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Staff Writer. A Museum of Prison Life(Eastern State Penitentiary)

The Philadelphia Inquirer, 1999

Sundstrom, Carl. Handwritten Summary of 1946 Escape Attempt, 1946

Surgeon General’s Office, War Department. A Report on Barracks and Hospitals with Descriptions of Military Posts.

Government Printing Office, 1870

Surgeon General’s Office, War Department. Hygiene of the United States Army, with Descriptions of Military Reports.

Government Printing Office, 1875


Chicago Daily News

Dallas Times Herald

Houston Chronicle

Los Angeles Mirror

Los Angeles Times

Oakland Tribune

San Francisco Call Bulletin

San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Examiner

USA Today


Allsop, Ke

New York: Arlington House, 1968

Audett, Blackie. Rap Sheet

New York: Williams Sloan and Co., 1954

Babyak, Jolene. Birdman – The Many Faces of Robert Stroud

California: Ariel Vamp Press, 1994

Babyak, Jolene. Breaking the Rock – The Great Escape from Alcatraz

California: Ariel Vamp Press, 2001

Babyak, Jolene. Eyewitness on Alcatraz

California: Ariel Vamp Press, 1988

Barnes, Bruce. Machine Gun Kelly: To Right A Wrong. A Factual Account of Machine Gun Kelley's Life.

California. Tipper Publications, 1991

Barter, James. Alcatraz(Building History Series)

California: Lucent Books, 2000

Bates, Sanford. Prisons and Beyond

Macmillan, 1938.

Beacher, Milton D. (edited by Dia

New Jersey: Pelican Island Publishing, 2001

Bean, Walton E . California – An Interpretive History

McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973


New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970

Bergreen, Laurence. Capone – The Man and the Era

New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994

Beyeler, Ed & Lamb, Susan. Alcatraz – The Rock

Arizona: Northland Press, 1988

Bruce, J. Campbell. A Farewell to the Rock: Escape from Alcatraz.

New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963

Cameron, Robert. Alcatraz – A Visual Essay

California: Cameron & Company, 1974, 1983, 1987

Chandler, Roy F. and Chandler, E.F. Alcatraz – The Hardest Years 1934-1938

Iron Brigade Publishing, 1989

Clauss, Franc... J. Alcatraz – Island of Many Mistakes

California: Briarcliff Press, Inc., 1981

Costanso, Miguel. The Narrative of the Portola Expedition of 1769-1770

California: University of California; Berkeley; 1910

Cowdery, Ray R. Capone’s Chicago

South Dakota: NorthStar Maschek Books, 1987

Delgado, James P. Alcatraz - Island of Change

California: Golden Gate National Park Association, 1991

Delgado, James P. Alcatraz Island - The Story Behind the Scenery.

Nevada: KC Publications, 1985

DeNevi, Don and Bergen, Philip R.. Alcatraz ’46: The Anatomy of a Classic Prison Tragedy. California: Leswing Press, 1977

DeNevi, Don. Riddle of the Rock. The Only Successful Escape from Alcatraz.

New York: Prometheus Books, 1991

Dowswell, Paul. Tales of Real Escapes

New York: Scholastic, 1995

Duffy, Clinton. The San Quentin Story

New York: Doubleday, 1950

Dunbar, Richard. Alcatraz.

California: Smith Novelty Company, 1999

Eagle, Adam F. Alcatraz! Alcatraz! The Indian Occupation of 1969-1971

Berkeley, CA,... S.A.: Heyday Books, 1992

Earle, Alice Morse, Curious Punishments of Bygone Days

Public Domain Archive, 1896 (used extensive quotes from the Pillory reference)

Eldredge, Zoeth S. The March of Portola' and the Discovery of the Bay of San Francisco/ Includes Log Of The San Carlos & Other Original Documents. Transcribed and A

California: CA Promotion Committee 1909

Freedman, Marlene. Alcatraz “No Good for Nobody”

California: Smith Novelty Company, 1974

Friedman, Lawrence Meir. Crime and Punishment in American History

New York: Basic Books, 1993

Fuller, James, and Yumi, Gay. Alcatraz: Federal Penitentiary, 1934-1963

California: Asteron Productions, 1985

Gaddis, Thomas E. Birdman of Alcatraz, The Story of Robert Stroud

New York: Random House, 1955

Gaddis, Thomas E. Unknown Men Of Alcatraz

Oregon: New Gate Publishing Company, 1977

George, Linda . Alcatraz(Cornerstones of Freedom Series)


Godwin, John. Alcatraz 1868-1963

New York: Pocket Books, Inc. 1964

Gordon, Dan. Murder In The First (The Story of Henri Young)

New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995

Gregory, George H. Alcatraz Screw: My Years as a Guard in America’s Most Notorious Prison

Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 2002

Gudde, Erwin G. California Place Names / The Origin And Etymology Of Current Geographical Names

California: University of California; Berkeley Press; 1960/1962

Hart, Eugene R. A Guide to the California Gold Rush

California: Freewheel, 1993

Heaney, Frank & Machado, Gay. Inside the Walls of Alcatraz

California: Bull Publishing, 1987

Howard Clark . Six Against the Rock

New York: The Dial Press, 1977

Hurley, Donald J. Alcatraz Island: Maximum Security

California: Fog Bell Enterprises, 1989

Hurley, Donald. Alcatraz Island Memories

California: Fog Bell Enterprises, 1987

Johnston, James A. Alcatraz Prison and the Men Who Live There.

New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1949

Johnston, James A. Prison Life is Different.

Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1937

Karpis, Alvin as told to Robert Livesey. On the Rock: Twenty-five Years in Alcatraz

New York and Toronto: Beaufort, 1980

Kemble, John Haskle. San Francisco Bay – A Pictorial Maritime History

New York: Bonanza Books, 1957

Kirkpatrick, Ernest E. Voices of Alcatraz

Texas: The Naylor Company, 1947

Kobler, John. Capone: The Life and World of Al Capone

New York: Fawcett Crest, 1972

Lageson, Ernest B. Alcatraz Justice – The Rock’s Famous Murder Trial

California: Creative Arts Book Company, 2002

Lageson, Ernest B. Battle at Alcatraz, A Desperate Attempt to Escape the Rock

Omaha, NE: Addicus Books, 1999

Landesco, John. Organized Crime in Chicago

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968

Martini, John A. Alcatraz at War

California: Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco, 2002

Martini, John A. Fortress Alcatraz – Guardian of the Golden Gate

Hawaii: Pacific Monograph, 1990

May, Antoinette. Haunted Houses of California

California: Wide World Publishing, 1990, 1993

Murray, George. The Legacy of Al Capone: Portraits and A

New York: Putnam, 1975

Needham, Ted, & Needham, Howard. Alcatraz.

California: Celestial Arts, 1976

Ness, Eliot. The Untouchables

New York: Messner, 1957

Nichols, Nancy A

California: San Quentin Museum Press, 1991

Odier, Pierre. Rock: A History Of Alcatraz The Fort/The Prison

California: L'Image Odier, 1982

Presnall, Judith Janda. Life on Alcatraz (The Way People Live Series)