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The force of the blow sent the Shadow Hawkstaggering backward. Rose managed to stay upright for two clumsy steps before his 'Mech fell flat on its back. As the force of the impact tore through him, he felt the wound over his ribs reopen. The cockpit immediately filled with smoke and sparks as the communications system shorted out. Rose fought for the internal fire extinguisher, but repeated attempts proved useless. He was reaching for the manual fire extinguisher when he noticed the primary screen.

The Hatchetmanwas poised above him, the axe already falling. Rose managed to move just enough to take the blow on the Shadow Hawk'sheavily armored chest. He could feel the impact of the axe, but the smoke was so thick it was becoming impossible to see the front viewscreen. Throwing caution to the wind, he ignored the pummeling hatchet and groped for the fire extinguisher. The heavy axe fell twice more before the flames were put out and the smoke had cleared enough to see. Rose immediately wondered why he'd bothered.

His front armor had been breached, lighting up the status display like Luthien on New Year's Eve. He glanced at the main view screen and noticed that the Hatchet-man'saxe dripped fluid where it had sunk into the insides of the Shadow Hawk.The axe was about to fall for the fourth time when Little Mary saved him.

Ramming the Hatchetmanfrom behind she pushed the 'Mech over the prone Shadow Hawkand sent it sprawling face-down onto the arena floor. Rose managed to regain his feet and thanked his god that the axe had not severely damaged either the Hawk'sgyro or the engine.

Mary continued to press her advantage, but when she got close enough to make a second attack on the Hatchetman,it was already standing. She moved in for a strike, but the longer reach of the axe struck first, severing the Stinger'sleft arm with a single fluid move, then biting into the torso. Although the Stinger'skick damaged the wounded leg of the Hatchetman,it did not seem to have any effect on the 'Mech's movement. Little Mary went down hard as the Hatchetmanpulled the axe free of the torso.

Rose began to move as the Hatchetmanneatly cut off the Stinger'sleft leg. Blood was flowing freely down his side, but Rose blotted out the pain and concentrated on the Hatchetman.The Stingerstruggled to rise, but could only flop ineffectively as the Hatchetmanprepared to deliver the coup de grace.

Rose, however, struck first. As the axe began its back swing, he punched into the Hatchetman'sdamaged back. His fist drove through the delicate circuits, finally stopping when the 'Mech's gyro ground itself into a thousand pieces against the armor-plated fist. Instantly the Hatchetman'sjoints locked up. Over-balanced by the extension of the axe, the 'Mech teetered for a moment, then tipped onto its side.

Rose sca

The Hunchbackand the Centurionwere slightly harder to find. The two had fallen into a smaller building and become entangled. The Hunchbackhad landed on top, effectively pi

Seconds later the ring a


Solaris City , Solaris

9 August 3054


Rose walked into Carstairs' office and collapsed into the overstuffed chair facing the stablemaster's desk. In the hours since the match his wounds had become increasingly painful and now even the walk here had left him short of breath. He rubbed his side and stared at the stablemaster.

"You don't stand much on ceremony, do you, Rose?" Carstairs said. "Most people knock before they barge into a man's office."

The man seemed nervous, probably frightened about Rose's reaction to the way the two stablemasters had secretly manipulated the conditions of the 'Mech battle. But what did Rose care about any of that? He'd come to Solaris for only one reason, and at last he was going to get what he'd come for—a BattleMech.

Rose shrugged. "I thought I had a standing invitation. You did say you wanted to hear the rest of the story."

Carstairs relaxed visibly when he saw that Rose hadn't come to make a scene. "So I did, so I did," he said, perhaps a trifle too heartily. "I tell you, Rose, I always feel good after a victory, but tonight. . .tonight I feel better than I have in years. What a match!"

The stablemaster got up from his desk and walked around behind Rose, who then heard ice dropping into glasses and the sound of splashing liquid.

"I bet Warwick is still crying his beady little eyes out over this one." Carstairs gloated, returning to view and offering Rose an unrequested tumbler. Rose took it without comment and set it on the arm of his chair.

"Swing that chair around, Rose. I want to sit over here." Rose muscled the chair toward where Carstairs had taken up residence on a matching couch.

"Have you seen the replays?" Rose smiled, but did not respond. He had not seen any of the actual tapes, but he'd heard several commentators reviewing the match. By all accounts Carstairs was a genius and his team incredible.

"I've had so many calls in the last hour I've had to disco

"So, you're set." Rose raised the glass and took a small sip. Like every hard liquor he had ever tasted, this one burned all the way down, but instead of sitting like a lead weight in the bottom of his stomach, it seemed to seep away and leave a warm glow. Surprised, he regarded his glass.

"Good stuff, eh? I've got a co

"So, Mister Rose, what now?"

"I leave Solaris tomorrow night aboard the Gentle Wind,and God willing, I'll never be back." Carstairs laughed and drank deeply.

"I don't blame you, Rose. This place is not for the weak of heart."

"Weak of heart? The people here are nothing but a pack of animals. The killing, the violence, the destruction. It's all they live for."

"Right you are, Rose, but it still served your purpose, as it does theirs. It's a necessary thing, Solaris, and I'd not live anywhere else." Rose shrugged and drank again. He would never understand this planet, but Carstairs was right. It had served the purpose.