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I smiled in relief. “Thanks. Makes me feel better about it too.” I headed to the kitchen, trusting him to follow. I grabbed the bag containing the rest of the coffee. “What happens now with your oath to not talk about Szerain’s exile?”

Zack shrugged. “I won’t speak directly of that which is not known to you, but it’s pointless to avoid what’s already clearly revealed. If I’m named kiraknikahl for something as asinine as that, so be it.”

I snorted. “Sounds reasonable to me,” I said, then took a deep breath. “I can sense Szerain more now.”

Zack leaned against the kitchen doorway, folded his arms across his chest. “Kind of like putting the lug nuts back on the wheel. Sometimes you forget to tighten them all down.”

“Hunh. Hate it when that happens.” I gave him a slight smile, then sobered. “You’re Rhyzkahl’s ptarl.”

He gave me a single nod. I stayed silent for several heartbeats while I tried to figure out what I wanted to say. “Has he ever done anything this—” I gestured to myself and the sigil scars, “—extreme before? Did you know he…?”

“I knew Rhyzkahl had chosen that path,” he replied in a voice heavy with pain. “It is part of the reason I am here, rather than there.” He shook his head. “But he has travelled far along it in the years I have been on Earth.”

“Did you know he had such designs on me?” I asked, eyes intent upon him.

His eyes dropped to my upper chest, and the pain in his eyes seemed to deepen. “I did not know he had come to this. I swear it, Kara.”

My gaze stayed on Zack for a few more heartbeats, then I nodded. “Y’all need to watch out for Katashi and his people.” I gave him a quick rundown of the Katashi and Gestamar summonings and our subsequent retrieval of the reyza.

His eyes went distant, troubled. “That complicates matters much,”

“Ya think?” My mouth tightened, but then I blew out my breath.

Zack’s focus came back to the room, though a hint of the faraway still remained. “Jill,” he said, scrubbing a hand over his face in a very human gesture. “Her risk is compounded with this.”

“Jill is pretty damn special,” I said, then smiled. “And I’m glad she has you.”

“I would not change it,” he said, echoing my smile. “And while you are gone, I will watch over Tessa and Ryan to the best of my ability.”

I exhaled softly. “Thanks. I don’t know how long I’ll be away,” I said. “I mean, it could be a long time.” I shook my head. “There’s bad shit going on and it’s too dangerous for everyone until I have the shikvihr.” I ran my hand through my hair, grimaced. “But I sure as hell need to be here to get a handle on what’s going on with Katashi, and who—if anyone—is working Earth-side to counter or fucking help him.”

“I agree. You need the shikvihr and you need to be here.”

“Yeah.” I sighed. “Sort of mutually exclusive.”

“No need to give up so easily,” he said with a sudden grin. I started to ask him what the hell he was talking about, but he spoke first. “You’re near the shikvihr first ring culmination, yes?”

“Um. Yeah,” I said. Damn. Did I have it tattooed on my forehead?

“Bust your ass and nail the first three. With focus, you could do it in a month,” he said. “Because the third is a powerful energizer, you’ll need a week or so to integrate it before begi

An ember of hope flared. “You’re thinking I could spend the time between the third and the fourth here? Would it be, um, smart?”

Zack laughed. “I think so, but I’m biased.” He laid a hand on my shoulder. “Talk to Mzatal. Tell him my opinion is that the third ring, your i

“That would be awesome,” I breathed. “Best of both worlds.” I knew enough to expect things to be hot both here and in the demon realm, but it would sure be nice to spend some of that time on Earth. “Thanks, Zack.” I swept my gaze around the kitchen. “I guess I’d better get going.”

He caught my arm and turned me to him, cradled my head in his hands and touched his forehead to mine. “Be well and be strong, Kara Gillian.”

Tears pricked at my eyes. I gave him a quick hug, then gathered the last of my things and headed downstairs.

Eilahn had slipped down to the basement while I wasn’t looking, and was crouched quietly by the wall with a small bundle atop a cat carrier containing Fuzzykins. I’d roused Eilahn early from stasis, and though she assured me she didn’t need to return, she would need more rest than usual for a bit. Ryan sat cross-legged on the floor, not far from my storage diagram. I double checked that I had everything, all the while hoping to hell there was still a demon realm to summon Mzatal from.

I stepped forward and examined my chalk and blood diagram, assuring that every sigil resonated properly. Shikvihr, here I come. Satisfied after a few adjustments, I glanced over to Ryan. “Remember to stay away from the diagram. And it’s best to just sit.” I dismissed a flicker of worry about whether it was a good idea to have Mzatal and a suppressed Szerain in the same room. Zakaar was a heartbeat away.

“And I might stay as well, but no promises,” Ryan said, gri

I rolled my eyes, smiled. “That would be a really really good idea. Sit and stay.” His only answer was a snort. I turned my full attention back to the diagram and the task at hand. Drawing power and focusing aspects, it only took a few minutes to get the portal set. My pulse quickened.


A cold wind arose, bringing with it the scent of sulphur and ozone. The diagram flared, and the air seemed to shiver and compress, as if an unheard sonic boom passed through the room. The sigils went dark, and a heartbeat later I saw a figure with a long dark braid crouched in the center of the diagram.

Mzatal drew a rasping breath, a shudder passing through him as he lifted his head. He looked like hell. That was honestly the only way to describe it: pale, disheveled, and wearing the same clothes he’d had on when I last saw him, blood and all. But the relief that flowed across his face as his eyes rested on me wiped away some of the exhaustion and strain.


“Hey, Boss,” I said with a smile as I grounded and closed the portal, and dropped the protections. “You look like shit. Miss me?”

Mzatal drew another deep breath and stood. “Much, zharkat.” His eyes went past me, and I realized Ryan had stood and taken a step forward. I looked back at him, frowning.

“Ryan?” I said, calling to that part of him.

Mzatal’s gaze remained on him. “Peace, Ryan,” he said, name flowing like a command. “Peace.”

Ryan visibly settled, and I hoped that meant that everyone was nice and chill. Ryan looked from Mzatal to me. “You’re really going,” he said.

I stepped to him and pulled him into an embrace. “Yeah, it’s time. I’ll be back before you know it.”

He wrapped his arms around me, held me close. “Don’t get yourself into too much trouble, okay?” His voice broke a bit on the last word.

“Who me?” My voice seemed to have the same unsteadiness. Must be something in the damn air. “I never get into trouble. I’m boring.”

He snorted and buried his face against my neck. “Right. And I’m never moody.”

I hugged him hard, then kissed him lightly before letting him go. “You’d better write. Tessa has her instructions.”

He very reluctantly released me. “Yeah. Write. I will.” His eyes went to Mzatal. “Don’t you fucking hurt her.”

Mzatal gave Ryan a sober nod. I hid a smile as Eilahn and I gathered our things, including a disgruntled Fuzzykins, and moved to the center of the diagram. I trusted Zack to take care of everyone and everything. I looked up at Mzatal. “Missed you, Boss,” I murmured.