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Painter kept his features stoic. Be that as it may, I'll allow only one person to accompany Dr. Raev. He glanced between the two men.

McBride lifted a hand. I'll go. I can be of use to Yuri.

From the Russian's slight roll of his eyes, it seemed Dr. Raev did not agree.

Mapplethorpe stared hard at Painter, then slowly nodded. But we'll want a concession for our cooperation, he said.

What's that?

You may keep the girl but from here on out, you'll grant free access to her once she's recovered. She is a resource we'll not let slip away. Our national security is at stake.

Don't wave the flag at me, Painter said. What you cooperated in to produce this girl is beyond all conventions of human decency.

We only financed and offered scientific counsel at the end. The project was already well established. If we hadn't cooperated, as you say, our country would be at serious risk.

What a crock! When you cross such a line, you damage all of us. What nation are we trying to protect, if that nation advocates the brutality necessary to produce this girl?

Are you truly that naive, Crowe? It's a new world out there.

No, it's not. Last I checked, it's the same planet circling the same sun. The only thing that's changed is how we're reacting, what lines we're willing to cross. We have the ability to stop that.

Mapplethorpe glowered at him. Painter saw the resolution in the man's eyes. The man truly believed what he was doing was necessary, saw no fault in it. Here was a level of zealotry that brooked no argument. Painter wondered where such certainty came from was it just patriotism or did he wrap himself in such dogma to protect himself from the atrocities he committed, crimes he knew in his heart were too horrible to justify any other way?

Either way, they were at an impasse.

Do we have a deal? Mapplethorpe asked. Otherwise, we'll move on. There are always other children.

Painter studied his adversary. To cure the child, he had no choice but to get into political bed with him. Painter could not let the girl die. He'd have to deal with the political fallout afterward.

Painter slowly nodded. When can you be ready?

McBride spoke up. I'll need an hour to collect Dr. Raev's medicines.

We'll be waiting, Painter said and stood, ending the summit.

Mapplethorpe followed him up and held out his hand, as if they'd just completed a real estate sale. And maybe they had. Painter was about to sell a part of his soul.

Still, with no choice, he shook the man's hand.

Mapplethorpe's palm was cold and dry, his grip firm with certainty.

A part of Painter envied that level of unwavering conviction. But did the man sleep as well at night? As they departed through the wood-paneled restaurant and out under the blue-green awning, Painter was troubled by one statement by

Mapplethorpe, a disturbing aside.

There are always other children.

Who was he talking about?

10:42 P. M.

Southern Ural Mountains

He had to get away.

Monk sprinted toward the open water. Behind him, a tiger's scream sliced through the night, coming from the flaming cabin.


The cat fought to climb through the window.

Monk increased his pace.

Ahead, he spotted a small raft out in the water. Earlier, Monk had hauled the old punt out of the reeds. He'd scraped away most of the moss and found the raft still floated. Unfortunately, there were no oars, so Monk had fashioned a long pole out of the trunk of a sapling.

Out in the deeper water, Konstantin stood in the stern of the raft and leaned hard on the makeshift pole. The raft drifted farther away. At least they had made it.

As pla

Monk was supposed to have joined them but his exit from the cabin had not gone as smoothly as he'd hoped.

The delay gave time for the second tiger Arkady to tear around the flaming cabin with a hiss of fury and charge straight at Monk.

The drum of heavy pads trampled behind him. Monk fought for the water's edge.

Without a weapon, escape was his only hope.

Gasping, he stretched his stride.

The landscape jittered.

A low growl closed on him.

Footfalls pounded.

No breath.

Heartbeat in his ears.

A sharper hiss ready to pounce.

The glint of water.

Too far.

Hopeless, he turned and dropped, skidded on his backside.

The cat hunched to spring with its last stride, but

out of the high weeds, a dark shadow leaped and struck the cat in the side.

Monk caught a flash of silver. Then the shadow hurdled the tiger, hit the ground, and bounded headlong into a thick patch of willows and vanished.


The chimpanzee hadn't left with the kids.

Arkady, caught off balance in midlunge, had been knocked on his side. The tiger thrashed back to his paws as Monk crabbed backward on hands and feet.

Staggering, the tiger yowled a coarse, strangled sound.

Blackness poured down the cat's throat, erasing stripes into shadow.


Impaled under his jaw, the handle of a knife protruded.

The bowie knife from the cabin.

Monk had lost it when he fell.

The chimpanzee had recovered it, used it, saved his life.

Monk remembered and he couldn't say how he remembered that chimps were natural tool users. With twigs, they fished termites out of nests. With sharpened branches, they stabbed African bush babies out of holes in trunks.

And Marta was no ordinary chimp.

Arkady trembled all over, his yowl drowning in blood.

Another took up his cry.

Zakhar screamed with a violence that set Monk's jaw to aching.

Monk shoved and fled toward the water. Reaching the muddy bank, he dove straight out and landed on his belly in the shallows. He kicked and lunged for the deeper water.

Zakhar's howl swelled with outrage.

Monk splashed and paddled far enough to dive completely underwater. The cold cleared the panic, but even underwater, he heard the tiger's scream. Holding his breath, Monk stroked and frog-kicked out into the deeper water.

As his lungs grew to burning, he surfaced quietly.

Treading water, he stared back toward the cabin. Flames cast high into the darkness. Limned in the firelight, Zakhar circled his brother. The other tiger did not move.

Monk heard Marta sweeping through the trees. He craned and saw her swing free and drop heavily to the raft. It lay ten yards away.

Monk swam to it and hauled himself atop it. He sprawled on his back, out of breath, panting.

On his left, Marta lay curled on her side, tucked tight, rocking slightly. A low moan flowed from her. Pyotr sprawled atop her, comforting her, holding her.

Monk lifted to an elbow, glanced to the cabin, then back to Marta.

As Zakhar continued to scream, Monk reached out a hand and rested it on the chimpanzee's shoulder. Her body trembled, bent in a posture of grief.

It had to be done, he willed to her.

Arkady had been tortured, abused, driven half mad. The cat had become more a monster than one of God's creatures.

Death was a blessing.

Still, Marta moaned.

Killing was never easy.

At the stern, Konstantin heaved on the long pole and sent them floating toward the heart of the swamp.

Monk sat up. Something caught his eye. Before they had settled in for the night, he had stored everyone's packs on the raft. His gaze focused on a badge hanging from a zipper. The radiation monitor.

In the reflected firelight, it was plain to see.

The pink color had grown darker.

And with it, so did their hopes.

4:31 P. M.

Washington, D. C.