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Craig continued to stare at the odd writing, trying to find meaning in the squiggles and marks. But no answer came. He sensed something was missing.

As he sat, a new sound intruded. At first he thought it was his imagination, but the noise grew in volume.

“What is that?” Magdalene asked.

Craig stood up.

Amanda stared around at the others, confused.

Craig followed the noise to its source. It echoed out of the crack, where the broken wheel had shattered through the wall. He crouched, ears cocked.

“I…I think…it’s barking,” Zane said as the others crowded around.

“It’s definitely a dog,” Dr. Ogden said.

Craig corrected the biologist. “No, not dog…wolf!” Craig recognized the characteristic bark. He had heard it often enough over the past few days. But it made no sense. He could not keep the amazement out of his voice. “It’s Bane.”

14. Three Blind Mice

Crouched at an intersection of tu

But in this case, they were the prey.

Tom Pomautuk stood behind her, flanked by Kowalski. He pointed to the green spray-painted diamond that marked the tu


For the past half hour, they had caught glimpses of the beasts: massive, sleek, and muscular creatures. But similar to their experience with the first creature, they had found a way to keep them at bay.


The light around them suddenly flickered, going pitch-dark for a long moment. Tom swore, knocking the flashlight against the wall. The light returned.

Kowalski groaned. “Don’t even think about it.”

The flashlight, retrieved from the emergency kit in the Twin Otter, was old, original gear that came with the plane. Je

“C’mon, baby,” Kowalski moaned.

Tom shook the light, throttling it with both hands now. But no amount of rattling could fan the flashlight back to life. It died.

Darkness fell around them, weighing them all down, pressing them together.

“Bane,” Je

She felt the familiar rub on her leg. Her fingers touched fur. She patted the dog’s side. A growl rumbled deep in him, silent but felt through his ribs.

“What now?” Tom asked.

“The flares,” Kowalski answered. “We can strike one of ’em, carry it. It might last till we find somewhere safe to hole up away from these monsters.”


“Right now, we need to see the creatures if we have any hope of surviving down here.”


“Wait,” Tom whisped. “Look over to the right. Is that light?”


“Can’t be,” Tom answered. “We should still be a ways off from the base entrance.”

“Well, it’s still a source of light.” Kowalski stirred beside Je

“No,” Je

“What are you saying?” Kowalski grumped.

“We’ll have to seek our way in the dark.” Je

Kowalski took her palm in his. She fumbled and found Tom’s hand.

“Heel, Bane,” she whispered as they set off, Kowalski in the lead.

Like three blind mice, they crept down the tu

But she wasn’t convinced. If they were far from the station, why did it seem to be growing stronger?

They made a few more turns, zeroing toward the light.

“It feels like we’re heading deeper again,” Kowalski said.

In the pitch dark, it was hard to tell if the seaman was correct.

“We have to be well off that marked trail we were following,” Tom said. “We could just be getting ourselves lost.”

“The light’s stronger,” Je

“This reminds me of my grandfather’s stories of Sedna,” Tom whispered.

“Sedna?” Kowalski asked.

“One of our gods,” Je

“First monsters, now ghosts…I really hate the Arctic.” Kowalski squeezed her fingers tighter.

They continued on, sinking into their own thoughts and fears.


After a full minute, they rounded a curve in the tu

They let go of one another and edged forward.

Kowalski entered the cave first, searching around. “A dead end.”

Tom and Je

She was heard.

A voice called out from ahead. “Hello!” It was a female voice.

Bane barked in response.

“Tell me that’s not Sedna?” Kowalski hissed.

“Not unless she’s learned English,” Tom replied.


“Who’s out there?” another voice called, a man this time.


A pause. “Je

She hurried forward. The shattered section of wall revealed a vertical crack in the surface. The light streamed out toward them. Through a crack, only two inches wide, faces peered back at her. They were only a yard away. Tears rose in her eyes.

If Craig was here, then surely Matt…

“How…What are you doing here?” Craig asked.

Before she could answer, Bane began to bark again. Je

At the tu

“Shit,” Kowalski said.

The creature hunkered into the cavern, wary and snorting, coming toward them. This beast was the largest they’d seen yet.
