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A storm was approaching and he knew it was only a question of time before the red-hot plates on the Lax's hull cooled and contracted, bursting their seams and letting the sea water flood in and sink her, a finale further speeded by the Force Eight storm building on the horizon."

"So he turned a twenty-million-dollar submarine into a tugboat and nudged the burning hulk against a convenient iceberg until it melted its way inside," Pitt sat there looking at Kippma

"Your theory is quite correct, Major," Kippma

"I see," Kippma

"The next question that interests me directly" Pitt hesitated, mashing out his cigarette-"is why did you send Hu

Impassively Kippma

"You were going over the Lax with a fine-toothed comb and hadn't finished when Hu

"Precisely," Kippma

"Then your men were there-" Pitt broke off, looked at Kippma


Pitt half rose from the couch. "You mean they stood by and did nothing when Hu

"In our business we have to be ruthless." Kippma

"A game?" Pitt said. "A fantasy of intrigue? A sport of make-believe dog eat dog? You're in a rotten occupation?"

"A never-ending cycle, my friend," Kippma

"Granted, we're the land of suckers, always believing that good never fails to triumph over evil. But where does that leave us? Back in Disneyland?"

"I'll come to that in due time," Kippma

"That's what the man said," Pitt nodded. "Begi

"You shouldn't believe all you hear, Major. Kelly only used Bolivia as an example. He and his group aren't strong enough for a country that size. He's too much of a businessman to make a grab until he is ninety percent sure of a profit."

"The target could be any one of half a dozen countries," said Sandecker. "How in hell can you be sure which one it is?"

"We have computers too" Kippma

"You've lost me," Pitt said. "How could I-"

"The models you dredged from the sea, Kippma

"A fifty-fifty chance at best," Sandecker said slowly.

"Not really," Kippma

"Both countries at once?" Sandecker looked at Kippma

"Yes, we're serious, and if you'll pardon the expression', we're deadly serious."

"What can Kelly hope to gain by splitting his efforts?" Pitt asked.

"Trying for the Dominican Republic and French Guiana at the same time isn't the gamble it seems."


"In what way?"

"Suppose," Kippma

Sandecker looked at Kippma

"Yes, then using the island as a base, they could slowly spread into the central Latin countries and absorb them one by one."

Pitts voice was impassive. "History recalls that Fidel Castro tried to infiltrate the mainland countries and failed on every occasion."

"Yes," Kippma

Pitt shook his head slowly. "And I thought Kelly was insane. The bastard just might do it. He just might pull his fantastic scheme off."


"Maybe we should let him do it," Sandecker said.

"Maybe, he was somehow meant to have his utopia."

"No, it is not meant to be," Kippma

"It can never happen."

"You seem pretty certain," Pitt said.


"Didn't I tell you? One of the birds that tried to kill you in that doctor's office decided to cooperate. He told us quite a story."

"It seems there are a number of things you forgot to tell us." Sandecker grunted acidly.


Tidi was sitting prettily in a wheelchair beside Lillie's bed when Pitt entered the hospital room, followed by Sandecker and Kippma

"The doctors tell me you'll both live," Pitt said, smiling. "Just thought I'd… ah. offer my farewells.", drop by and