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Dropping onto the mattress, she growled. “Gods, isn’t that just so sweet? My heart is all aflutter.”

“There he is.” I stood and grasped the bars, mirroring her earlier actions. “I wondered how long it would take to bring you out. Does my love for her bother you, Seth?”

She rolled onto her side, brows pinched and face pale. “Seth’s not in here, you stupid pure-blood.”

“It hurts when he’s co

“He’s not in here!” she screamed, her voice cracking.

I knew she was lying. “He’s there.” I leaned against the bars. “I can see him in your eyes.”

Alex curled, tucking her knees to her chest. A shiver rolled through her. I knew what she was doing—retreating inside herself, reaching out to Seth, making contact with him.

“Alex,” I said.

Her hands curled into fists as she lifted her head. “Go away.”

My eyes met hers. “Never.”

“I hate you,” she hissed, and she sounded like she meant it. “I hate you!”

“That’s not true. Alex loves me.”

She rolled her eyes. “I amAlex, you idiot. And I don’t love you. I need—”

“You need Seth.” Fire snapped through me as I gripped the bars until my knuckles ached. Deep down, I knew it wasn’t just Seth that was forcing her to behave like this. Yeah, some of what she said was Seth to the core, but it was the needdriving her. The need to be near the First was a tangible thing—potent and real.

I could taste it.

I remembered what the oracle had told her about need over the summer. Part of me hadn’t fully understood it then, but I did now. Need was destroying her, destroying me.

“Need is not love, Alex.”

Before Alex could respond, the door opened. “Oh!” She unfurled her legs and clapped her hands. “More visitors for little old me? I’m just so damn lucky. I’m tired of seeing hisface.”

Marcus, Alex’s pure-blooded uncle, glanced at me. “I see she’s in good spirits.”

I snorted.

She rose to her feet, swaying u

Marcus and I stared, morbidly fascinated with the display. It was stronger than yesterday, which meant the protective magic was wearing off. Hephaestus would need to make another visit and soon.

“And where is here?” She pushed with those words, fueling them with power.

I stepped back as her words rippled through me, breathed inside me. Forcing myself to break eye contact with Alex, I turned to Marcus. His eyes were glazed over and vacant. He was seconds away from spilling our location. I placed my hand on Marcus’ shoulder.

He blinked, and then swore. “Is it just me or is she getting better at that?”

Alex giggled, and it sounded off, reminding me of that creepy little boy in Pet Sematary. The one who had ran around killing people with a scalpel.

“I think so. You’d think she’d grow weaker, since she hasn’t eaten a damn thing.” I watched her move back to the mattress. She stopped, glancing over her shoulder at us. Her eyes narrowed, and I couldn’t wait to find out what she was now up to. “Anyway, we need to make sure no onecomes down here.”

Marcus nodded. The house was another piece of property owned by Solos’ father, but this one had more Sentinel traffic. Some stopped in while traveling to new assignments, although we had to keep the door to the basement sealed when strangers were in the house, which was often. The place was hopping with the most recent events. Many were being moved out of the west, heading either toward what was left of Deity Island or to the Covenant in New York.

“Marcus?” Alex faced us.

“Yes, Alexandria?”

One side of her lips tipped up as her gaze slid to mine. “Does it bother you that Aiden and I have been. how do I put this? He’s seen me naked? Multiple times.”

Oh. Dear. Gods. Here we go again. Shaking my head, I scrubbed my hand over my eyes. “Alex…”

Marcus stiffened. “I’ve had time to come to terms with it. I can’t say that I’m surprised, though.” He glanced at me, scowling. “If there’s a rule, you’ll break it, Alex. But I didn’t expect Aiden to be so…”

“Irresponsible?” she supplied helpfully, and I rolled my eyes. “And such a bastard to take advantage of me—your poor niece who has been through so much? He took advantage of me. Used a compulsion on me. He forcedme.”

My hand dropped to my side. Horror rolled through me, leaving me reeling. She didn’t just… she had.

“He’s a bastard,” Marcus responded coolly, “but I doubt he took advantage of you or used a compulsion.”

“Thanks,” I muttered.

Alex shrugged as she drifted toward us. “He broke the rules. Shouldn’t you be more upset?”

“Honestly, out of everything that is going on, that’s the least of my worries.” Marcus smiled, and her eyes flared a heated tawny color. “And really, if we are going to make a list tallying up how many rules have been broken, I think you top it.”

“But heused compulsion on a pure.”

“And youkilled one. Tit for tat, Alexandria.” Although this wasn’t the first time we’d had this conversation with Alex, it never failed to amaze me how calm Marcus remained through it.

“Then you should punish us.” She leaned into the bars, but kept her hands to her sides. “Rules are rules, Uncle. Take us to the Council.”

“We’re not letting you out,” I cut in. “Move on to something else, Alex.”

She pulled her lips back and made a very real-sounding hiss. “How about you come in here?”

I flashed my teeth at her. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Her hands flexed at her sides and she moved back from the bars, keeping her eyes trained on me. “I’d loveit.”

The door opened, spilling light down the concrete stairs. Marcus turned, but I kept my gaze on Alex. There was a challenge in her stare—a dare. She wanted to fight, and even with her elemental powers lagging, she’d be a hell of an opponent. More skilled than the last time I’d goaded her into fighting me. Thinking of that, I was reminded of how that fight had ended.

Alex had kissed me.

My stomach tightened, even though I knew it wouldn’t end that way this time. If she got her hands on me, she’d try to kill me. I had to keep reminding myself of that. When co

“Marcus? Aiden?” Solos called from the top of the steps. “You guys down there?”

“Don’t come down here,” I reminded him, eyeing a suddenly alert Alex. Halfs were more susceptible to compulsions, and she packed one hell of a punch.

“Wasn’t pla

Marcus shot me a look full of meaning, and then glanced at Alex before heading up the stairs. Apollo’s arrival hopefully meant he’d found something to break the co

Alex shot toward the bars, gripping them. “Don’t you dare leave me.”

I heard Marcus’ footfalls stop at the top of the steps. “I thought you were tired of my face, Alex.”

Closing her eyes, she pressed her forehead against the bars. “I hate it in here. I can’t take it. The silence… I hate the silence.”

And I hated the razor edge of real pain in her voice. “You didn’t answer my question.”

The skin around her eyes crinkled as her brows knitted together. “Fine. Leave. I don’t care. I hate you anyway.”

Approaching the bars, I slipped my hand through. My fingers brushed aside the tangled mess of hair. Alex was so still I wasn’t sure she was breathing as I found the chain and gently tugged it up so that the crystal rose was cradled in my palm.

She sucked in a sharp breath but didn’t bolt.