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"This won't take long," said Pitt, casually checking his dark glasses for smudges. "Did you know Captain Fawkes?"

"I appreciate the fact your rather strange request to meet me in a rural cemetery came down from high sources in your government, but I want it understood that I'm here out of courtesy, not to answer questions."

"Understood," Pitt said.

"Yes, I once met Captain Fawkes." De Vaal gazed into space. "Back in October, I believe it was. Soon after his family were murdered. I expressed my condolences on behalf of the Defence Ministry."

"Did he accept your offer to command the raid on Washington?"

De Vaal didn't bat an eye. "Pure rot. The man was mentally unbalanced by the death of his wife and children. He pla

"Did he?"

"My position and rank do not have to tolerate rudeness." De Vaal came to his feet. "Good day, Mr. Pitt."

Pitt let him walk nearly twenty feet before he said, "Operation Wild Rose, Minister. Our intelligence people knew about it almost from the begi

De Vaal stopped in midstride, turned, and looked at Pitt. "They knew?" He walked back until he was standing face to face with the man from NUMA. "They knew about Wild Rose?"

"That shouldn't surprise you, of all people," Pitt said affably. "After all. it was you who leaked it to them."

De Vaal's haughty composure cracked and he looked to Zeegler for support. The colonel's eyes were unblinking and his face was as hard as stone. "Preposterous," De Vaal said. "You're making a wild accusation based on the wind."

"I admit to a few holes in the net," said Pitt. "But I came into the game late. A neat scheme, and whatever the outcome, you won., Minister. The plan was never meant to succeed. Blaming the AAR for the raid in order to drum up sympathy for the South African white minority was a smoke screen. The real purpose was to embarrass and topple Prime Minister Koertsma

"Why are you doing this?" De Vaal said savagely. "What do you hope to gain?"

"I don't like to see traitors prosper," Pitt retorted. "Incidentally, how much did you and Emma salt away? Three, four, five million dollars?"

"You're chasing shadows, Pitt. Colonel Zeegler, here, can tell you. Emma was a paid agent for the AAR."

"Emma sold doctored reports from your Defence Ministry files to any black revolutionary sucker enough to pay for them and split the take with you. A most lucrative side venture, De Vaal."

"I do not have to stand here and listen to his garbage," the Minister hissed. He nodded at Zeegler and gestured toward the waiting Bentley.

Zeegler did not move. "I'm sorry, Minister, but I think Mr. Pitt should be heard out."

De Vaal was nearly choking with rage. "You have served me for ten years, Joris. You well know I punish insubordination to the extreme."

"I'm aware of that. sir. but I think we should stay, particularly in light of the circumstances." Zeegler pointed toward a black man who was threading his way between the gravestones. He wore a grim, determined face and was dressed in the uniform of the AAR. A long, curved Moroccan knife was gripped loosely in one hand.

"The fourth actor in the drama," said Pitt. "Permit me to introduce Thomas Machita, the new leader of the African Army of Revolution."

Though the Minister's entourage carried no weapons. Zeegler stood unconcerned. De Vaal spun and shouted to his chauffeur while gesturing wildly at Machita. "Sergeant! Shoot him! For God's sake, shoot him! "

The sergeant looked through De Vaal, as though the Minister were transparent. De Vaal turned to Zeegler, his eyes sick with a mounting fear. "Joris, what goes on?"

Zeegler did not answer; his face was an emotionless void.

Pitt pointed into the open grave. "It was Captain Fawkes who blew the whistle on your shifty act. He may have been unhinged by the death of his family and blinded by revenge, but it struck him that he had been horribly and pitifully duped when you sent Emma to kill him. A necessary part of your plan. Captured alive. he might have revealed your direct involvement. Also, you couldn't take the chance he could somehow become wise that it was you who masterminded the attack on his farm."

"No!" The word scratched from De Vaal's throat.

"Captain Patrick McKenzie Fawkes was the only man in South Africa who could pull off Wild Rose. You ordered the murders of his wife and children knowing a griefstricken man would seek retribution. The massacre was a stroke of cu

De Vaal's eyes registered stu

"Like any good intelligence officer, Colonel Zeegler kept investigating until he ran down the truth," Pitt said. "Also, as do most sea captains, Fawkes kept a log. I was there when Emma tried to kill him. Fawkes saved my life before the ship blew up. But not before inserting his log, along with a few added notes about you, into a watertight tobacco pouch and slipping it under my shirt. The pages made damned interesting reading, especially to the President and the director of the NSA.

"By the way," Pitt continued, "that phony message you sent implicating Prime Minister Koertsma

De Vaal stared at Pitt, his features set in defeat. Then he turned to Zeegler. "Joris, you arranged for my betrayals?''

"No man stands with a traitor."

"If ever a man deserved to die, De Vaal, it is you," said Machita. The hatred seemed to seep from his pores.

De Vaal ignored Machita. "You ca

"It is Prime Minister Koertsma

"That would make me a martyr." A tiny degree of confidence restored De Vaal's composure. "Can you see me as a martyr?"

"No, sir. That's why he agreed to my proposal that you turn up missing. Better you become a forgotten mystery than a national hero."

Too late, De Vaal caught the glint of steel as Machita's knife arched up between his groin and navel. The Defence Minister's eyes bulged in shock. He tried to speak; his mouth moved slackly, but the only sound that came was an animallike gasp. A red stain spread across his uniform.

Machita kept his hand on the knife's handle, watching death as it closed about De Vaal. Then, as the body sagged, Machita gave it a push backward, and De Vaal fell into the open grave. The three men walked to the edge and stood looking down as streams of dirt trickled and dropped on the figure sprawled below.