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He exhaled. “The first—the one that failed—I implanted during the purification ritual upon your arrival.”

“And the second?”

“The second was conditional, a failsafe for the first,” he explained. “When you disrupted the removal of the mark, the mark was damaged. We were in a critical window of time with a high chance that Rhyzkahl would recover you before I could remove it completely.” Mzatal’s mouth tightened. “If he did, I knew he would have to remove the mark eventually and replace it. I set the implant to trigger upon its removal, which it did.” He paused before continuing. “I implanted it in the antechamber before we went to the grove, before your escape.”

I blinked in realization. “That weird-as-hell kiss.”

“Only a heartbeat before, it had not been my intention to implant it in that ma

I processed that and decided another change of subject was in order. “What about these?” I asked, touching one of the sigils on my chest. “Could he use these against me somehow? Does he have any co

“There are no direct co

“What is it?” I asked. Memory of its touch brushed me, the foul miasma…Clawing panic rose, and I had to take several deep breaths to fight it down.

“I do not know its full nature as it is a potency alien to this world,” Mzatal replied, eyes darkening. “It subtly alters arcane harmonics, and its use has the potential to cause much disruption.” He grimaced. “It affects me deeply. It affects Idris as well, but not nearly as much.” His eyes went to mine. “Kara, I will do all in my power to keep you from falling into their hands again.” He said it quietly but backed with deep intensity. “Idris has great skill and determination. He will work on this as well.”

Some of the tension in my gut uncoiled with the understanding of his solid support. “When do we start?”

“You should rest tonight, and we will begin your training tomorrow.”

I scrubbed at my face. “I have so much to learn. I mean, I don’t know shit. I don’t know most of the sigils, or the shikvihr, or…”

“These I can teach you,” he reassured me. “I have taught many. And you have a quick mind and i

“No pressure,” I said with a weak laugh. “I guess I’d better go get some sleep.” I met his eyes. “Thanks again.”

“You are most welcome, Kara Gillian. Come, this way.” He gestured for me to go with him, and together we walked down the length of the balcony to the corner, the sea to our right and the grove ahead. He passed through the open doors in the glass wall and called up a soft light within. I entered, then stopped, confused.

“These are your rooms.”

“Yes. I would prefer you stay here.”

A protest formed on my lips, but it died unvoiced at one look at his face. He had no intention of taking advantage of me. He wanted me to stay here because that way he could keep a closer watch over me. Guardian, not guard. And, as much I hated the weakness of it, I knew I’d feel safer here as well.

“Um, sure. Okay,” I said instead.

“If, after this night, you truly prefer different quarters,” he said gently, “I will make the arrangements.”

“Yeah, that’s cool,” I replied, shifting uncertainly. “I don’t have any clothes or, uh, night things.”

“The zrila have made a small supply for you,” he told me. “You will find those items in the rose chest in the dressing room off the bath chamber.”

I smiled with only a bit of tension. “I guess I’ll be occupying your bedroom then.”

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “Sleep well, Kara,” he said, then departed.

Surprisingly, I did.

Chapter 25

Rhyzkahl stood before me, glorious and beautiful. “You left too soon, dear one.” Dark fire flickered over his blade as he stepped closer, and a terrible smile curved his mouth. “We were not finished…Rowan.”

I tried to back away, but ropes of potency held me immobile. The bindings cut into my wrists, and pain seared my shoulders. A strangled cry of horror slipped from my lips as he brought the blade close to me.

He stroked the back of his hand over my cheek, tilted his head as his eyes met mine. “Ah, Rowan, you are meant to be thus.” I tried to protest, to say my name, but I couldn’t make my mouth form the word. His smile widened as he lifted the blade and touched it to my flesh.

I screamed as the pain tore through me, and I writhed in the bindings.


A hand on my shoulder. My name. I held fast to it. Reached for them both.


Rhyzkahl fractured and dissipated as strong arms pulled me from him.

“You are dreaming, Kara,” the voice said, gathering me close. “I am here.”

I clung to him, to Mzatal, I realized as the nightmare shattered and dispersed. He sat on the edge of the bed, holding me securely, but gently. To my horror I burst into tears, but he simply shifted to cradle my head to his chest. He murmured something as I felt the unmistakable touch of the pygah, but he did nothing more. Didn’t tell me to breathe or chill or anything like that. Simply held me, radiating a solid security while I wept.

Gradually, I calmed down, but I continued to hold on to him even after I got control of the stupid sobbing. I hated feeling like this, despised this weakness in me. And right now I desperately needed this feeling of safety.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

He shifted so that he sat up against the headboard, keeping an arm around me so that my head was cradled on his shoulder. “There is no need to apologize. I know something of nightmares.”

I let out a ragged breath and felt as if I should pull away from him now, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it just yet. “Guess you’re regretting letting me stay in your rooms now,” I said, trying for humor but not quite reaching it.

He gave me a light squeeze. “No, Kara,” he said, voice calm and melodious. “I have no regrets in that.”

I sighed against him. “Good thing, ’cause I think you’re stuck with me.”

He was fully clothed, in dark grey pants and a white caftan-style shirt covered with intricate silver embroidery. A comfortable chair and ottoman had been pulled near the bed, and a small side table held some papers and a half-full wine glass.

He’d been sitting there only moments before, I realized. Watching me sleep. But somehow the thought didn’t creep me out at all. Instead I found myself deeply appreciating the care, especially now, after the nightmare.

I was definitely calmer now, but I still wasn’t quite ready to shift away from him. “How much did you know about me before you had me summoned?”

Mzatal drew a deep breath and released it slowly. “I knew you were Rhyzkahl’s marked summoner,” he said. “I knew what Katashi had told me of you. I knew from reports of demons that you function as a Guardian—police person—to maintain order in segments of the human populace. I had more details from closer surveillance in the weeks leading up to your summoning.”

I still had my head against his upper chest, calmed by the steady beat of his heart. “I kind of wondered, especially when I saw that the, uh, feminine supplies that you had here were the same brand I usually use.” I smiled, finding that stupidly amusing, and I had to bite back a giggle as I had a sudden image of a reyza poking through the cabinet beneath my sink and holding up a tampon in confusion.