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Myndo Waterly successfully hid her pleasure at the shocked expression on Huthrin Vandel's florid face. "Yes, Precentor Tharkad, I did say Luthien. Does that surprise you?" She looked at the other members of the First Circuit. "Did I not tell you that these Clansmen were bold?"
Gardner Riis, the platinum-haired Precentor from Rasalhague, looked over at Precentor Dieron, then back to the Primus. "Forgive me, Primus, but do we supply the requested information for the assault on the Draconis capital?"
Brushing her long hair back from her shoulders, Myndo strode down from her dais to stand directiy on the gold star set into the floor of the circular chamber. "Is there a reason we should not, Precentor Rasalhague? The projected date is more than six weeks off. That is more than enough time to obtain the information, is it not?"
Riis nodded, flinching uncomfortably from her attention. "Yes, Primus, but that battle is likely to be hard-fought. Theodore Kurita will never permit Luthien to fall. This could be the place where the Combine makes its final stand."
"And you see that as a problem?"
Huthrin Vandel had recovered his composure enough to intervene. "Primus, I believe my colleague fears ComStar's association with what could be a grave loss for the Smoke Jaguars and Nova Cats. If the Precentor Martial reads Clan politics correctly, we could be discredited along with the ilKhan. And should that occur, we would certainly lose our position as administrators on Clan-occupied worlds."
Myndo blithely ignored Vandel's protest and turned her attention to Sharilar Mori. "Precentor Dieron, what say you of the Combine's chances of successfully defending Luthien?"
"It is difficult to predict, Primus." Sharilar folded her arms and tucked her hands into the sleeves of her scarlet robe. "I believe Luthien is home to the First Sword of Light, the Otomo, the Second Legion of Vega, and both Genyosha Regiments. The Kanrei might also call in one or two of the Ghost regiments as reinforcements. It all depends, of course, on how much advance warning Theodore Kurita has and what are his current plans."
Ulthan Everson, Precentor from New Avalon, leaned forward on his crystalline podium. "That coincides with all reports I have seen concerning Luthien. I wonder, though, if Theodore mightn't also call in some of the Ryuken regiments. They are currently operating in the Pesht Military District."
Sharilar looked at the Primus. "If it would please you, Primus, we might use a projection map to clarify the situation." Myndo nodded and Sharilar commanded a map of the Combine from the computer. "As you can see, the line of conquest runs from Tamby on the Periphery on down toward Pesht. The Clans have not seen fit to enlighten us on why they do not sweep out in a push through the Draconis backwater. Nevertheless, I believe the Precentor Martial to be correct in pointing out that their current axis of attack makes for shorter lines of supply than if they tried to take everything at once."
She pointed at the world of Pesht. "The Ryuken are using Pesht as a base in preparation for a series of attacks against Clan-occupied worlds. This is a variation on the Davion strategy. Even if Theodore could recall these units to help defend Luthien, I do not think he would. Though an audacious warrior, he will continue with the attacks to the enemy's rear to distract them. Of course, he will bring in the Ryuken if the situation becomes grave."
Myndo flashed a smile at Riis and Vandel. "So you predict that the Clans could defeat Luthien?"
Precentor Dieron considered her reply just long enough to a
Myndo rewarded Sharilar's characteristic directness with a smile. "I think your prediction of serious fighting is accurate, Precentor Dieron. I also share your opinion of the outcome for the Clans. I see no risk in providing the Clans with the information they request."
Huthrin Vandel hissed like a cat. "Primus, now is a time for caution. Recall that the Free Worlds League has agreed to create 'Mechs and parts for both the Combine and the Federated Commonwealth. These reinforcements could make a big difference in how battles go."
"How good of you to remind me of trivial matters." Myndo slowly returned to her dais, proudly refusing to acknowledge that she was in retreat from Vandel's attack. "You know as well as I that Precentor Atreus is on his way to the planet Atreus to speak with Thomas Marik about just this matter. Thomas was once one of us. We can persuade him not to assist the forces of the I
"But the agreement has not yet been overturned, has it?" Vandel pressed his advantage. "Thomas has been quite independent since leaving ComStar and taking over as Captain-General of the League. I understand from Precentor New Avalon that Joshua is responding to treatment at the NAIS, though he is still quite ill. Do you think Thomas will renege on the deal while his son's life is at stake?"
Why have I tolerated you all these years?"I would remind you, Precentor Tharkad, that patience is a virtue at which ComStar excels. The 'Mechs Marik has agreed to turn over to Hanse Davion and Theodore Kurita would not come on line for a year or so anyway. That gives us ample time to formulate our own plans, including one that will lead to Thomas' replacement, if it comes to that."
Vandel shook his head. "Any such overt move would tip our hand and reveal that we are working with the Clans— which I do not think is a good idea."
"Your continual objections to our alliance have been scrupulously noted, though I acknowledge merit to your concern. That is why I ask you all to return to your stations for consultation with the leaders of the I
"What?" Gardner Riis blinked at Myndo. "If the Clans learn of this, they will destroy us!"
Myndo laughed lightly. "Someday, Precentor Rasalhague, you will learn that there are wheels within wheels. You will make those pronouncements to the leaders of the Successor States. We will check any information they pass through us for authenticity and then relay it to the Clans. You will also tell the Great House leaders that I, the Primus of ComStar, have gone out to meet with the Clans' ilKhan in hopes of working out a peaceful settlement of the conflict."
The only sound in the chamber came as Precentor New Avalon applauded the Primus. "This is masterful, Myndo. You should arrive at the Clans just in time to bring the ilKhan the news that Luthien has fallen."
"Precisely my intention." Myndo smiled coldly. "And when I return, I will bring with me the Clans' terms for the unconditional surrender of the rest of the I
Unity Palace, Imperial City, Luthien
Pesht Military District, Draconis Combine
22 November 3051
The funereal silence of the briefing room shared by Hohiro Kurita and his father shocked Shin Yodama. Finding himself neither noticed nor welcomed as he crossed the threshold, the yakuza MechWarrior knew how grave matters had become. Without speaking, he went to his customary position at Hohiro's left hand and punched his recognition code into the computer terminal.
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