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What?” said Janson. Now he was the one surprised. “What do you mean?”

“I’m thinking of going back to serving my country.”

“And kiss good-bye flying First Class in six-thousand-dollar suits?”

“That’s just stuff. I don’t care about stuff. I never have— Don’t get me wrong; I love my ‘superchair.’ ” He patted the wheelchair’s controls-studded arms with deep affection. “You have no idea what it means to bop around so freely when you can’t. But I’ll bet the Phoenix Foundation would keep me in wheelchairs if I weren’t earning ASC bucks.”

Janson nodded. “Count on it. Are you seriously considering leaving ASC?”


“Mind me asking how long you’ve been thinking about it?”

“Never considered it until ten minutes ago.”


“It’s a new world, like Helms said. But not one I particularly like. Our government, most governments, at least the democratic governments, are completely distracted by their new main job—propping up collapsing economies. They’ll be coping with going broke for decades. That leaves a huge power vacuum. Global corporations are jumping in with all four feet.”

“We’ve seen this building,” said Janson.

“Yeah, but you and I came up in simpler times. Rogue government agencies were our villains. Bureaucrats with agendas using us like tin soldiers. Now governments are fading. The shift of wealth in our country from ordinary folks to rich people—and internationally from us to China—puts the globals in the driver’s seat. I see a world coming real soon where rogue corporations are more dangerous than rogue government agencies.”

Janson nodded, silently pondering a far more sinister threat: How long before rogue global corporations partnered with rogue government agencies? How long before a covert agency helped a global corporation hire mercenaries like Securité Referral to dispatch a Harrier jump jet? How long before ASC and Cons Ops swung a deal to call in a Reaper drone missile attack? If they hadn’t already.

“Why don’t we go next door?”

“What’s next door?” asked Case.

“The Tanglin Club. We can get a better lunch than here, talk about your plans.”

It was a short walk in the Singapore heat, but even Doug riding his electric chair was perspiring when they reached the cool sanctuary of the Tanglin’s lobby.

“Fancy or pub?” asked Janson.

Case peered longingly into the formal Churchill Room with its plush banquettes and tables set with linen, silver, and crystal. “Pub. Something tells me I better get used to scaling down.”

Janson led the way to the Tavern Bar.

Dark beams, framed prints of dogs and horses, foxhunt horns hanging from the ceiling, and a crowded bar of dedicated drinkers all spoke “England.” Janson chose a table near the buffet. Chinese waiters and Malay busboys whisked away a captain’s chair to make room for Case. Janson sat diagonally from him so they could speak quietly. Case looked around at the men and women arriving for lunch while Janson ordered beers.

“Heck of an ethnic mix. Like a Singapore remake of a Hollywood World War Two bomber crew.”

“Old Singapore saying: Money doesn’t hate.”

“Money for sure. These folks look like they own the city. How’d you wangle a membership?”

“A friend put me up.… I have to tell you, Doug, your ‘global corporation as buccaneer’ is very troubling.”

Case laughed. He seemed to be pulling back from their earlier intimacy and Janson regretted the change of venue. He had thought that Case would unburden himself more over lunch; now Janson realized he should have kept pressing him when he was in the mood at the American Club. He had to work him back to that mood.

“What’s fu

“You’re one yourself,” said Case.

“One what?”

“A rogue. Aren’t you bypassing governments with your Phoenix Foundation? Or do ‘Janson Rules’ give you a pass.”

“They give me a clear eye.”

“Yeah, right. But I find as I get older I’m less clear about so much. Then something like this comes along and I don’t know what the hell to do.”

“Like what comes along? Global buccaneers pushing government out of their way?”

The laughter left Case’s face. He nodded grimly. “If it’s true that ASC killed its own people to keep the reserve discovery secret until the war was resolved, then they’re already doing it.”

Janson nodded back. “If true, then we were both used.”

“Don’t I know it. They used me to use you to rescue the doctor so someone else could kill him.”

“Who would that someone be?”

“How would I know?”

“You’re ASC security chief.”

Doug Case said, “Hiring killers isn’t part of my job description.” He shrugged, adding, “At least not yet. If they hired killers, then there must be someone else in the corporation doing that—an unofficial security guy I never met. ’Cause I sure as hell didn’t hire any assassins.”

“Who would they hire?”

“The world is full of reliable killers.”

Janson asked the big question and watched Doug’s reaction: “Do you know people at Securité Referral?”

“No. What’s that?”

“Outfit I ran into.”

Case looked at Janson expectantly. But it was clear that Janson did not regard this lunch as a mutual intelligence-sharing event. “Care to fill me in on them?”

“Not today.”

Case shrugged, again. “Anyway, this kind of stuff has me thinking it’s time for me to make a move.”

“Worth thinking about,” Janson agreed.

“I’ve thought about it.” He looked around. Then he placed his hand emphatically on the wooden tabletop. “I’m leaving the fuckers.”

Janson seized the opening: “Why not hang with them for a while?”

“What the fuck for? These bastards are perverting my world— You know, for the first time I sort of get what you must have felt when you started Phoenix.”

“It’s a big move you’re talking about. A complete life changer.”

“Maybe I can’t change the whole world, but I can try and fix my world.”

“Figuring out whereto go will take some time. Then we’ll have to put out feelers for a new job. Until you find out whereyou want to serve why don’t you hang with ASC for a while longer?”

“And do what?”

“Keep an eye on things.”

Doug Case gave Paul Janson a look that mingled astonished disbelief with deep admiration. “Work for you?”

“You’d be your own boss. Just stay in touch.”

“You’re asking me to be your mole inside ASC.”


Stay in touch.”

“Got a number I can call?”

“Quintisha Upchurch will patch you through.”

“Wait a minute. Let’s be clear. Information mole? Or active mole? Do you want me to spy? Or do you want me to do stuff?”

Janson said, “No offense, but considering how they’ve kept you out of the loops, you’d have to be pretty damned active to come up with anything spectacular.”

“What’s your idea of spectacular?”

“Did you send the Reapers that defeated Iboga’s tank attack?”

“Paul, I am not that high up the food chain.”

“Who at ASC is? Helms?”

“I don’t know.”

“The Buddha?”

“Could be.”

“Can you find out?”

“What makes you think I haven’t been trying to? It’s a huge question. But I’m no closer than when I started asking.”

“You know how to get ahold of me.”

“Paul, what are you up to?”

Paul Janson stood up from the table. “I already signed for lunch. There’s great Asian dishes at the buffet. Can you get back to the American Club on your own?”

“I got to Singapore from Houston on my own. I think I can make it back to the American Club. Where are you going?”


* * *

JANSON SPENT THE rest of the day on the telephone in his room upstairs at the Tanglin.

Late in the evening he went out to the airport and boarded the overnight Singapore Airlines flight to London, arriving at six o’clock in the morning Greenwich Mean Time. He passed through Immigration and Customs on his own passport and wandered Terminal 5 until he was sure he had not been followed. Suddenly he plunged into the long tu