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- and a final hammer-blow blew the storm away and smashedhim to the earth.

Vanyel lay stu

He was sprawled half on his back, and the silence howled in his ears as the storm had. The square was deserted now, but for the silent scarlet figure of the wizard.

Vanyel was utterly spent, and everything hurt so much he could hardly think. He coughed, and tasted blood, and when he tried to breathe, he felt stabbing pains in his chest and back.

He was oddly conscious of little things, of a pebble digging into his cheek, of his ankle bending the wrong way, of a strand of hair tickling his nose, of blood ru

His vision began to darken as Krebain strode toward him from across the square; he seemed to be seeing things through a shadowy mist.

The wizard stood over him.

And strangely, he felt like laughing. Gods. All that being afraid of that dream, for nothing. He saw the wizard’s expression, and sobered. So. This is what it comes to. This is how it ends. At least - he looks a little tired. At least I put up some kind of a fight.

He thought he heard someone, something, whimper. Please, gods- let those people have gotten away. Don’t let this have been for nothing. Let the others come in time to save them.

“I told you, Vanyel Ashkevron, that I would have you with or without a mind,” Krebain said softly. “But I would rather you were mine wholly, and of your own will. You see? I can be merciful. I can be kind to those I love. I give you another chance, beautiful Vanyel. Surrender to me, and I will heal your hurts, and give you all that I promised you. Will you come with me now?”

No. Not ever. Not at the cost of my life. He looked up at those inhuman, chillingly cold eyes. And itwill be at the cost of my life. But- gods- I can’t let it cost more lives than my own!

He reached, as far as he could, hoping for a tiny bit of energy left in the power-nodes - hoping to find another node, undrained -

- and touched the valley-node instead.

Gods- it isn’t possible!

For a moment he thought he saw a way out, not only for the villagers, but for himself. But when he assessed his own capabilities, he saw that to use the raw, elemental force of the vale wouldsurely kill him. He no longer had the strength to control it. The effect would be like what he had done to himself in practice with Starwind - only a hundred times worse.

He could die painlessly, letting the wizard destroy his mind and soul - or he could die in agony, saving the people of Covia.

I was willing to die before, for ‘Lendel - why would I be afraid of pain and dying now? he thought, with a catch in his throat. I surely owe a price for not stopping ‘Lendel. All right. Gods, let this be my expiation. Give me this last strength to stop him.

“No,” he breathed. “Never.”

The wizard’s face twisted with anger, and he stepped back to deliver the final blow. Vanyel closed his eyes and reached-

In this last moment, peace came to him. A strange and heart-tight i

And the raw power poured through him and blasted from his eyes.

He screamed in agony, but his own cry was lost in the shriek Krebain made as the bolt of power caught him unshielded, in the face.

Then Vanyel fell, into true peace, and darkness. “Oh, ‘Lendel, wherever you are, I’m coming. Please, please be there-

Dear Withen; I think you would be very proud of your son today-

A faint sound from the fern-canopied bed beside her made Savil set down her pen and paper beside her chair, unwrap herself from her cloak, rise, and draw the silky hangings aside.

Vanyel - bandaged, splinted and bruised, and looking very pale against the dark green of Moondance’s bedding - moved his head again on the pillow, and opened dazed eyes.

Savil swallowed hard; he looked so battered, so bewildered.

Oh, my little love, we so nearly lost you this time - so close, so close. I half expect you to ask me to let you stay here, sheltered and safe. And the gods know, you’ve earned it.

He blinked, as if he didn’t quite believe what he sdw.

“Aunt - Savil?” he said faintly. “Are you - real?”

She sat carefully on the edge of the bed, and touched his cheek, giving him a faint smile. “That real enough for you?”

He nodded, and blinked again. “The people - the villagers - Gallen and Reva - are they all right?”

“They’re fine, ke’chara, “she replied, her heart filling with pride and love at the question. His first thought - for others. There’s no doubt; Starwind was right. There is no doubt of him. ‘‘We got there just in time for Moondance to keep you from getting away from us. Gods - it’s a good thing that bastard wasn’t still alive. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so angry in my life, and Yfandes was white-hot with rage. There wasn’t much left for us to do. Basically all Idid was make a Gate to get us all back to k’Treva so Moondance could put you back together again.”

“Then everyone’s all right?” he asked insistently, as if he didn’t quite dare to believe her. “Are they protected now? Are you and Starwind and Moondance all right, too? That wizard - he was the one Lesharahired - he told me so. He told me - “

“Later,” she soothed. “Tell me all that later. We’re all fine. K’Treva sent out some of the Journeyman Tayledrasto help get Covia back on its collective feet and give the region a little more in the way of protections. You’rethe only one who sustained any damage, love.” She glanced up at the skylight to gauge the time. “I expect Moondance will be along any moment to give you another Healing.”

He sighed, and made a tiny choking sound. She looked down, and saw to her confusion that he was crying.

“Vanyel,” she asked, bewildered by the tears, and the strange, lost look in his eyes, “Van, what’s wrong?”

“I - “ he choked hopelessly. “I - after ‘Lendel - they won’t want me. The Heralds - they won’t want me - “

“Oh, Van - “ She closed her eyes against a surge of tears of her own, but these were born of joy. Child - oh, child, you rise above my expectations. That was the very last thing I ever thought I’d hear from your lips right now. “‘tan - ke’chara- the Heralds willwant you. How can they not want you? You area Herald already.’’

“I - am? I am?” He stared at her, bewildered, clearly unable to believe her.

She reached over to the chair and pulled her white cloak from it, draping it carefully over him. He clutched it, his eyes wide, his face reflecting all of his changing emotions, as he moved from hopelessness through surprise, to a joy that equaled her own.

“ - there. There’s your Whites to prove it. You have a bit more to learn; we’ll be staying here for a few moons yet while Starwind teaches you - but Vanyel, what makes a Herald is the heart. A caring heart, that cares for others before itself. And you area Herald.”

He smiled then, a smile so sweet and so happythat it stopped her breath, and closed his eyes in absolute contentment, falling asleep with one hand still clutching the cloak to him.

- yes, Withen. You would be very proud. I know I am.

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