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“You’ve made war against the gods,” one hissed. Her wings cut through the air noiselessly. “Make no mistake they will make war against you.”

The other spread her muscled arms wide. “You risk them all to gorge yourself with power that never was yours. What a path… what a path youhave chosen.”

And then they were gone.

Chaos reigned supreme below the dais and on it. Telly was gone. There wasn’t even a pile of ashes. Bile rose in my throat as I turned away from the spot where he’d knelt.

Toward the back, I heard sounds of fighting as Guards and Sentinels went after the ones blocking the doors. A Guard near us was overtaken. One of his daggers hit the floor. I lurched for it, wrapping my numb fingers around the hilt. I had to stop this—stop Lucian. He was pulling Seth’s strings.

I whirled around, finding Lucian speaking to the Council, spouting more crazy stuff that was going to get us all killed.

Seth was on me before I could even take a step toward Lucian. Our eyes met before he wrenched the dagger from my hand. He tossed it aside as he advanced on me. Coldness had crept upon his features. I didn’t recognize the look in his eyes. They glowed violently, nearly luminous. That awe was there again. But it wasn’t awe… I’d mistaken that look.

It was a craving, a greed for more. The same thing I’d seen time and time again in the eyes of a daimon.

Weaponless and weak, I knew when to retreat. My spine hit the wall. Desperately, I searched for something and found a titanium candelabrum. I grabbed it and threw it at him using both arms.

Lighting quick, he caught the candelabrum and tossed that to the side, too. “Always throwing things,” he said, voice thick and different. Gone was the musical quality. “Such a naughty, naughty Alex.”

I inhaled raggedly. “This… this is not you.”

“It is me.” He reached for me. “And this is us.”

Dawn’s voice distracted him. “This is treason!” she said. Terror filled her amethyst eyes. She was trembling, hugging her elbows. Other Ministers stood behind her, faces pale. “This is treason against the gods, Lucian. What you ask from us ca

“Do you think change is not needed?” Lucian asked.

“Yes!” She unfolded her arms and raised them in front of her, as if she was shielding herself. “Change is needed. Half-bloods need more freedom and choice. There is no doubt to that. I have a half sister. I love her dearly and want a better life for her, but this… this is not the way.”

Lucian cocked his head to the side as he smoothed his hands over his white robes. “And what about the gods, my dear?”

Her breath came out ragged as her spine straightened. “They are our only masters.”

All my nightmares were coming true, as were the Order’s. History wason repeat. Seth stepped to the side, facing the Council members who would not bow to Lucian’s will.

Lucian smiled.

“No!” My voice came out ragged as I slid along the wall, away from Seth. “Seth, don’t!”

But Seth was on autopilot. He grabbed my hand again. Mark pressed against mark. Pressure filled me and then the cord snapped again, pushing akasha through the bond. There was no reaching him when the power took over, no compassion.

Seth was just Lucian’s killing machine.

The brilliant amber light erupted from his hand a second time.

Screams rose above the pandemonium. I swore I could hear Lea’s above them all. I knew that couldn’t be true, because everyone was screaming. I was screaming.

Seth released his hold, and I dropped to my knees, gagging and choking on the smell of burnt cloth and… flesh—burnt flesh. Where the seven had once stood, only three remained huddled together as they stared at Seth in horror. One whimpered, clutching a blackened arm.

Lea’s sister—Dawn—was gone.

He had done it—attacked the Council. My cheeks were damp. When had I started crying? Did it matter? I didn’t know.

Lea’s sister was gone.

I pressed my hand to my mouth, ordering myself to pull it together. Something had to be done. This was bad—horrendous—but it would get worse once I Awakened. In the chaos, I could escape. I couldn’t break down now. Struggling to my feet, I held my breath and edged toward the stairs as Seth’s back was to me. I reached the steps and arms went around my waist, lifting me over the edge. Warmth immediately surrounded me, my body—my heart—telling me who it was who’d grabbed me. Sweet relief flooded me.

“I’ve got you.” Aiden set me on my feet. His eyes searched mine intently. “Can you run?”

I heard him as though through a tu

Within seconds, we were surrounded.

“Shit.” He let go of my hand, blocking my body with his. Coiled tension rolled through his body.

I wished I’d had the foresight to find the lost dagger, because then I’d at least have something to ward off Lucian’s Guards. Not that I’d be able to do much with it. It was taking everything in me to stand, to push through the nearly overwhelming exhaustion that’d come when Seth tapped into my power.

Then Aiden sprang. Spi

It had been so long since I’d seen him fight. Forgetting how graceful and fast he was, I stared in awe. Not a single Guard made it past him. He mowed them down with just his hands and kicks.

One, however, did creep up behind us.

The Guard grabbed me from behind and started to pull me back toward the dais, toward Seth and Lucian. With my arms pi

Aiden turned, seeing my predicament. Our eyes met for a brief second, and then his gaze dropped. I let my legs collapse. Aiden moved so fast the air stirred around me. A second later the Guard hit the ground, unconscious.

“Nice,” I croaked as Aiden tugged me to my feet.

His smile was tight as he grabbed hold of my hand again, and we were ru

“Who… who are you?” I asked.

He bowed at the waist and gri

“Solos from Nashville?”

Solos nodded, spun around and punched the living crap out of a Sentinel who’d made a run at us. The punch knocked the guy off his feet. It was pretty epic.

“Are we getting out of here?” Luke asked. He held Lea close to him, his movements near frantic. “We’ve got to get out of—”

The air popped and crackled. Light followed, flashing over the entire room. When it receded, Apollo stood in the middle of the aisle. “Go,” he said. “Get off the island now. I will hold him off, give you enough time.”

“Alex!” roared Seth.

Cold shivers went down my spine.

“Whatever you all do, do not stop. Do not stay to help,” Apollo ordered before he turned around. “Go.”

“Come on.” Aiden had me again. “We have a car waiting down the street, by the beach.”

“You can run, Alex!” Seth’s voice carried over the uproar. “Run all you want! I will find you!”

Aiden dragged me toward the front doors. I looked back, seeing Seth standing in the center of the dais, his chest heaving. The body of the furie lay at his feet like a sick trophy.

“Stop them!” Lucian ordered, moving behind Seth. “Don’t let her out of here.”