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"Yes, Lord, but the north end of that lake spills out in a series of waterfalls that drop a hundred meters or more into the Grimheld sea. Also, the lake itself receives a seasonal waterfall of considerable power that is just about to begin at this season. There will be no escape for them in THAT direction."

"Hmm... good... good." The Duke swung back to face his subordinate, his hand scratching at the base of his heavy black beard. "I want those rebels, Singh. Dead or alive, I want them."

"Are they really so important, Lord?"

"One of them is. This Commonwealther you've told me about, young Carlyle. If he were to survive, to get off planet, he might piece together enough of what has happened here. He could turn the Commonwealth's eyes toward Trellwan again, bring a relief fleet before we were ready to meet them. Singh, think of it! A sweep in on Tharkad from a base deep within their own Periphery that they don't even yet suspect. Complete surprise!

"If Carlyle warns them, our advantage is lost, and we are reduced to defending an otherwise insignificant ball of rock blessed with unusually wretched weather, and for no good purpose at all. This world is useless as a base without the advantage of surprise!"

"Yes, my Lord."

Ricol turned back to the map and studied it for several moments. "You have helicopters?"

"I do, my Lord. Four are down for repairs, but there are a pair of Warrior H-7attack ships, and a KarnavUR transport. We have been using them for reco

"I can contribute two more Warriors.Not enough for that jagged wilderness, but they will have to do." He pointed to the mountains north of Mount Gayal, then to the plains and mountain foothills to the east. "I want these areas patrolled, starting at once. Something as large as three BattleMechs should be easy enough to spot even in rugged terrain, and they MUST be there. There is no other intelligent choice for them. When we find them, we'll flush them out with two or three 'Mech Lances. We'll take them wherever they hide. And Carlyle will die."

"Yes, my Lord."

"See to it Singh. I have work to do."

Singh saluted, fist raised to heart, then snapped it up and out, stiff-fingered. Ricol turned his attention to a small computer screen on his desk.

Carlyle was an unexpected complication in the Plan, but it was such complications that added spice to the Great Hunt. Perhaps the Red Hunter himself would lead the ground pursuit of these rebels. It had been too long since he had personally taken the con of a 'Mech in battle. The thought stirred Ricol's blood, and brought a dark smile to his bearded face.


As the Locustproceeded up the rambling eastern slopes of Mount Gayal, the ground became progressively rockier and more broken. Trellwan's fierce, week-long storms had gouged out deep gullies that twisted and wound down the mountainsides. It was still dark, but the eastern sky showed a hint of pearl gray along the horizon, marking the begi

Inside the Locust,it was hot and growing hotter. Lori had boosted the power output of the 'Mech's reactor as the terrain grew steeper, and the heat sinks were struggling to keep up with the system's waste heat Grayson had propped open both the i

It was hard not to notice how attractive she was, even in the heat of that cramped cockpit.

Lori turned her head and caught Grayson's gaze. "Forget it, Lieutenant," she said. She sounded tired. "I'm not interested."

"Neither am I, Sergeant. Neither am I. Just drive, huh?"

Grayson thought he detected a flash of hurt in Lori's eyes before she turned back to face the IR imaging screen. The Locustcontinued climbing, its broad, flanged feet making their way on the treacherous ground using Lori's own sense of balance.

A warning light flashed on the console.

"Aircraft," Lori said. "Coming in from the south... low and fast"

"O.K. We make like a rock." He reached behind him and pulled the hatch shut cutting off the trace of cold air seeping in from outside. "Shut down the sinks."

The Locusthunkered down, its back-canted legs folding under to lower the cockpit to within a few meters of the ground. As they sank to earth, the surrounding boulders seemed to rise from the ground all around them, sheltering them. With the heat sinks closed off, the 'Mech was no longer dumping excess heat into the cold atmosphere. Its hull would still be hotter than the surrounding boulders and detectable on an infra-red sca

They waited. Though the Locustwas no longer moving, the power plant was still ru

"Do you want me to take the controls awhile, Sergeant?" Despite himself, he whispered. There was no way that helicopter could detect their voices, but the sense of an enemy very close, listening, was hard to fight.

She shook her head. "No. I'd rather... be DOING something. Anything."

He nodded, and sagged against the support of an overhead handhold. If only there were room in the cramped, space for him to sit down, too...

The imager revealed the aircraft —, a lean, streamlined Warriorhelicopter. Grayson could make out the missile pods extended from the craft's flanks. It passed them, hugging the terrain as it moved up the flank of the mountain two kilometers to the east of their hiding place.

"Didn't see us," Lori said u

"Give it a moment. It was moving too fast to have a ground party following, but there might be a second aircraft"

Fortunately for Lori and Grayson, there was not After a small eternity of sweltering stillness, she opened wide the Mech's heat dumps, and the machine levered to its feet and resumed its climb.

To the north, a narrow ridge spur co

They paused there while Grayson used the 'Mech's telephoto starlight optical sca