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“You won’t think it so ridiculous when Ramon comes back. He’ll kill you where you stand.”

“Yeah. We’ll see.” I’m sure Ramon will be back, all right, but with Culebra on his ass.

Luis starts yelling in Spanish. To Ramon. To the people hiding behind closed doors in the shacks around us. He’s ordering them to come out and free him. To shoot me. Offering money as a bribe.


“I think you fucked yourself when you shot all the men in the village. Pretty shortsighted, Luis.”

He stares. “How do you know I shot the men? How do you know my name?”

When I don’t answer, he yanks against the ropes. “I have other men. They will be back.”

“Not for a while, I suspect, if they intend to try to save any of your llello.”

His eyes flash. “What do you know of my llello?”

I blow on the palm of my hand. “I know it’s gone.”

He struggles against the ropes again, leaning toward me, his mouth twisted in anger. “What did you do?”

Darkness is descending, the first long shadows creeping across the ground. I turn, searching the sky. A whiff of odor tells me where to look. A thick black cloud rises in the east. Luckily, the breeze is blowing it away from the village. Only a vampire’s keen sense of smell tells me what it is. The burning coke.

“There.” I point to the cloud. “I hope your boys stay downwind.”

Luis’ face contorts, color rushing up to stain his skin a sickly scarlet. “Do you know what you’ve done? Do you know what my brother will do to you when he finds out?”

Before I can respond, I catch a second scent. A familiar one.

“Then we’d better make sure he doesn’t find out.”

It’s Max’s voice behind me. He approaches with Adelita by his side and a shotgun in his hand.


LUIS STARES AT MAX. IF EVER AN EXPRESSION REGISTERED a “now who the fuck is this?” look, it’s his.

Max and Adelita join me. “How did you get back so quickly?” I ask.

“Hitched a ride with the Federales. They picked us up in a helicopter near Ramon’s place. Before you ask, the girls are safe. Then they brought me back.” He shoots Adelita a stern look. “Alone, this time.”

Adelita isn’t looking at Max. I’m not sure she heard him. Her eyes are on Luis. She steps toward him, but I grab her arm and pull her back.

“I know what you want to do,” I say quietly. “But we need him alive. At least for now.”

Max looks around. “Where is everybody?”

“Cule—ah—Tomás should be back any minute. With Ramon.”

Luis squares his shoulders. “Ramon will have killed him by now.” He squints at Max. “So you are the American pig after my brother.”

Max raises his eyebrows. “I guess I am. And you are the pendejo brother he tethered like a goat out here in the middle of nowhere to lure the lions.”

“You will never catch Pablo. He’s too smart and his army too strong. You and your bitch and the traitor Tomás are dead.” His eyes flick to Adelita and he moistens his lips with his tongue. “You, chica, I may keep around for a while. You will have to do until I find those four pequeña putas who ran away. I don’t know how you got away from the burning truck, or escaped from my shack, but here you are again. It is fate.”

This time when Adelita jumps toward Luis, I don’t hold her back. She’s on him like a wild woman, spitting and clawing until his face is ru

The blood has me mesmerized. I find myself licking my lips the way Luis did his a few moments before.

Then Max touches my arm.

I look at him. He nods toward Adelita. Vampire retreats and I put my arms around Adelita’s waist and lift her back and away.

She squirms and fights against my grip, but I’m much stronger and when she’s caught her breath and starts to calm down, I turn her to face me and cradle her in my arms.

Luis moans. His face is a mess. Adelita caught his right eye with a fingernail, there’s a long gash radiating from the corner and it’s red-rimmed and weeping. Makes me hug her tighter.

Adelita grows still, resting her head against my chest. Then she straightens and steps free, not looking at Max or me. She stands with her back to Luis. Her shoulders shake and I think she’s crying, but I let her have her moment. She’s one tough kid.

Luis, for once, has no vitriol to spout. His eyes are squeezed shut and he draws shaky breaths through clenched teeth. He’s in pain and it’s a joy to see.

Max leans toward me. “We should get out of here. Where’s Culebra?”

A good question. Culebra?

His answer comes back. On my way.

As if on cue, there’s movement from the perimeter of the village and Culebra and Ramon appear. Ramon is stumbling like a drunk. His right ankle is bound by a crude bandage that looks like it’s made from strips of a sheet. His hands are tied behind his back with rope. His eyes are glazed, his gait unsteady.

Culebra is walking close behind him—walking behind him. He is back in human form and has a rifle in his hand. He is smiling.

Does Ramon know—

Culebra answers before I complete the question. That I’m the one that bit him? No. Not yet.

Luis doesn’t see Ramon and Culebra until they are right in front of him. When he does, the color drains from his face, making the blood from his wounds stand out in slashes of crimson like paint on a canvas.

Ramon doesn’t notice. He’s busy trying to stay on his feet. He doesn’t look good.

Is he going to be all right? I ask Culebra. Not that I care. But he may have information we need.

I only bit him once, Culebra answers. His glance goes to Luis and he says out loud, “Looks like he got into a fight with a panther.” He hooks an eyebrow in my direction. Or a vampire.

I jab a thumb in Adelita’s direction. “Not a panther. A wildcat.”

Adelita turns at the sound of Culebra’s voice. Her posture straightens when she spies Ramon. Her smile is bitter as she assesses his condition. “Another pig,” she spits.

I hadn’t had a chance to ask Adelita the question I considered earlier. I jab a thumb toward Ramon. “Did he recognize you when he found you outside the village?”

Ramon catches the question and his eyes go to Adelita. “Why would I know you?” he asks.

Adelita’s eyes go hard at his answer and I think for an instant she will go after him the way she did Luis. “Does that answer your question?” she says to me, taking two steps forward to shove him with both hands.

Ramon loses his balance and tips back, unable to break his fall. Adelita takes the heel of her foot and presses it into his injured ankle. He cries out, writhing in pain.

“You kidnapped me from my village.” She punctuates each word with a grinding of her heel. Then she steps back to stand beside Max and me. “He’ll remember me now, I think.”

“No wonder you like her,” Culebra says to me. “She’s just like you.”

Max looks around. “We’d better get out of here. Luis’ men may come back at any time. With reinforcements.”

Luis lifts his head. “You’ll never get away. My men know every inch of the area. And when I tell Pablo what you’ve done, there won’t be a place on this fucking earth where you’ll be safe.”

“And when do you plan to tell Pablo?” Max looks at Ramon. “I think I know of a place Pablo won’t find us. Isn’t that right, Ramon?”

Culebra has pulled Ramon roughly to his feet. Ramon has no more fight in him. His face is drawn with pain and resignation. “I would like to see Maria and Gabriella,” he says simply.

Max strides to Luis and cuts the rope binding him to the post. Before Luis can take a step, he’s replaced one restraint with another, handcuffs.