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Horse went on to tell the story in detail. Certain warriors flinched when Horse mentioned how he, a mere freeborn, had nearly beaten Cadet Aidan by planting a satchel charge on the back of a 'Mech shell the other was using in the exercise.

"MechWarrior Horse, is your memory so sharp that you could be sure this Jorge was the cadet you fought in that training exercise?"

"Yes. And when I confronted him, he admitted his identity to me."

Kael Pershaw slowly shook his head. "No, MechWarrior Horse, that is not enough. It verifies only that one apparent freebirth by name of Jorge transferred into your unit after an unfortunate accident on a training field. That he was the Cadet Aidan you battled earlier is not proven. Further, your evidence does not verify any other points of Star Commander Jorge's story. Step back, MechWarrior Horse."

Horse looked as though he wished to say more, but then he shrugged, performed a ritual salute to Pershaw, and walked away. Many of the warriors growled and sneered as he passed, making no secret of their disapproval that he had come forward at all. In response, Horse twisted his mouth into an obvious expression of defiance.

"Does any other member of this assembly verify the rightful claim of this warrior?" Kael Pershaw asked.

The silence hung heavy, as though not a single warrior moved or breathed. When Pershaw let his gaze sweep the throng, the rustle of his cape, the clank of his adornments echoed all the way to the rear of the crowd.

The next sound was the shuffle of feet as Aidan turned to face the Glorry Stateion warriors.

"Yes," a voice said finally, "I can verify this man's true identity." Roughly pushing several subordinate warriors aside, Joa



"Youhave evidence, Star Captain Joa

"Yes. I was this warrior's training officer on Iron-hold."

A murmur passed through the crowd. Aidan had omitted all names from his tale, concealing Joa

"Then he speaks the truth, quiaff?"


"And you have knowledge of the deception he describes, the masking of his identity to participate in the second Trial?"

From the moment Aidan had begun his claim, this was the moment, the question she had been dreading.

"I not only know about it, Star Colonel Kael Pershaw," Joa

That revelation produced a shock as great as any of Aidan's. Few of the warriors present knew Joa

At Pershaw's behest, Joa

She concluded by saying, "After Cadet Aidan qualified as a warrior through unorthodox strategy and teamwork with the freebirth who has just given witness, he was assigned elsewhere. I did not see him again until I came here, nor have I heard anything of his exploits as a warrior. As a loyal Clan warrior, I am forced to observe that his actions in the recent battle were distinguished enough to merit mention. That is all. These are the direct, blunt, and true words of a trueborn Clan warrior."

Kael Pershaw stared at Joa

This moment, too, Joa

"Falconer Commander Ter Roshak," she said, making each word precise and crisp. "He was commander of the Bravo Division of Cadet Training Iron-hold."

"Does he still hold that post?"

"I believe so, Star Colonel. The last I heard he had won a citation for turning out more successful warriors than any other training commander."

"The last detail is u

At a snap from Pershaw's fingers, two Elementals immediately took hold of Joa

"Further," Kael Pershaw a

"Permission to speak, sir," Aidan shouted.


"I accept your judgment and transport back to Ironhold, but I request again that you render judgment on my claim."

For once Kael Pershaw appeared rattled, but he recovered quickly. "I have no choice in the matter, Star Commander," he said. "If what you say is true, and your matrilineal line is Pryde, then of course you may compete in the Trial of Bloodright. I doubt that any current Bloodnamed warrior will sponsor you, though."

"I will present myself at the Grand Melee."

"Oh? That is your choice, of course, but do not make your plans too soon, Star Commander. You must first go before the Grand Council, which will determine the disposition of your case. In all likelihood, you will not have to worry about the melee. Executed warriors do not usually compete in any phase of the Trial of Bloodright."