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The next scene would have to be played cool, very cool indeed. Pitt gazed suspiciously at the busy radio operator for a moment, then turned back to Gu

“Call it fate, coincidence or any other term you wish to choose, that put the First Attempt at Thasos at the exact moment to expose a beautifully pla

Then one day he looks out of his window and there sits an oceanographic research ship, not over two miles away. Learning that you were scouting the water for a legendary fish he began to run scared. There was a good chance that one of your divers might discover his base of operation, and what’s most important, his method of smuggling. He was desperate. He couldn’t blow you out of the water. The last thing he wanted was a full scale investigation into the loss of this ship. There was no hope of instigating anti-American riots or violence. The people who live on the island are fun loving farmers and fishermen.

They couldn’t care less about staging a demonstration against a scientific expedition. If anything, they welcomed you. The local merchants aren’t about to turn down free spending researchers. Von Till gambled on a long shot. He staged that attack on Brady Field, hoping Colonel Lewis would order you out of the area as a safety precaution. When this failed he threw caution to the winds and came directly at the First Attempt”

“I don’t know,” Gunu said hesitantly. “You make it sound logical. Except for the submarines. No civilian can go to his nearest yacht broker and buy a submarine.”

“The only way von Till could lay his hands on a sub without attracting attention would be to raise one that was sunk in shallow water during time of war.”

“You’re begi

Pitt went on. “This is a job for professional underwater divers. By the time INTERPOL could put together a team of their own it would be too late.” The last was only a half-truth, but it served Pitt admirably to drive home the next point. “The time is now. And other than Cousteau you’ve got the finest divers and equipment in the Mediterranean. I’m not going to give you any crap about being the ‘last hope of mankind' or that ‘It’s better to sacrifice a few to save millions.’ All I’m asking you for is a few volunteers to help me explore the cliffs below von Till’s villa. We may strike out and find nothing. On the other hand we may uncover enough evidence to impound the ship and the heroin and put von Till away for good. Hit or miss, we’ve got to try.”


“It would be interesting if we could find out what happened to the yellow Albatros.”


“OK, you win,” he said wearily. "I'll no doubt regret this decision at my court-martial. Its a small satisfaction to know what I'll go out with a blaze of headlines.”

Pitt laughed. "No such luck, my friend. Whatever happens, you merely ordered a routine hunt to collect marine specimens from a shelf under the cliffs. If we stumble into an embarrassing incident, you can say it was by pure accident.”

“I hope Washington will buy that.”

“Don’t worry, I think we both know Admiral Sandecker well enough to be assured that he’ll stand by us regardless of the consequences.”


“Round up your volunteers,” Pitt said briefly.

“Assemble them and the equipment on the fantail at noon. I'll explain their mission with a few well chosen words and then we’ll go from there.”


“I need the extra time to catch up on my sleep,”

Pitt said gri

“That’s not a bad idea,” Gu

“You look like the morning after New Year’s Eve.” He turned and started through the cabin door, then stopped. “By the way, do me a favor and send that girl ashore as soon as possible. I’m going to be in enough hot water as it is without being accused of operating a floating bordello.”

“Not until I return from the dive. It’s vital that she remain on board where someone can keep an eye on her.”

“OK let’s have it.” Gu

“Would you believe von Till’s niece?"

“Oh no,” Gu

“Don’t work yourself into a coronary,” Pitt said

softly. “Everything will work out. You have my word on it.”

“I hope so,” Gu

Then he was gone.

Pitt stared out the empty doorway for a long moment at the blue uneven sea. The radio operator was bent over the big Bendix set, transmitting. but Pitt didn’t hear him. He was lost in the i

His body Was numb — numb from too little sleep and numb from too much mental strain. His nerves were stretched like the support wires of a suspension bridge; if one snapped the rest would part strand by strand until the whole Structure swayed and dropped into oblivion. Like a gambler who has bet his last big stake on a ten-to-one horse, he felt his heart pound against his rib cage, driven beyond its regular beat by the deep fear of uncertainty.

“Excuse me, Major.” The radioman’s low, resonant voice seemed far away. “These communications are for you.”

Pitt said nothing. He merely extended his hand and took the messages.

“The one from Munich came in at 6:00.” The black man’s tone was hesitating and unsteady. “It was followed at 7:00 by two transmissions from Berlin.”

“Thank you,” Pitt murmured woodenly. “Anything else?”

“This last one, sir, it’s… well It’s really weird.

No call sign. no repeat, no sign off, just the message.”

Pitt stared down ‘at the top paper. A grim smile slowly moved his lips.

‘Major Dirk Pitt, NUMA ship First Attempt. One hour down, nine to go. H.Z.’

“Any… any reply, Major?” the voice stammered unevenly.

Suddenly Pitt became aware of the sickly expression on the radio operator’s face. “You feel all tight?”

“To tell the truth, Major. no. Ever since breakfast I’ve had the worst case of bowel drizzlies in my life, and I’ve barfed twice.”

Pitt could not help gri

The radioman shook his head and rubbed his eyes in one easy movement. “Can’t be. Cocky’s the greatest — strictly gourmetsville Nah, it’s probably the local version of the flu. Could even be a skunky bottle of beer or something.”