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The last to enter was Rich Plock, accompanied by three people Esteban didn't know. Plock took up a position at the far end of the room, clasped arms disguising the gravid — like swell of a paunch beneath the ill — fitting suit, his red face sweating behind aviator glasses. He immediately launched into a speech in his high, self — important voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the board, I am delighted to present to you three very distinguished guests. Miles Mondello, president of The Green Brigade; Lucinda Long — Pierson, chairwoman of Vegan Army; and Morris Wyland, director of Animal Amnesty."

The three stood there, looking to Esteban as if they were straight out of central casting. Rabid idealists, desperate for a cause, completely clueless.

"These three organizations are co — sponsoring tonight's demonstration, along with HOA. Let us welcome them to our meeting."


"Please, everyone sit down. This special session of the HOA board is hereby convened."

A shuffling of papers, many sips of coffee, pencils and legal pads and laptops brought out. There was a call for a quorum. Esteban waited through it all.

"There is one and only one item on the agenda: the protest march this evening. In addition to the founding organizations, we have twenty — one other groups on board. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, you heard me: twenty — one more! " Plock beamed and looked around. "The reaction's been unbelievable. We're expecting maybe three thousand people — but I'm continuing to interface with other interested organizations and there may be more. Many more." He shuffled a stack of papers out of a folder and began passing them around. "Here are the details. The small diversionary group will convene at the baseball diamonds. Other groups — all listed on the sheet — will gather at the soccer field, the park alongside West Two Hundred Eighteenth Street, along the promenade by the mudflats, and several other nearby locations. As you know, I've secured a permit. We wouldn't be let near the Ville otherwise."

A murmur, nods.

"But of course the city authorities have no idea — no idea — just how big a group is going to be assembling uptown. I've made sure of that."

Some knowing chuckles.

"Because, ladies and gentlemen, this is an emergency! These sick, depraved people, squatters in our city, aren't just killing animals, but they're obviously behind the brutal murder of Martin Wartek. They're responsible for the murder of two reporters, Smithback and Kidd, and the kidnapping of Smithback's wife. What's the city doing? Nothing.Absolutely nothing! It's up to us to act. So we're going in tonight at six pm. We're going to end this thing. Now!"

Plock was sweating, his voice was high and his physical presence unimpressive, and yet he possessed the charisma of true belief, of passion and genuine courage. Esteban was impressed. "The detailed plan of the demonstration is on your sheets. Guard them carefully — it would be disastrous if one fell into the hands of the police. Go home, start calling, start e — mailing, start organizing! This is a tight schedule. We gather at six. We move at six thirty." He looked around. "Any questions?"

No one had questions. Esteban cleared his throat, raised his finger.

"Yes, Alexander?"

"I'm a little confused. You're pla

"That's right. We're stopping this: here and now."

Esteban nodded thoughtfully. "It doesn't say what you plan to do when you get there."

"We're going to break into that compound and we're going to liberate those animals. And we're going to drive out those squatters. It's all covered in the plan."

"I see. It's of course true that they are killing — torturing — animals in cold blood. They've probably been doing it for years. But consider: they're likely to be armed. We already know they've murdered at least three people."

"If they choose violence, we'll respond in kind."

"You plan to go armed?"

Plock folded his arms. "I will say this: no one will be discouraged from acting in self — defense — with whatever means they may have brought with them."

"In other words," said Esteban, "you're recommending that people come armed."

"I'm not recommending anything, Alexander. I am merely stating a fact: violence is certainly a possibility — and everyone has the right of self — defense."

"I see. And the police? How will you handle them?"

"That's why we're gathering at different points and moving in from multiple directions, like an octopus. They'll be overwhelmed before they even know what's going on. Thousands of us, moving en masse through those woods — how are they going to stop us? They can't set up barricades or block our route. They don't have vehicular access except down a single road, and that'll be wall — to — wall with marchers."

Esteban shifted uncomfortably. "Now, don't get me wrong — I'm against the Ville, you've known that from the start. They're despicable, inhuman. I mean, look at this poor luckless Fearing. Brainwashed into murder, and then shot in the head — probably by the Ville — while trying to crawl back to the very sadists who made him a zombii in the first place. If they can do this kind of thing to Fearing, they can do it to anyone. But if you move in like this, in such an uncontrolled fashion, people might be hurt. Even killed. Have you considered that?"

"People have already been killed. Not to mention animals — hundreds, perhaps even thousands of them, their throats cut in the most horrific ways. No, sir: we're ending this. Tonight."

"I'm not sure I'm ready," said Esteban. "This is a pretty radical move."

"Alexander, we were happy to have you join our organization. We are glad that you've taken a strong interest in our work. We were happy to elect you a member of the board. Your financial generosity is much appreciated, as is your high visibility. But personally, I strongly believe there comes a time when a man or a woman must make a stand. Talk is no longer sufficient. That time isnow. "

"Once you break into the Ville," said Esteban, "and liberate the animals — what then?"

"Just what I said. We'll drive the animal murderers out. Where they go is their business."

"And then?"

"And then we burn the place, so they can't return."

At this, Esteban slowly shook his head. "With thousands of people milling outside and inside the Ville, and no access by firefighters, any fire you start may cause dozens of deaths. That place is a firetrap. You'll be killing your own, perhaps, as well as them."

An uncomfortable silence.

"I would strongly urge against fire. Just the opposite — I would assign fire control to selected protesters, to guardagainst that possibility. What if the inhabitants are like those nutcases in Waco and set fire to the place themselves, while you're all inside?"

Another pause. "Thank you, Alexander," said Plock. "I must admit you've made a good point. I retract what I said about fire. We'll tear the place down with our bare hands. The goal is to render it uninhabitable."

Murmurs of agreement.

Esteban frowned, then shook his head. "I still can't support this. I'm a well — known figure with a reputation to uphold. I'm sorry, I just can't be associated with an attack like this."

A shifting of chairs and a faint hiss. "That is of course your right, Alexander," said Plock, his voice cool. "And I must say I'm not entirely surprised, given the way you dashed cold water on our last encounter with the Ville. Anyone else wish to join Mr. Esteban in bailing out?"