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The nine chosen members of the sibko moved closer to each other, all of them facing Falconer Joa

"You seem to cower, eyasses," Falconer Joa

"You heard the commander. Fight, you freebirth mutants. Fight, you sib-bastards." Another low term, sometimes used when it was discovered that there were inferior strains in a sibko's genetic makeup.

Aidan looked past Joa

"You!" Falconer Joa

Endo walked around Aidan. He was obviously trembling, though it was more likely because of the frigid temperature than fear. No doubt he did feel fear, like Aidan, but it would be unsib to show it, especially to a warrior like Joa

Endo opened his mouth as if to speak, but Falconer Joa

Standing straight, Falconer Joa

Suddenly Joa

"Do you still suck the metal teat, cadets?" Joa

Both Aidan and Marthe accepted the challenge. Aidan leaped at Falconer Joa

Marthe was caught by surprise—Joa

Leaping, letting out a scream that didscare Aidan, she sent him dizzy with a kick to his head. Around him the sibko had come to life, and as he fell, they all tried to pounce on the falconer. Reacting quickly to evade their smothering assault, she managed to make contact with her fists, elbows, knees, feet, head—all her destructive body parts dealing blows that bruised, stung, and pained, even injured, her attackers. Wading back into the melee once she was free, Joa

She stared around her, her cruel eyes daring any of the downfallen to try again.

Aidan tried again.

He stood and rushed toward her with all the strength left in his legs. As he reached her, she brought her forearm up to ward off a weak blow that he had intended as a feint, but then he brought around his other arm slower than he wanted and she dealt him a punishing backhand right without bothering to ward off his attack. Another couple of solid punches, and Aidan was down on the ground again.

Above him, her eyes sent out the dare again.

Aidan dared.

Pulling himself to his feet, swaying from side to side, he clasped both hands together and, ru

"I see you do not like me, cadet. Good. I admire your tenacity."

With her outstretched hand, she took his and held it for a moment. Then, releasing his hand, without rearing back or giving any indication that a punch was coming, she jabbed him in the nose with her other hand, and he felt something break. She hit him again in the same place, and the pain was so bad he could not see straight—or, rather, he could see too well, in too many images. The third punch sent him back to the ground.

He looked up to see Falconer Joa

"Are you through yet, nestling?"

He tried to sit up, and she gently pushed him down. This time he stayed there.

"This one might test out all the way," she said to Falconer Ellis, who now stood beside her. As she spoke, she was putting on the falconer gloves, whose star-shaped studs caught some light and sparkled. She held each glove, palm side toward her, directly in front of her face as she pulled it on, grimacing as she stretched it tight. "He does not, as you saw, give up easily. Let us make his stay with us especially difficult."

Her compliments gave Aidan no pleasure. He was not sure he wanted her approval. He wassure he hated her.