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"I ran off to warn the Trouts," Yuri said. "I didn't want to leave you. They came looking for us. We hid in the woods until they were gone."

Orlov reached out and put his hand on Yuri's shoulder. "You did the right thing."

He motioned for more vodka. The drink seemed to clear his mind, and the scientific analysis of cause and effect came into play.

Looking Paul directly in the eye, he said, "Well, my friend, it seems you and Gamay made some interesting friends in the short time you have been here. On your little sightseeing trip, perhaps?"

"I'm truly sorry. I'm afraid we're responsible for this mess," Paul said. "It was entirely unanticipated. We made your son a partner in crime, too."

Paul told Orlov that NUMA was investigating Ataman and related the events surrounding their boat trip.

"Ataman?" Orlov said. "In a way, I can't say I'm surprised at their violent reaction. Huge cartels tend to act as if they are above the law."

Gamay said, "There was a strange man on the yacht. He had a thin face, long black hair and a beard. Was that Razov?"

"It doesn't sound like him. Probably his friend, the mad monk."

"Pardon me?"

"His name is Boris. I don't even know if he has a last name. He is said to be Razov's eminence grise, his mentor. Few people have seen him. You're very lucky."

"I don't know if I'd call it lucky," Gamay said. "I'm sure he saw us, too."

"He's probably the one who called out the hounds," Paul said.

Orlov groaned. "That's where we are in Russia today. Thugs advised by mad monks. I can't believe Razov has become such a powerful political figure in our country."

"I was wondering," Paul said. "How did they know where to find us? I'm pretty sure Yuri lost them."

"Maybe the bigger question is what they intended to do after they found us." Gamay turned to the professor and his son. "We're profoundly sorry for what happened. Please tell us how we can make it up to you."

"Perhaps a little help in rebuilding my cottage," Orlov said, after some thought.

"That goes without saying," Paul said.

"Anything else?" Orlov furrowed his brow. "One more thing," he said, his face lighting up. "As you know, Yuri is intent on visiting the United States."

"Consider it done, with the condition that you come along."

The professor could barely control his pleasure, "You drive a hard bargain, my friend."

"I'm a tough old Yankee, and don't you forget it I think we should be on our way the first thing in the morning."

"I'm sorry you have to leave so soon. Are you sure?"

"It might be best for everyone if we go."

They talked until the professor's weariness caught up with him and he drifted off to sleep. The Trouts and Yuri split the rest of the night into shifts, so at least one person would stand watch while the others caught some sleep in the bunk beds. The morning dawned without incident, and after a quick breakfast of coffee and rolls, the Trouts said their good-byes, vowing to get together in a few months, and squeezed into the same taxi that had dropped them off.

As the Lada bumped down the road, Gamay looked out the back window at the charred remains of the cottage. Smoke still hung in the air. "We'll have a lot to tell Kurt when we get back," she said.

Paul's eyes blinked with amusement. "If I know Kurt, he'll have even more to tell us."


THE MAN AUSTIN knew only as Ivan gazed around in wonder at the shrine to the Romanovs. Austin had just given him a demonstration of the chanting chair. "This is really quite extraordinary," he said, letting his eyes wander around the room. "You have made quite a find."

Austin responded with a lopsided grin. "Then all is forgiven for corning in with six-guns blazing?"

"On the contrary. It's exactly what I wanted to happen."

"You're a strange man, Ivan," Austin said, with a shake of his head.

"That may be, but in this case my actions were purely logical." He spread his forefinger and thumb apart. "Don't forget that I have a dossier this thick on you, as well as my personal experience with your methods. I knew warning you off would be the surest way to bring you here."

"Why be so Machiavellian? Why not simply invite me to your party? I'm an agreeable guy."

"You're not naive in these matters. If I had said back in Istanbul that I needed your help, what would you have replied, given the stormy history of our relationship?"

"I don't know," Austin said with a shrug.

"I do. You might have regarded it as a trap, an ingenious way of getting back at you for this souvenir of past encounters." He touched the scar on his cheek.

"The Russians are famous for their chess skills. And you must admit revenge can be a potent motivator."

"I've learned to control my passions and exploit those of others to defeat them. There's another reason I held back. I suspect that if I had asked for your help, you would have gone to your higher-ups. Your government would have discouraged this mission."

"What makes you so sure of that?"

"Some of your countrymen are supporting the dark forces gathering in Russia."

Austin raised an eyebrow. "Anyone I know?"

"Probably, but I doubt if you'd believe me, so I'll keep my thoughts to myself for now."

"How can you be sure that I didn't act with official permission?"

"I consider it highly unlikely that your government would tolerate a clandestine invasion of a foreign country."

"Last time I looked, NUMA was part of the government."

"You're not the only one I have kept tabs on, Mr. Austin. I have files on everyone of any consequence in NUMA, from your partner Joe Zavala right up to Admiral Sandecker. We both know that the good admiral would never allow a rogue operation." The Russian smiled. "Unless it was under his control, of course."

"Sounds as if you've done your homework," Austin admitted.

"Knowing the i

"I don't understand. Why involve NUMA?"

"The intelligence services in both our countries have been infiltrated by the enemy. Those fighting men you saw today have all served with me for years. But even a tightly knit force can be compromised by a single person. NUMA's integrity is above reproach. On a more practical side, I need NUMA's global capacity for communications and transport, your incredible intelligence and research facilities."

"Thanks for the endorsement, but I don't know if I can help. I'm only one person out of thousands at the agency."

"Please don't be disingenuous, Mr. Austin. You could never have undertaken this mission if it were not for the tacit approval of Admiral Sandecker and Rudi Gu

Austin was impressed with Ivan's knowledge of how things worked at NUMA. "Even if I admitted you were right on that score, I still don't have the power to give you everything you want."

"When the threat to your country becomes apparent, you'll feel different. We need each other."

"That's another problem. You still haven't told me what this threat is."

"Only because I don't know."

"Yet you're still convinced it's real."