paid in silence, then the two walked out to the car. Ajax was as silent as during the first trip, which made Rose wonder if driving reminded Ajax of piloting a 'Mech, possibly bringing out the same personality he showed in battle. Rose was still wondering when Ajax abruptly pulled up at the repair bay.

"Until tonight, Captain." Rose extended his hand across the car seat and shook Ajax's outstretched hand.

Rose watched for a moment as Ajax drove out of sight, then he crossed to the cavernous buildings of the main repair bay. Despite being dropped off right outside the main gate, it still took almost half an hour to walk to the area where his Chargerwas housed.

Crossing the bay toward his 'Mech, he could see that things were not progressing as he'd hoped. The giant machine was still supported by a large winch that rode the massive rails above the length of the service bay. Drawing closer, he could see that the final preparations for refitting the 'Mech's leg were under way, but Esmeralda was locked in a heated debate with a Dragoon technician.


The three men of the unit were well back of the confrontation, apparently willing to let Ria and Esmeralda handle matters. Resting on the good foot of the Chargerwere three Dragoon technicians. Rose picked up his pace and hoped he'd be in time to prevent anything unpleasant.


Ria's head shot up, but Esmeralda didn't bother to look Rose's way. While the larger woman continued her arguing with the Dragoon technician, Ria

"That damn Dragoon tried to tell us how to reattach the leg," she said. "That got me fired up and then Esmeralda jumped into the middle of it." Rose wondered about the rest, but they were now too close to the Dragoon for him to ask any more questions. Esmeralda had the good sense to stop talking when Rose came up alongside her. After nodding to his unit, he turned to the Dragoon.

"From what I hear—all the way across the bay, I might add—there's a problem." Rose smiled politely, but his eyes said he was anything but friendly.

"Sir, my crew was preparing to reattach the leg when these two women demanded we stop. Now I find myself locked in a debate about the correct procedure for reattaching the severed leg." Rose admired the man's cool. Despite the verbal abuse he'd taken from Esmeralda, he hadn't lost his calm. Rose looked inquiringly at Esmeralda, who took a moment to compose herself before speaking.

"Captain, this crew was about to reattach the leg without ru

"Which is u

"because the damage is localized to the main support shaft below the mount."

"And I'm telling you," finished Esmeralda, her voice once again rising, "that it is necessary. I should know, I was the one that severed the damn leg in the first place!"

The technician involuntarily stepped back under the force of Esmeralda's words. Rose knew he was about to order the stress test when another group of men approached.

"Some kind of trouble, Technician Bailee?"

Rose looked beyond the Dragoon tech at the approaching Dragoon captain and his attendants. Although new to Outreach, Rose recognized the distinctive markings on the man's jacket as those of the Dragoon Gamma Regiment. Esmeralda looked into the man's eyes, flashing a silent challenge.

"Just a disagreement over a minor technical issue, sir. Nothing to worry about."

Rose watched as the two Dragoons stared at one another. Although Bailee had fought head to head with Esmeralda, he was not about to let the Dragoon officer win the fight if he could not. Rose hoped the too-dapper young officer would leave, but seeing the look in Esmeralda's eyes, he knew the hope was doomed.

"Perhaps I can help." The captain stepped next to Bailee, but he was staring at Ria

"After all," he continued, "such beauty deserves the best Wolfs Dragoons has to offer." With oily charm he extended his hand to Ria

"Then why don't you be a good boy and go find him. We could use a hand from the best." Rose heard a howl behind him and did not have to turn to know that Hawg was falling over with laughter. Bailee gulped and succeeded in keeping his face neutral, but Rose saw the clenched fist that revealed how dearly the effort was costing him. Even the members of the captain's group were smiling.

"Oh, such a sharp, pointed wit."

"Oh, such a sharp, pointed head," Esmeralda said, and Rose quickly stepped between them. The two were glaring at one another, the captain with obvious hate, Esmeralda with obvious amusement.

"Captain, I don't think this is necessary. We had just reached an understanding."

"You're right about that. The Dragoons understand as well. You malcontents bring your battered jalopies here to be repaired by the best technicians in the I

It was Ria who answered. "Oh, will that be before or after the Dragoons betray us the way they turned traitor to their own Clan kind?"

Rose heard the words, but could not believe Ria had actually spoken them. Nothing would offend a member of the Dragoons faster then questioning the unit's loyalty. Rose heard the six men at the foot of his Chargermoving about, ready to attack or defend themselves as necessary. The captain opposite him looked like he was ready to take a swing at somebody when Bailee placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Please, sir. Not here."

The young captain shrugged off the hand and glared at Rose. "Where else is there? They wouldn't dare face us on the field."

"Dream on."

Rose interrupted the unknown speaker. "Captain, we are scheduled for the practice field tomorrow against a unit known as The Gargoyles. Perhaps you would be willing to take their place?"