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Of course, I must never forget my posse in words who helped pick apart and polish the first draft: Chris Crowe, Michael Gallowglas, Lee Garrett, De

is Grayson, Pe

y Hill, Debra Nelson, Chris Koehler, Dave Meek, Chris Smith, Jane O’Riva, Steve and Judy Prey, Caroline Williams — and for critical analysis and a decade of friendship, Carolyn Mc-Cray.

And lastly, a special thanks to Steve Winters of Web Stew, for his internet skills, and Don Wagner, for his ardent and accomplished support.

About the Author

James Rollins is the bestselling author of five previous novels: Subterranean, Excavation, Deep Fathom, Amazonia, and Ice Hunt. He has a doctorate in veterinary medicine and his own practice in Sacramento, California. An amateur spelunker and a certified scuba enthusiast, he can often be found either underground or underwater.

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