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"Rachel, Ria and I have an idea we'd like to discuss with you. I'll keep it brief for now, but tomorrow morning we can go into detail.


"It makes the most sense," Ria interrupted. Jeremiah and Rachel smiled at each other as she took the floor. "Jeremiah heads for Solaris and the 'Mech games. It could take some time, but he can probably find a 'Mech there for a good price. And if he waits until the end of the season, he might also be able to recruit some independent warriors."

"Sounds like a good plan," Rachel said. "As you say, going to Solaris definitely adds some time to the venture. The planet is all the way over on the Steiner side of Federated Commonwealth space."

"I know, but what choice have I?" Rose began to pace the small room as he went over his plan again. "If I want to be taken seriously as a mercenary commander on Outreach, I've got to have a 'Mech of my own when I get there. Solaris is the obvious solution, despite the delay. Once I've got a 'Mech, I can transport it directly to Outreach and join Ria

"Right," Ria piped in. "I'll head for Outreach ahead of Jeremiah. Assuming Angus agrees to join us, and I think he will, we two can represent the unit."


"A cousin on our mother's side. He's just back from his first contract and fits under the Assembly of Warrior's edict that only family members can accompany Jeremiah off Northwind."

"Considering the travel time involved, I'm hoping that Ria and, possibly, Angus can leave within the next three to five weeks. They can register the unit with the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission and conduct preliminary interviews until I arrive."

"Which will be when?"

"Barring a breakdown during transit from Solaris, I'll arrive four to six weeks after they do."

Rachel straightened the covers on her bed with her one good hand. "And where do I come in?"

Rose caught his breath before continuing. This was the only part of the plan about which he was uncertain. "You contract to take Ria

"Obviously it will mean more to us than to you, but I think it's a good business proposition."

McCloud looked up at him. "What do you know about business?"

"Just what I read in the papers, but consider it. We'll be in a stronger position to make a contract because we'll have our own transportation. The Bristol is a UnionClass DropShip. It can carry an entire company, plus aerospace support. We can take the profits from the stronger position and pass most of the cash straight to you."

"You're right, as far as you go," Rachel told him, "but there's plenty you haven't considered.

"First, the Bristol is just a civilian carrier, a commercial ship. It may have started out as a military vessel, but most of the 'Mech bays have been reconfigured to haul bulk goods. It would take a major overhaul of the cargo compartments to accomplish what you want.

"Besides, I've never had to use any of the Bristol 'sfirepower. It's true she still carries a full range of weapons, but I don't carry enough crew to man those weapons. It's too expensive.

"And finally, what makes you think I want to be a mercenary? I'm a transport captain and I like the work."

"Rachel, don't get me wrong. I know you're a good captain. I just thought this was a good idea." Rose glanced at his sister, who'd been watching the exchange in silence. McCloud dropped her head back against the pillows.

"Rose, it's late. My shoulder hurts like hell and this is my ship you're talking about. I owe you, but I don't want to make a decision right now."

"I don't need a decision right now, Rachel." The door opened and the floor nurse motioned Ria

"I just want to know if you'll take Ria

"Sure, I'll take her. Standard carrier rates for all equipment."

Rose nodded toward the door and Ria

From the way McCloud looked at him Rose thought he must have stepped over some invisible line. Then her features softened and she shook her head.

"It's nothing, really. I just get edgy when I have to start looking for another contract. I hate that part of my job. Looking for a cargo and trying to judge how safe it will be to make the run. Ask my crew. They can't stand to be around me during this part of the process."

Rose looked at McCloud quietly, trying to tell if she were speaking the whole truth. He had no idea what McCloud was like while trying to find cargo, having only just managed to squeeze aboard the Bristol on the trip from Terra.

"I call the Bristol my ship," McCloud went on, "but the bank owns almost half of it and if I can't get a decent cargo while I'm in port, they take a bigger chunk when I'm forced to go short on my payment." She looked at Rose with a harsh stare.

"That's what I mean about business. You've got to be one step ahead of the bankers. Being a good fighter isn't enough if you want to be a mercenary. You've got to be a good accountant too."

Rose knew she was right. He also realized that it wouldn't stop him from trying to create a mercenary company. Still thinking, he crossed to the door, then paused briefly and turned back to speak.

"Thanks, Rachel. We'll stop by tomorrow, and by the way, you owe me nothing."

Rose eased the door shut and followed his sister to the elevators at the end of the corridor.

Captain Rachel McCloud spent long minutes staring at the door before she finally addressed it aloud. "That's just great, Rose. I finally decide to care for someone and then he tells me goodbye." The station nurse heard McCloud speaking over the active intercom, and shook her head sadly.

Unaware of all this, Rose and Ria

"She'll get me to Outreach. That should be enough." Rose entered the car first and punched the lobby button.

"It is enough. It's just that having her in on it would have made the entire plan so perfect."

"Are you two . . . involved?"

Rose looked at his sister, then caught a nasty look from the station nurse, whom he had never met. Returning his gaze to Ria, he wondered if it was amusement he'd heard in her voice. He saw not a trace of it on her face.

"Yes. No. Yes, but it's not serious. Hell, I don't know. It's just that I trusted her and this would have worked out so well for the unit."

The elevator door opened and Rose held it for his sister.

"Speaking of the unit, we'll need a name," she said, the excitement back in her voice. "I've got some ideas. How about you?"