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Senior Adept Larabee studied one of the memory cores. "And these will hold the data from the Star League library. Precentor? It seems more like magic than science."

"Remember, my son, that it is the Order's duty to preserve the Old Knowledge. A Dark Night is coming, and the end of civilization as we know it. Knowledge such as that stored in the League library will be the door to the New Day."

"I understand that, Precentor but I don't understand why we have to destroy it."

Rachan looked past the Adept at the gently rolling prairie unfolding around them as they hurtled south. "Duty is difficult in the best of times, Adept Larabee. Remember, the secret that I have shared with you is one that you six must take to your graves. Those not of the Order . . . even most of those withinthe Order, would not understand what I told you this morning.

"The Divine Blake saw that knowledge—and the communications network that made dissemination of that knowledge possible—would one day be the key to the Order's ultimate triumph. It is our duty to preserve knowledge, the Old Knowledge, from sources such as this League library, against the day when the Order will usher in a new dawn of civilization and prosperity. But it is also our duty to prevent such knowledge from falling into . . . unsanctified hands." He touched the memory core lightly with his fingertips. "With this, we can transfer the Star League data from the library hidden beneath the mountain. When the transfer is complete, we will destroy the library completely."

The Adept still looked uncertain, and Rachan smiled at him. "Believe me, my son. We would not be doing the rest of Mankind any favors by allowing the information contained in that library to fall into their undiscerning hands! It would only prolong the agony. In our hands, however, the Old Knowledge will be safe."

"I don't doubt you, Precentor. I was just wondering whether ... we are even worthy of such a trust. Such knowledge could so easily be twisted to evil!"

"In that, my son, you must have faith in your superiors." And I,he thought to himself, have faith that all of your wonderings will soon be at an end. Just as soon as you have helped me accomplish what must be done!

* * *

It was sunset by the time the Gray Death Legion emerged into daylight again. One of the passageways marked on the computer map, now transferred to a hardcopy printout in Grayson's hand, had led them to a sealed tu

They had found the Star League cache under the west face of the mountain. It had been filled with silent rows of Star League BattleMechs standing rank upon rank upon metal rank within the support structures of their gantries. There were arms and ammunition, supplies of missiles, and League-issue sca

"Grayson!" Lori's Mech-amplified voice boomed down at him from her Shadow Hawk,from where she stood at the portal fifty meters away. "The Phoboshas made contact! They're free, and on their way in!"

Grayson whooped and sprinted for his Marauder,which stood where a Tech had parked it. As fast as his legs and arms could take him, he swarmed up the ladder and settled himself in the cockpit seat, then began to twist at the dials that would tune into the Phobos'sfrequency.

"They're encamped on the east side of the mountains, Lori," Martinez's voice was saying as Grayson opened the cha

"Use!" Grayson said. "This is Carlyle! It's good to hear you!"

"And it's very good to be heard, Captain! I just told your Exec, we'll be grounding in another five minutes.”

“Good! You have coordinates?"

"That's affirmative. We'll set down on the plain below your west door."

"Use was telling me that Ricol didn't show, Grayson," Lori added. "It was Dulaney's troops alone that freed both DropShips. It looks like Ricol wasn't on our side after all!"

"I . . . see."

This added new complications. Ricol's DropShips would be dropping in at midday tomorrow. Had Ricol deliberately attempted to sabotage Grayson's attempt to free the Deimosand the Phobos!

Grayson realized in that moment that the old hatred for Ricol was truly gone. "I'll want to talk to Ricol before I believe that, Lori. There could be another explanation. For now, we assume that we bring Ricol's DropShips in tomorrow, as pla

"You might not get a chance, Colonel," Martinez said. There was a thin, high thunder audible through the hull of Grayson's Marauder.He leaned forward, peering through the 'Mech's forward port, and was rewarded by the glitter of golden sunlight on the hulls of the two DropShips gleaming at high altitude. "I was just telling Lori, it looks like you have company. There's one hell of a big army sitting on the east side of the mountains."

"Are they moving?"

"Looks to me like they may be setting up camp. You'll have to analyze the photos we took, but I count between twenty-five and twenty-eight BattleMechs over there, plus many vehicles and men."

"If they're camping, they must be pla

Martinez's voice was clearer now as the two DropShips grew larger in the sky. Grayson could make out the pulsing flicker of their main drives now.

"That's my thought, Colonel, but it still doesn't help much. A BattleMech could cross any of those passes inside of an hour or two. If they set out at first light, they'll be on us long before your Kurita friends get here."

The tongues of flame lapping beneath the two Drop-Ships were longer now, and much brighter, as their pilots increased power to slow the nuclear-fusion craft to gentle landings side by side on the Vermillion Plain.

"Maybe not," Grayson said. "I think I have an idea or two to slow them down just a bit."


Grayson refolded the map printout, spreading the central portion flat on a convenient rock so that all of them could see. The Nagayan Mountains rose around them, their glacial peaks tinged with the first rays of the new day's light. The sky overhead was the deep, royal blue of evening, with the brightest stars still visible in the morning sky. In the shadowed valley where they had gathered, there was barely enough light yet to see.