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We have to stop her, David said. Shell kill everyone. Everyone.

I scrambled for Ve

I jammed the cork in.

There were still ten or so Dji

And they were Earth Wardens, which was good; the radiation in here would fry Weather or Fire Wardens. Two Earth Wardens would be a lot of use.

I wasnt prepared for who theyd be, and it took me a few seconds to recognize the man scrambling down the maze of broken concrete toward us. Heor theyhad cleared a tu

Following him was a tall, thin, pale woman with hair as white as the Dji

That was Cassiel, the Dji

Sorry were late, Rocha said, and jumped down the rest of the way to land with a solid thump next to me. Madre, you dont go halfway when you blow shit up, do you? Theres enough rads burning in here to barbecue lead. We cant stay here long.

We have to, I said. Howd you get here?

We were close, and Cassiels hell on wheels with moving fast. Hey, Cass, you remember Joa

Cassiel inclined her head, just a little. She didnt smile, or look at all excited to see me again.

That took a turn for the worse as she looked at her fellow Dji

I know that, I snapped. It was kind of the plan. Here. Rocha, take this. Try to bind one of them.

Try to what? He looked shocked, as I pressed a bottle into his hand. What the hell are you talking about?

Two Dji

Wind is their enemy, and I shredded several of them apart into vapor. They tried to reform. I kept hitting them with blasts of air.

The ones whod taken on entirely physical forms came at us in a rush, and I realized, belatedly, that the one whod been heading for me had disappeared. Hed veered off course, and was lunging for Cassiel, who had grabbed the bottle from Luiss hands.

Be thou bound to my service, she shouted, and had just enough time to repeat it two times before his fist slammed into her chest. She staggered under the blow, but it was nowhere near as deadly as it could have been, because the Dji

He stared at her with utter disbelief as she bound another Dji

Cassiel raised an eyebrow and put that bottle in another pocket, and kept on binding Dji

Luis finally decided to join in, and bound that one.


I dropped to my knees again, shaking and sweaty, coated in my own drying blood, and I realized the enormity of what wed just done. Wed enslaved the most powerful of the Dji

What did we just do? Luis asked nobody in particular. Fuck.

We did what we had to do, to survive, Cassiel said, in her cool, uninflected way. But we wont survive long if we dont leave this place. The radiation is too high even for Earth Wardens.

I nodded, and climbed painfully to my feet. I neednt have bothered; David swept me up in a carry position, and I reflexively threw my arms around his neck for balance. Youre hurt, I said. Let me walk.

Im not the one wearing the entire contents of my veins as body makeup, he said grimly. Shut up, Jo. Let me help you.

Feeling him against me was better than morphine, and I couldnt find it in myself to argue with him, not now. God, I didnt realize how much Id missed him when hed been gone. A voice on the radio, a presence in an avatarthose things werent David. This was David.

Dont ever do anything this stupid again, he told me, as Cassiel led the way up the treacherous rocky tu

If I had a nickel for every time somebody said that . . .

Jo, Im serious. Im not letting you die for them. Let him die for the Wardens for a change. By him he meant Lewis. There was more than a bite of anger and jealousy in there. Although he and Lewis had always been friends, they were also always rivals. Frenemies? This is out of control. Im sorry I had to do that.

Do what?

Bring the bottles. He looked at me bleakly. The last thing I wanted was to enslave my people, again.

Starting with yourself.

It was the only way I could come here and protect you. If you hadnt claimed me, Id have been one of them. Id have come after you, and you know I couldnt live with that. Not if I He didnt want to say it. We climbed in silence. It was a brutal angle, and uneven footing, and I was pretty sure that Id never have been able to manage it on my own after all. Even David slipped from time to time, and Cassiel and Rocha were helping each other along.

I looked back over my shoulder, but there was no sign of the Dji

She shook her head. Im not walking, she called up, and clicked her long fingernails together. See you on top.

She misted away.

Man, I wished I could do thatalthough I felt the burn inside me as she pulled power from me, just as David had to do to continue this grueling climb. He probably would have preferred to blip out, too, but he couldnt take me with him, and I could tell he wasnt about to leave me on my own, even with two other Wardens to help.

We didnt speak the rest of the way, but I took huge comfort in just being with him. For now, at least.

We arrived at the top, and Luis Rocha collapsed toward the ground in a fluid crouch when he got there, breathing hard. Cassiel, who was only lightly windedthe bitchsettled down next to him. Damn, Rocha wheezed. Next time remind me to angle my tu

You were in a hurry, Cassiel said, as if all this was the most normal thing in the world. She began taking bottles out of her pockets and setting them out in front of her. Luis added his, and I gave up all of mine except for the one that contained Ve