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21. WORK. You are required to work at whatever you are told to do. Usually your first assignment will be to temporary maintenance jobs around the cellhouse. Other maintenance jobs include the Culinary Unit, the Clothing and Bath Room, the Library, and the Yard Detail. By doing good work on your maintenance assignment you earn Statutory Good Time. You may also qualify for additional Meritorious Good Time and/or pay, if your work and behavior are outstandingly good and are of outstanding value to the Institution. If you make a better than average work and conduct record while on your maintenance job, you may be considered for an assignment to a Federal Prison Industry Shop where you may earn Industrial Good Time and pay in addition to your Statutory Good Time.

22. LOAFING, LOITERING, VISITING, OR UNAUTHORIZED ABSENCE FROM WORK will result in disciplinary action, and may result in loss of your job, and withholding of, or forfeiture of, good time.

23. YOUR CONSTRUCTIVE SUGGESTIONS OR LEGITIMATE COMPLAINTS if made by you to the proper Officials, will receive careful consideration. However, if you make groundless complaints for the purpose of creating dis-satisfaction and/or stirring up trouble; or if you agitate' or rib' yourself or others into trouble, you will be subject to disciplinary action.

24. INTERVIEW REQUEST SLIPS may be obtained from the Cellhouse Officer. When you wish to ask an Official for information, for an interview to request some service or when you want to make a constructive suggestion or a legitimate complaint—use an interview slip. Instructions are printed on the slips.

25. MONEY. You are not allowed to have money of any kind in your possession while in this institution. Use of cigarettes or other items as jail money' is forbidden. Your earnings and whatever funds you brought with you, or which may be sent to you by approved correspondents, will be kept on deposit for you in the Prisoner's Trust Fund.

26. PRISONER'S TRUST FUND is operated like a savings account in a bank, except that it does not draw interest. With the approval of the Associate Warden, you may authorize the withdrawal of funds from your account for legitimate purposes such as the payment of attorney's fees and/or purchase of text books and educational materials. You are required to save a part of what you earn, and may contribute part of your earnings to dependents.

27. THE PRISONER'S MAIL BOX in each Institution is designed to provide any inmate an opportunity to write directly, without inspection by institutional authorities, to the Director of the Bureau of Prisons, the Attorney General, the Parole Board, the Surgeon General, Federal Judges, Department of Justice Officials, and in the case of military prisoners to the Secretary of War or Navy, or the Judge Advocate General, or the Adjutant General, regarding any matter of importance to the individual, to the inmate group as a whole, or any matter of importance affecting the institution and its perso


7:00 A.M. Weekdays. . .7:15 A.M. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays:

Morning wake-up bell. See Section 30 for instructions in making bed, policing cell, etc.

7:20 A.M. Weekdays. . .7:50 A.M. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays:

Count Bell. Stand up by your cell door, facing out, remain there until the bell signal sounds again, indicating the count is correct. Absolute silence must prevail during all counts.

7:30 A.M. Weekdays. . .7:50 A.M. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays:

Breakfast. When your door opens come out promptly and proceed in single file to the Dining Room in a quiet orderly ma

The Officer at the tray-dispenser cart will direct you to file past the steam table to the right or left, as he sees fit, to balance the lines. You must follow his instructions without question. See Section #33 for other Dining Room Rules.

Upon returning to your cell after breakfast, tidy up your cell, placing all trash in your wastebasket. Place this basket outside the cell door at the first opportunity so that orderlies may empty it. If you leave the building for work or recreational activity, put on appropriate clothing. Caps are not worn inside the cellhouse at any time.

8:00 A.M. Weekdays: Outside Work Call. Industries and other outside details will proceed in single file through the rear cellhouse door to the yard.

In rainy weather, all outside workers are called out by details. Remain in your cell until your detail is called, then proceed promptly to the West End of the cellhouse. Your detail officer will escort you as quickly as possible to your place of work.

In fair weather, or when it is not raining too hard, details will remain on the Yard until the Lieutenant gives the signal to line up. You will have a few minutes to smoke and converse. When the line-up bell rings, move promptly to your proper place in your detail and face the South wall. Smoking is not permitted between the Yard and your place of work. Your detail officer will give the signal to proceed through the rear gate to the Work Area. Move in single file.

Laundry workers will turn right at the ramp and enter the Laundry. Gardeners and incinerator operator will wait at the Garden Area Gate. If you work in a lower-level shop or outside, proceed to the lower level and stop at the designated lines. Form a column of Twos and await the signal from your detail Officer to proceed.

When you reach your place of work, change in to your work clothes and go about your work as directed by your detail Officer or Foreman.

Smoking is permitted in the shops except where there is some hazardous condition. Smoking is a privilege. Be very careful about putting matches and butts in the butt-cans.

8:25 A.M. Count Bell on Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays.

8:30 A.M. Saturdays—Main Line Bath. (See Section #29)

9:25 A.M. Saturdays—Count Bell.

9:30 A.M. Saturdays—Yard. (See Sections #37 & #42)

8:30 A.M. Sundays—Religious Services. (See Sections #40 & #48)

8:40 A.M. Sundays—Yard.

8:30 A.M. Holidays—Yard.

8:40 A.M. Weekdays: Inside details will proceed directly and quietly to their places of work. They will confine their activities strictly to their assigned duties and upon satisfactory completion of these duties will return directly and quietly to their cells.

Culinary Detail inmates have a special schedule of work and recreation hours.

11:35 A.M. Weekdays: Outside details will stop work, check in tools, wash, change clothing and prepare for return to the cellhouse.

11:45 A.M. Weekdays: Outside details leave shops on signal and proceed in column of twos to the cellhouse. Do not carry on loud and boisterous conversations. Do not jostle or indulge in horseplay with others.


11:50 A.M. Weekdays: COUNT BELL.

12:00 Noon. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays—Return to cellhouse from recreation Yard. Line up in Yard according to cell block and gallery area and proceed to the cellhouse on signal.

12:00 Noon. Weekdays: Di

12:10 P.M. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: COUNT BELL.

12:15 P.M. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: Di

12:30 P.M. COUNT BELL.

12:35 P.M. SICK CALL. See Section #36.

INTERVIEWS: You will be notified if you are scheduled for an interview with any Official. See Section #24.

1:00 P.M. Weekdays: Outside Work Call. Same as A.M. Routine.