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Aidan had wanted to ask her if she did not also feel disgust at the results of carnage. But even if he had been allowed to speak it would have been u



If Ellis could pull himself across the rim, Joa

After ordering the disposal of the body, Ter Roshak wheeled on Joa

"Falconer Joa

"I am a warrior," Joa

"It would have been dishonorable not to."

"There is no dishonor in mercy."

"You would have had me maim him, paralyze him, disable—"

"You know what I mean! We have had this out before. We are not fighting a war. We do not have to—"

"How dare you criticize me publicly, old man? Here, in front of them!"

She gestured toward the cadets, all of whom were lined up and watching so intently that they seemed partially to form a second outer rim to the Circle. Taking quick glances to both sides, Aidan thought he could see in the stances of his sibkin a definite split between supporting Joa

Ter Roshak's anger had grown, apparently due to Joa

"I can say anything I want to you, in public,Falconer Joa

"Sir, you claimto allow us freedom."

"Yes. I did not interfere in your battle with Ellis."

"You are not allowed to. You are not allowed to cross into the Circle during a dispute, unless invited."

Ter Roshak seemed momentarily disconcerted.

"Of course you are right," he finally said. "But it is a rule I would willingly break if it meant saving a life. If I had had any idea that you would—"

"What hypocrisy is this? You heard our bids. The battle was to the death, we both said it."

"But in an honor duel, that is figurative."

"Not in my understanding."

"Damn it, Joa

"That is a moral decision. By my morality, I had no choice. It is the way of the Clan. An honor duel must be fought by the arranged terms."

"It is not the way of the Clan to pursue personal vengeance."


"How dare you speak of personal vengeance? You, of all people? Did you not—"

Her words were stopped as Roshak hit her with the back of his false hand. The blow was hard and sent her reeling, a stream of blood coming out of the side of her mouth. She started to raise her hand, to touch the blood, then seemed to see that as a gesture of capitulation and dropped her hand abruptly. The blood reached the line of her chin and some drops fell onto her leather tunic.

For a moment, she stared at Ter Roshak, her body trembling with anger, then she composed herself and relaxed her body.

"Your orders, sir?"

"I would transfer you to another training unit, but we are already shorthanded. You are confined to your quarters until the start of the training day tomorrow. At that time, you will report to me."

"As you wish, sir."


Turning his back on the cadets, Ter Roshak loudly dismissed them. They returned to the barracks slowly, disconsolately, not speaking. In the barracks, the silence broke and most of them could not stop talking. Aidan did not join in but went to his cot instead. Looking at Marthe, his eyes invited her to join him. She shook her head no, with just the slightest, quickest movement.

Later, in the middle of the night, Aidan was summoned to the quarters of Falconer Joa

The entire night with Falconer Joa