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Aidan had considered going out in a lighter 'Mech, but he did not want to give up that much firepower. He had changed his Summoner's,primary weapons configuration, removing the right-arm PPC in order to increase the size of his shoulder-mounted LRM rack and also mount a Streak class short-range missile-launching system. But this also precluded his mounting an anti-missile system, something he liked to have regardless of his 'Mech's configuration.

"All right, Joa

"Of course. Which one first?"

"The Stormcrowseems to be moving out ahead of the pack. All right?"

"I am with you."

Aidan and Joa

He and Joa

"Nice work!" Joa

"... and then there were eight," Aidan muttered. "That takes care of the advantage of surprise, Joa

* * *

Ter Roshak watched Aidan and Joa

Then, as their opponents came at them, the two underdogs actually turned and ran! Joa

* * *

Ter Roshak turned his 'Mech, a rare Nova,one of two presently on Ironhold, and fired off a cluster of LRMs from the right-arm rack that replaced the 'Mech's usual medium lasers. The long-range missiles would surprise the Executionerbecause a Novawas not usually equipped with them. The missiles' flight was true, their arcs high to make up for the relatively short distance, and the missiles coming in at an odd angle that apparently the Executionerpilot did not detect in time. The other 'Mech was already reeling from the concentrated attack by Joa

For a moment, Ter Roshak was exhilarated. Killing the 'Mech reminded him of his days fighting side by side with Ramon Mattlov. Now he was focused on his cockpit sensors and the Mad Dogthat was heading his way, its large lasers already firing and doing glancing damage to Roshak's Nova.

"And then there were seven," Aidan said softly as he noted the Executioner'sfall. "You did that with just your lasers, Star Captain Joa

"Truth to tell, I had a little help." She explained how Roshak's direct hit to the cockpit had a

"The sleeping giant awakes early," Aidan commented. He saw that the Mad Dogwas closing in on Roshak's Nova.The contest was something of a mismatch, with the Mad Dogso much heavier than the Nova,but Ter Roshak had a couple of advantages over his opponent. First, he was a seasoned pilot, of an age not usually seen piloting a 'Mech. Second, the Novawas a relatively unknown quantity on a Jade Falcon planet.

"Should we help him?" Joa

"No, we must not waste firepower. He left us to fight without his help. Let him fight this one out on his own. Have we run far enough?"

"I think so. We seem to have two ranks of pursuit. I think it is time to take care of the front line. In the meantime we need more split in their ranks. You veer off to the right. I will join you in a moment."


Aidan's Summonerturned and took a short jump toward the leading trackers, one of the Warhawksand the Ice Ferret.Simultaneously he noticed that two of the other four 'Mechs, the Dire Wolf andthe Gargoyle,had begun to go specifically after Joa

As Aidan landed his Summoner,he glanced toward the two lead 'Mechs and thought of a little variation on that childhood rhyme that kept ru

* * *

Ter Roshak had come into the Trial of Refusal not caring whether he won or lost, lived or died. Dying would not, in fact, be so bad. He would have challenged the council instead of accepting the shame; fought in a final Trial instead of winding up in a useless life; died with honor in the Trial instead of dying as ca

He had mounted a pulse laser into the left side of the Nova's torso. Right now he was cycling through the lasers on that arm and firing off the pulse laser in the torso in an effort to keep his heat under control.

The Mad Dogwas under no such constraints. It carried only two weapons, Gauss ca