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"I can offer you unparalleled support for your research."

"A dozen foundations would be glad to fund my work. Even if I were inclined to work for you, which I'm not, there is a major obstacle. The desalting process involves a complex molecular metamorphosis that works only in the presence of a rare substance."

"I know about anasazium. My supply of the material was destroyed in the blast at the Mexican facility."

"Too bad," Francesca said. "The process can't work without it. So if you'll be so kind as to allow me to leave . . ."

"You'll be pleased to know that I have all the anasazium you'll need to develop your process. When I heard of your re turn I acquired a substantial amount of the refined material. Just in time, I might add. NUMA had dispatched part of its Special Assignments Team on a similar mission. Now I can carry out my full plan to control the world's fresh water. You alone would appreciate the simple brilliance of my scheme, Dr. Cabral."

Francesca feigned a reluctant agreement, as if she were secretly pleased at the compliment. "Well, of course, as a water scientist I would be curious about such an ambitious endeavor."

"The world is entering one of the most serious droughts in its history. This dry spell could last a hundred years if the past is any indication. The first impacts have been felt in Africa, China, and the Middle East. Europe is begi

"Excuse my skepticism, but that's absurd."

"Is it?" Brynhild replied with a smile. "The United States is not immune. The great desert cities of the Southwest, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas, draw their water from the Colorado River, which is now under my control. They rely on a tenuous network of dams, reservoirs, and river diversion. The water sup ply hangs by a thread. Any disruption in the water supply would be disastrous."

"You're not going to blow up a dam?" Francesca said with alarm.

"Nothing so crude. With their regular water supply at the breaking point, the cities have been depending more and more on private sources. Gogstad's straw corporations have been buying up water systems everywhere. We can create a water shortage wherever and whenever we want to simply by turning the handle of the tap. Then we will sell only to the places that can afford it, the big cities and the high-tech centers."

"What of those who can't afford it?"

"There's an old saying in the West: 'Water flows uphill to money.' The wealthy have always been assured of a cheap water source at the expense of others. Under my plan water will no longer be cheap. We will be doing this on a worldwide scale, in Europe and Asia, South America and Africa. It will be capitalism at its purest. The market will determine price."

"But water isn't a commodity like pork bellies."

"You've been in the jungle too long. Globalization is nothing more than the promotion of monopolies in communication, agriculture, food, or power. Why not water? Under the new international treaties, no one country owns its water resources anymore. They go to the highest bidder, and Gogstad will be the highest bidder."

"You will deny water to thousands who will be forced out of the market. There will be famine and chaos in countries that can't afford to buy water."

"Chaos will be our friend. It will prepare the way for Gogstad's political takeover of weakened governments. Think of it as water Darwinism. The strong will survive."

The icy blue eyes seemed to bore into Francesca's skull. "Don't think this is retribution for all the slights I have received because of my stature. I am a businesswoman who realizes the proper political climate is necessary to do business. This has required no small investment on my part. I have spent millions building up a fleet of water tankers that would transport water from places that have it, towing it behind them in huge ocean going bags. I have been waiting years for this moment. I have not dared to move because I feared your process. It could destroy my monopoly within weeks. Now that I have you and the anasazium, I can strike. Within days the entire western half of the country will run out of water."

"That's impossible!"

"Is it? We will see. Once the Colorado River is finished as a supplier, the rest of the pieces will fall rapidly into place. My company controls most of the fresh water supplies in other parts of the world. We will simply turn the faucet off, so to speak. Gradually at first, then more forcefully. If there are any com plaints, we will say that we are producing as much water as possible."

"You know the results," Francesca said levelly. "You're talking about turning much of the world into desert. The consequences would be terrible."

"Terrible for some, but not those who control the world's water. We could get any price we ask."

"From desperate people. You would soon be exposed as the monster you are."

"To the contrary. Gogstad will say that we are ready to move water from Alaska, British Columbia, and the Great Lakes to other parts of the world in the tanker fleet I have been building. When Gogstad's beautiful tankers appear off the coast we will be hailed as heroes."

"You're already apparently rich beyond the dreams of many. Why do you need more wealth?"

"This could benefit the world in the long run. I will prevent wars from being fought over water."

"Apax Gogstad, imposed by force."

"Force will not be necessary. I will reward those who bend to my will, punish those who don't."

"By letting them wither and die."

"If that's necessary, yes. You must wonder where your desalination process fits in."

"I assume you would never allow it to spoil your mad plot."

"To the contrary, your process is an important part of my scheme. I don't intend to keep my tankers at sea forever. They are only a stopgap measure while the world builds the fantastic infrastructure that will run water down from the polar ice cap. Vast agricultural areas that have gone to desert will have to be invigorated with huge-scale irrigation."

"No country could afford that. Whole nations will go bankrupt."

'~11 the better to snatch them up at a fire sale. Eventually I will build desalting plants using the Cabral process, but I alone will control their output."

"Again to the highest bidder."

"Of course. Now let me present my new offer. I will place you in a lab with everything you need at your command."

"If I say no?"

"Then I will turn your NUMA friend over to the Kradzik brothers. She will not die quickly or pleasantly."

"She's an i

"Nonetheless she is a nail that must be hammered down if necessary."

Francesca was silent for a moment. Then she said, "How do I know I can trust you?"

"You can't trust me, Dr. Cabral. You should know that you can never trust anyone. But you are intelligent enough to see that you are far more valuable to me than your friend's life and that I am willing to trade. As long as you cooperate, she lives. Do you agree?"

This woman and the deeds hatched in the dark recesses of her brilliant mind revolted Francesca. Brynhild was obviously a megalomaniac and, like so many of her ruthless predecessors, was impervious to the sufferings of the i