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At last the confusion died down. Sir John and Athelstan exchanged news and gossip with Lady Maude. A perspiring maid brought down the two poppets to bawl lustily at their father, who dangled them on his knees, turning both even more red-faced with fury. Athelstan gazed at the strapping babies, then admiringly at Lady Maude: he secretly wondered how such a delicate little thing could have given birth to what he privately considered to be the burliest babies he had ever seen. They looked like peas out of the same pod, even more so now, with their fat cheeks and balding heads.

Gog and Magog came over to sniff, nudge and lick — until even Cranston, who revelled in such loving chaos, declared enough was enough and beat a retreat to his Chancery. Once he and Athelstan were inside what Cranston termed his ‘sanctuary’, the Coroner leaned back against the door and mopped his sweating brow.

‘God save us!’ he whispered. ‘Thank God the Domina chose to be merciful. Believe me, Brother, old Jack Cranston is afeared of nothing except Domina Maude’s fury.’

Not to mention Ferox and Bonaventure, Athelstan silently added, but kept his own counsel.

‘Now,’ Cranston declared, ‘let’s look amongst my records.’ He threw back the lid of a huge, iron-bound coffer and dug like a great dog, sending pieces of parchment flying over his shoulder. Cranston muttered to himself, cursing as he unrolled one scroll after another only to toss it aside.

‘At last!’ he crowed in triumph, squatting on the floor with his back to the wall. He read the scroll, greedily studying its contents, now and again crying out and slapping his thigh.

‘Dirty little secrets!’ He tossed the parchment down and rubbed his hands. ‘And old Jack knows them.’ He got up, threw the parchment at Athelstan and went to the top of the stairs to bellow at Boscombe.

‘Go up to the Guildhall,’ he ordered. ‘Tell My Lord Mayor and the Guildmasters that the Lord Coroner wishes to have words with them immediately about Master Sturmey’s secrets.’ He gri

Cranston returned to restore order to his room whilst Athelstan sat on a stool, reading the parchment.

‘I can’t believe this,’ he muttered.

‘Oh, yes.’ Cranston gri

‘Where there’s wealth, there’s sin. And they were all involved one way or the other.’

Athelstan read on. The parchment was two foot long, the writing small and cramped: it encapsulated memoranda, reports, messages and accounts. Athelstan had to take it over to the window to study it more closely.

‘Did you notice another name, Sir John?’


‘A Master Nicholas Hussey, a chorister at St Paul’s.’

Cranston went over and studied the line just above Athelstan’s finger.

‘Devil’s bollocks!’ he breathed. ‘Brother, you are right.’

Athelstan read on. Boscombe returned, gri

‘I am going to enjoy this,’ Cranston breathed. ‘Just watch their faces, Athelstan.’

The Mayor and Guildmasters were waiting in the council chamber. Athelstan noticed how the servants were dismissed and no refreshments were offered as Cranston and he were summarily invited to sit at the great oval table. Goodman looked even more pop-eyed and anxious. Sudbury and Bremmer were visibly sweating. Marshall scratched his bald head and wouldn’t meet their eyes whilst De

Goodman cleared his throat. ‘Sir John, you wished to see us?’

‘Too bloody straight I do!’ Cranston leaned his great arms on the table. ‘Let’s not beat about the bush. Master Sturmey the locksmith was hired to build a special chest to hold the gold bars. It was furnished with six different locks. Each of you held a key but the gold has been taken, Sturmey’s dead, and before you ask, yes, he was murdered because someone forced him to make a second set of keys.’ Cranston wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. ‘Now you may ask why? What would force a reputable merchant like Sturmey to become involved in robbery and treason? The lure of gold? No, Sturmey wasn’t like that. Advancement? No, sirs. He was the victim of blackmail.’

The Mayor and Guildmasters stared at Cranston like a line of felons before a hanging judge.

‘Fifteen years ago,’ he began, ‘I was a junior Coroner in Cordwainer and Farringdon. Surely, Sir Christopher,’ Cranston smiled at the Mayor, ‘you recall my days in office, for you too were a law officer? There was a scandal, was there not? Certain allegations laid before the King’s Council about powerful merchants being involved in the carnal seduction of choir boys and pages at St Paul’s Cathedral? Surely you all remember it well?’ Cranston cleared his throat. ‘Two merchants were hanged, drawn and quartered for these filthy practices caused the death of one young boy. Now,’ Cranston leaned back, holding his hands across his stomach, ‘the investigation led to a number of well-heeled, powerful burgesses being questioned and this list included the late Sir Gerard Mountjoy, the late Sir Thomas Fitzroy, Philip Sudbury, Alexander Bremmer, Hugo Marshall and James De

‘We were i

‘I never said any different,’ Cranston replied. ‘Except there’s one other name — Peter Sturmey, locksmith. Anyway, the investigation was eventually brought to an end, otherwise every gallows in the city would have blossomed with its rotting fruit. Now, during this investigation, Sturmey, against whom no charges were brought, revealed the existence of a male brothel in an alleyway off Billingsgate. Well, sirs, I ask you to reflect on this. First, the names I have just listed are all involved in this present business. Second, Sturmey, also involved, has been found murdered, floating off the quayside near Billingsgate.’

‘Come to the point,’ Goodman said softly.

‘Oh, I think it’s obvious,’ Athelstan spoke up. ‘Of course, everyone here was i

‘My clerk has the truth of it,’ Cranston continued. ‘Sturmey was blackmailed on two counts: on the past but, more importantly, on the present. He probably fashioned a second set of keys out of fear and, on the day he died, was summoned to Billingsgate, a place our locksmith knew very well, for what he thought was his final meeting with the blackmailer.’ Cranston spread his hands. ‘The rest you know. The blackmailer had no intention of allowing Sturmey to talk. He had served his purpose and was brutally murdered. We do not know the name of the murderer nor how he stabbed Sturmey and tossed his body into the river.’

‘So,’ Marshall squeaked, ‘what has this to do with us, Sir John?’

‘Well, you all know the scandal lurking in Sturmey’s past. He was hired at your insistence to build the chest and fashion the locks and…’

‘And what?’ Sudbury snapped, leaning forward. ‘Are you implying, Sir John, that one of us, some of us or all, are involved in treason, blackmail and murder?’