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“Do not,” Cefwyn said, “ever confess to any man what you have just told me.”

“Yes, sir.”

They rode in silence a time. “I have never lied to you,” Cefwyn said at last, and quietly. “At least that I can recall. —Do you know who I am, Tristen? Do you really understand?”

“You are the King’s son,” Tristen said, looking at him, “of Ylesuin.”

“Of Inéreddrin, King of Ylesuin, son, yes, his heir; and of Amefel, by His Majesty’s grace, his viceroy in Henas’amef and over Amefel and its uneasy borders.” Cefwyn looked down his nose at him, a narrow stare.

“Most men—and women, oh, especially the women—have ambitions to share that grace. I have a vast multitude of devoted followers, and from none but a handful of my guard would I take untasted wine. What say you, Tristen?”

“Of untasted wine?”

“Poison. Poison, man. Poison in the cup, a knife in the dark. I defend this cursed tedious border against old resentments, and the Amefin, in particular those Amefin who are opposed to the Aswyddim on account of their burdensome taxes, would prefer another heir, since me they ca

“I find it kind,” Tristen said, “mostly.”

“You are quite mad, you know.”

“Most have been kind to me.”

“Mad, I say.”

“I think I am not, sir, please you.”

Cefwyn’s hand moved to a medallion he had at his throat, like Emuin’s. “Do you not suffer midnight impulses to revenge? Do you not resent what certain folk did to you? Do you not think remotely of serving them in kind?”  “Who, sir?”

“A man has a right—” Cefwyn’s words tumbled one over the other in a passion and fell to a halt.  “Sir?”

“Don’t look at me like that! I am not Emuin. Don’t look to me for answers, damn you, don’t you dare look to me for answers! I’m no arbiter of virtue! You’ll not trap me in that!”

“Emuin said you were a good man. But he said not to copy what you  did.”

Cefwyn’s mouth opened. And shut. Cefwyn stared at him.

“I ought not to have said that,” Tristen said. “Ought I?”

“Gods. You will terrify the court.”

He was terrified, too. And lost. Cefwyn used words very cleverly, very quickly turning them from the course Tristen thought they would take.

“Or is such your humor?” Cefwyn asked.

“What, sir?”

“Cry you mercy, Tristen. I have never met an honest man.”

“You confuse me,” Tristen said. He felt cold, despite the sun. “I don’t understand, sir, I fear I don’t.”

“I don’t ask that you understand,” Cefwyn said, “only so you don’t ask too much of me. Emuin did tell you the truth.”

The sun climbed the sky, and far past the view of the town, even beyond the reach of the fields, they took a westward road that ran up among low hills. The guard had long since swept them up again within their ranks and Idrys rode with a small number out to the fore, sometimes entirely out of sight as the road bent back and forth.

But it seemed the land declined, then, and in very little time the hills gave way to meadow, where a breeze that had made the day a little chill grew warmer and stronger, and lifted the ba

They kept a moderate pace over an hour or so, between pausing to rest the horses. One such rest, as the sun passed its zenith had bees buzzing about a stand of white and pink flowers, and the horses cropping grass and the blooms of meadow thistles. Their company disposed themselves on a grassy slope and shared out a portion of the food they had brought.

It was wonderful, in Tristen’s mind: he sat on the grass next to Cefwyn and Idrys and Uwen, and felt a pleasant camaraderie with these rough soldiers—a joking exchange which Cefwyn and all the rest seemed to find easy, and in which the respect men had to pay Cefwyn seemed quickly to fall by the wayside. There was laughter, there was nudging of elbows at what might be cruel remarks, but the object of them rolled right off a stone, feigning mortal injury, and got up again laughing. Tristen was entranced, thinking through the way these men joked with one another, laughter a little cruel, but not wicked: he understood enough of their game to see where it was going, involving a flask that emptied before its owner regained it; there was mock battle, the man laughed, and Tristen thought that if he were so approached, he could laugh, too. It was good not to be on the outside watching from a distance, and Cefwyn laughed—even Idrys looked amused.

It was good not to be protected into safe silence. He wished the men would play jokes on him. He had not understood jokes before, not this sort. Mauryl had had little laughter in him.

But he saw Cefwyn easier, saw Uwen gri

Afterward, though, when they were mounting up again, Cefwyn said they should go warily, and Uwen said he should stay close, that thereafter they were crossing through more chancy territory. There was a woods ahead, which the King’s men had wanted to cut down, but Heryn Lord Aswydd, as Tristen gathered Uwen meant by naming the Duke of Amefel, had lodged strong protest, because of the hunting and because of the woodcutters of Emwy village and others, and had undertaken to keep the law there himself.

“So,” Tristen said, “can the Duke of Amefel not find the sheep?”

And Idrys said, “Well asked.”

Cefwyn, however, looked not at all happy with the question, so he guessed he had wandered into a matter of contention between them, and he was well aware that Idrys had begged Cefwyn to choose some other direction.

But Cefwyn, unlike boys growing up with wizards, was a prince and did what he pleased, when he pleased, and what he pleased was to ride in this direction. So Tristen thought, and began to worry-    Still the soldiers seemed to take the news of their direction as a matter of course, and Idrys had almost laughed at noon. It seemed, at least, the men felt confident of accomplishing what Cefwyn wished at Emwy village, whether that was finding lost sheep, or Elwynim, or outlaws.

He thought about it as they rode, and patted Gery’s neck and wondered if the horses thought at all about danger: it seemed to him, one of those things he knew along with riding, that he might rely on Gery’s sense of things, and on all the horses to be on the watch for danger of a sort horses understood.

In late afternoon they had woods in sight on their left hand, and the land grew rougher, less of meadows and more of stony heights, on which forest grew.

They traveled until forest stretched across their path. The woods was not Marna, Tristen judged: it was green. But it was very likely part of that forest that lay on Amefel’s side of the Lenfialim, a thick and deep looking forest all the same, reminding him of hunger and long walking.

The men talked about the river lying close.

“Is it the Lenfialim?” he asked Uwen.

“Aye,” Uwen said. “And Emwys-brook. And Lewen-brook’s not far.

Not a good place we’ve brushed by, the last hour and more, m’lord.”

“Because of the woods? Or because of the Elwynim?”