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After Bret had cleared the fire, Joa


The cadets exchanged puzzled glances. None of them had ever heard of anything called a trial by sword.


"In a battle, trust is important. If we, as Clan warriors, do not trust the others above and under us, then he must fail. Cadets, each of you must now face one of these swordsmen."

Still mystified, the four cadets arranged themselves so that each faced a different swordsman. Joa

She stared at the cadets for what seemed to Aidan like an eternity. He set his feet for the run, wondering if he should just turn his back on this ritual and walk out of the clearing. He had an urge to defy Joa


And landed at the woman's feet, on his face. As he learned later, all four swordsmen had whipped their swords out of the way at the last possible instant. It was, as Joa

As Aidan and the others stood up, Joa

She walked slowly among the group of cadets. Aidan and Bret were brushing dirt off their clothing. Marthe apparently had run at her sword without falling to the ground as a consequence.



"Not so," Rena said. "I am ready. But you are correct, Falconer Joa

"Of course you deserve it. You have no reason even to hint at a doubt. The hint is like the flinch before the sword. Yet let me say your honesty is to be praised. Do you wish to continue your warrior training?"



The training officer who had held the sword for Rena gave her a med-cloth, treated to staunch blood at a touch. Rena held it on her cut for a short time. When it came away, the bleeding had stopped, although the cut itself was red-rimmed and appalling to look at.

In the circle Aidan linked hands with Marthe and an orderly. Joa

"Hail the Jade Falcon as it swoops down on its prey!"

"Seyla," came the response of all.

The Clansmen in the circle, including the cadets, affirmed in the same ancient way each of her bellowed statements. They were all used to the ceremonial forms. Most of her words described the greatness of the Jade Falcon Clan. There were praises of heroism, war, the proper behavior of warriors, the values of all the Clans, the greatness of the Kerenskys. The ceremony lasted for more than an hour, at the end of which Joa

"Seyla," the circle breathed as one.

Then Joa

And again did they affirm, "Seyla." Several times more did Joa