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“You're not impressed with it.”

“As a shipping terminus, I find it about as useful as a second belly button on my forehead.”

“Hard to believe Qin Shang got the necessary approval and permits for such a vast project with no profitable future,” said Gu

“He submitted a comprehensive development plan that was approved by the Louisiana state legislature. Naturally, politicians will jump on any industrial development they think will increase employment and revenue that won't tap the taxpayers' pockets. With no obvious downside, who can blame them? The Army Corps also approved their permits for dredging because we saw no interruption in the natural flow of the Atchafalaya River. The environmentalists raised hell, of course, because of the virtual destruction of a vast area of wetlands. But all their objections and those of my own engineers concerning the future alteration of the Atchafalaya Delta were quickly brushed aside when Qin Shang's lobbyists sweet-talked Congress into fully authorizing the project. I've yet to meet a financial analyst or port-district commissioner who did not think Sungari was a failure before its plans came out of the computers.”

“And yet, all permits were approved,” said Gu

“I wish someone would enlighten me as to what it is,” Montaigne said cynically, “because I haven't a clue.”

“And yet, Sungari does have access to State Highway 90 and the Southern Pacific rail line,” Gu

“Wrong,” snorted Montaigne. “Presently, there is no access. Qin Shang has refused to build a link to the main rail line and a paved thoroughfare to the highway. He says he's done enough. He insists that it is up to the state and federal governments to build access to his transportation network. But because of voter unrest and new budget restrictions, state bureaucrats are balking.”



“Couldn't he find landfill closer to the development?” asked Gu

“A mystery,” replied Montaigne. “Qin Shang's builders barged millions of cubic yards of fill downriver by excavating a canal through the marshlands that goes nowhere.”


“Until now, the cargoes of the few Chinese merchant ships that dock at Sungari have been carried inland by barge and towboat,” explained Montaigne. “Even if he gave in and built a transportation system in and out of his dream port, who but the Chinese would come? Terminal facilities on the Mississippi have far superior access to major highways, rail links and an international airport. No shipping-company CEO with half a brain would divert vessels of his merchant fleet from New Orleans to Sungari.”

“Could he barge cargo up and down the Atchafalaya and Red rivers to a transportation center farther north?”

“A losing proposition,” Montaigne replied. “The Atchafalaya may be an inland navigable waterway, but it doesn't contain half the flow of the Mississippi. It's considered a shallow-draft artery and barge traffic is limited, unlike the Mississippi, which can accommodate great towboats with ten thousand horsepower pushing as many as fifty barges tied together in rows like a marching column stretching nearly a third of a mile. The Atchafalaya is a treacherous river. It may look calm and peaceful, but that is a mask that hides its true, ugly face. It waits like a gator with only its eyes and nostrils showing, ready to strike the unwary river pilot or pleasure-boat operator out for a weekend cruise. If Qin Shang thought he could build a commercial waterborne empire to support freight traffic up and down the Atchafalaya or across the Intracoastal Waterway, he was sadly mistaken. Neither cha

“The White House and Immigration Service suspect the chief purpose behind the building of Sungari is for a dispersal point for smuggling illegal immigrants, drugs and illegal weapons.”

Montaigne shrugged. “So I was told. But why sink tons of money into a facility capable of handling millions of tons of ship cargoes and then use it only to smuggle illicit contraband? I fail to see the logic.”

“There is big money in alien smuggling alone,” said Gu

“Ah” right, if Sungari is a front for immigrant smuggling,“ said Montaigne, ”I'd be interested in knowing how Qin Shang is going to get the immigrants and goods from point A to point B without some sort of underground transportation system. U.S. Customs and Immigration comb every ship docking at Sungari. All barge traffic inland is carefully monitored. It would be impossible for undocumented aliens to slip through their fingers."

“The reason NUMA is here.” Gu

Montaigne sat erect and stared at Gu

“Submarines capable of carrying large numbers of passengers and cargo are a possibility we can't ignore.”

“Forgive me for saying so, but there is no way in hell you can get a submarine up the Atchafalaya River. The shoals and bends are a nightmare for experienced river pilots. Navigating below the surface upriver against the current is unthinkable.”

“Then perhaps Shang's engineers have carved out hidden underwater-passage systems that we're not aware of.”

Montaigne gave a negative shake of his head. “No way they could have excavated a tu