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“The marks on your wrists,” he said after a moment. “And I witnessed it.”

My eyes sought his. “How? Why…?”

“Through Rhyzkahl,” he replied. “Through the blade. Xhan.”

I struggled to process this.

“It is how I knew when to call to you so that you would not lose yourself,” he said. “And the physical recall, regrettably, depended on Rhyzkahl’s removing your mark.”

A shudder went through me, bringing with it new spasms of pain. It was several heartbeats before I could speak. “And that’s what…you always wanted…me, unmarked.”

He shifted his hands slightly, seeking the worst of the damage. “Yes, though this was not a means I would have chosen.”

Despair rose. Betrayed and tortured by Rhyzkahl, and now right back to being Mzatal’s prisoner again. More trapped than ever. I swallowed hard, still not daring to move my arm. I had no doubt there was plenty of muscle damage.

Mzatal moved his hands to my forearm, covering the wound from the excision of Rhyzkahl’s mark. A strangled breath escaped me as memories of the essence-rending pain echoed. He exhaled forcibly and shook his head, as if he could feel it too. When he lifted his hands from me, he looked like he wanted to puke.

I shuddered. “Bad…?”

He answered with a nod and traced a pygah over us. “I am going to turn you to your other side,” Mzatal said. “But before that, you will drink juice.”

I nodded, then gasped at the pain the movement brought. Gestamar moved forward and helped Mzatal get me into a semi-upright position, supporting my head so that I could drink from the mug Mzatal held for me. I was so weak it was a struggle to drink. Juice dribbled onto my chest, and I let out a low cry of pain as it hit the raw sigils, burning and stinging.

“More,” Mzatal urged when I tried to stop. “You must drink it all.” Wearily, I complied, though he was more careful not to let any spill. My stomach roiled as he and Gestamar eased me to my other side, and I fought the brief wave of nausea. Mzatal placed his hands on my other shoulder and sent healing warmth through it.

I knew it would take him a while to get me fixed up totally, but then he’d finally have me right where he wanted me: a nice, whole summoner of his very own, one with grove affinity and a tie to the cataclysm. A wave of homesickness swept over me, briefly overshadowing the pain, and I closed my eyes to hold back tears. I wanted to be with the people who really cared.

“Kara,” he murmured, as he manipulated the shoulder back into its joint. “Kara,” he repeated softly, and I knew he was calling to me as before.

I exhaled a shaking breath, tears leaking. “Here.” Forever.

He popped the shoulder into place, then gently shifted me to my back. “Yes. Here. I will not allow him to have you again.”

I stayed silent, aching far beyond the physical. Gestamar moved forward to pick me up but, gesturing him back, Mzatal slid his arms beneath me, lifting as if I weighed no more than a feather. My head lolled against his shoulder, and I tried without success to hold back the whimper.

I knew Mzatal was easing the pain as best he could, but there was only so much he could do in this moment. My shoulders were back in their sockets, but the damage was still there, and the sigils covering my torso were still raw and open.

The disjointed thought of his nice white dress shirt floated in. “Mess up…your shirt.”

Mzatal looked down at me, and that faint smile touched his lips again. “It is already done, so there is no purpose in dwelling upon it.”

I expected him to take me to a sick room or some other area assigned for my use, but instead, he carried me upstairs and down a long corridor. He reached a set of double doors intricately carved with impossible figures like an Escher print, opened them without a touch and strode through. These were his rooms. There was no mistaking that. What the hell was going on? He passed through the outer chamber—simple and spacious, the far wall fully glass with a balcony beyond—and then into a bedroom: two adjacent walls of glass, big bed, three ilius coiled by the pillows, and it felt like Mzatal. He gently shooed the ilius off the bed as if they were cats, then waited as a faas spread a heavy quilt over the bed.

“Kara, I am going to place you on your belly for a time,” he told me as he gently settled me on the bed and moved me into position. “I will begin with your back.”

I held my breath, trembling, as the pain flared. He got me settled and my arms into the most comfortable possible position then adjusted the blanket over my legs and butt. I stared out at the setting sun, the sky alight in orange and purple and pink.

Mzatal splayed both hands over my upper back, then jerked them away as if recoiling from a shock. A heartbeat later I felt his hands on my back again, trembling so slightly I wasn’t sure if I imagined it. Gradually the familiar warmth began to flow from his hands. With every heartbeat the pain faded and my breathing grew easier.

I drifted as he worked, but not like before where I thought I might lose myself. This was more the not-quite-sleep I’d go into on those rare occasions when I could afford a full body massage. Not that this was anything like a full body massage, but the sense of deep relief and easing was the same as he seemed to literally pull the pain from me. I wanted to sleep, but that was still impossible.

He lifted his hands from me, and I roused from my light stupor. Fully night beyond the glass now. “Is it working?” I mumbled. “Are you getting them off?” Already it was far easier to speak and breathe, though I was still a long way away from being pain free. But the sense of yuck and wrongness had definitely lessened.

Mzatal didn’t answer for a moment, and when he did his voice carried none of its usual potency and richness. “Your back is complete,” he said, fatigue and faint quaver in his tone. “I will shift you now so that I may work on your front.”

He rolled me as gently as possible. It still hurt, but it was so much less than before that I only cried out once. I looked up into his face as he tugged the blanket back up to my waist. His eyes lacked their usual bright intensity, and he held his mouth in a tight line as if holding back the urge to spew.

He took a warm wet cloth from a faas and began carefully wiping the blood away, gaze flicking over the sigils, reading the patterns. The arcane cauterization of the blade left the cuts seeping—nothing like the bloody mess that would have resulted from a normal knife.

An odd tug of worry went through me at his appearance. It didn’t make sense that I should be worried about the well-being of my captor, yet even so it was clear that he’d pushed himself to the brink of collapse to get me back. Whatever the hell his motives were, he’d saved me from a deeply horrible fate, and dealing with the sigils clearly sucked ass.

“You okay?” I asked.

Mzatal gave a slight nod as if to say, yes I’m just dandy, but then gave a faint grimace and shook his head. “I require a moment,” he said, voice sounding as normal as anyone else’s, which felt utterly wrong coming from him. “This is difficult.”

“It’s cool.” I paused. “Thanks.”

He knelt beside the bed, one hand resting lightly on my upper arm. He closed his eyes, bowed his head. I wondered if he was still drawing from Idris’s support diagram. I had the strangest desire to cover his hand with mine, though I was sure I still couldn’t move my arm to do so. Probably a lot better that way. I was fucked up in so many ways right now, and I knew my judgment was completely bonked. Hell, that’s how I’d ended up in this mess.

Mzatal remained still and silent for what had to be at least five minutes. Finally he lifted his head and opened his eyes. They held a bit more of their normal vitality, though still far from their usual keen intensity. “Now I will finish,” he said. “And you will be able to sleep.”