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I snuggled closer to him, wishing he didn’t have to leave. “I know. I believe that.”

Aiden kissed me once more and whispered, “ Agapi mou


EVERYTHING AND NOTHING CHANGED AFTER HAVING sex. I didn’t look any different. Well, there was the goofy smile plastered over my face that I couldn’t get rid of. Other than that, I looked the same. But I did feel different. I ached in places I had no idea someone could even hurt. My heart also did that fluttering thing every time I even thought his name, which was so girlie and I loved it.

Letting my heart instead of my hormones decide when to do it made what Aiden and I’d done special. And when we passed each other throughout the day, the looks we stole suddenly meant more. Everything meant more, because we both were risking it all and neither of us regretted that.

I spent the better part of the afternoon and evening playing Scrabble with Deacon. I think he regretted asking me to play, because I was one of thoseScrabble players—the kind who played three-letter words every chance I got.

There was a part of me that kept expecting the gods to zap one of us for finally breaking all the rules. So when Apollo popped in on our fourth round of Scrabble, I about had a heart attack.

“Gods!” I clutched my chest. “Can you stop doing that?”

Apollo looked at me strangely. “Where is Aiden?”

Slowly rising to his feet, Deacon cleared his throat and bowed. “Urn, I think he’s outside. I’ll go get him.”

I glared at Deacon’s retreating form. Left alone with Apollo, I wasn’t sure what to do. Should I stand up and bow, too? Was it considered rude to sit in the presence of a god? But then Apollo sat beside me, cross-legged, and started messing with the letters on the board.

Guess not.

“I know what’s happened,” Apollo said after a few seconds.

My brows furrowed. “What are you talking about?”

He nodded at the board.

My gaze dropped to the game and I nearly passed out. He’d spelled SEX and AIDEN with those stupid little squares. Horrified, I shot to my knees and swept the letters off the board. “I-I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

Apollo tipped his head back and laughed, like, chortled really loudly.

I think I hated him, god or not.

“I’ve always known.” He leaned back against the couch, folding his arms. His blue eyes burned u

My jaw hit the floor. “Wait. That night Kain came back? You… you knew I was in Aiden’s cabin, didn’t you?”

He nodded.

“But… how do you know now?” My stomach dropped. “Oh, my gods, have you been doing some kind of creepy peeping-god thing or something? Did you see us?”

Apollo’s eyes narrowed as he tilted his head toward me. “No. I dohave better things to do.”

“Like what?”

His pupils started to burn white. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe track down Telly, keep an eye on Seth and, If I get lucky, bring you back from the dead. Ah, and I forgot making a few appearances at Olympus, so that I don’t have every one of my siblings curious about what I’m doing.”

“Oh. Sorry.” I settled down, feeling chagrined. “You are really busy.”

“Anyway, I can smell Aiden on you.”

My face caught fire. “What? What do you mean, you can smellhim? Dude, I showered.”

Apollo leaned over, his gaze meeting mine. “Every person has a unique scent. If you mix yours enough with that person, it takes a lot to get their smell off you. Next time you might want to try Dial soap instead of those girly body washes.”

I covered my flaming face. “This is so wrong.”

“But it does amuse me greatly.”

“You… you’re not going to do anything about it?” I whispered, lifting my head.

He rolled his eyes. “I believe that is the least of our problems at the moment. Besides, Aiden is a good guy. He will always put you first, above all else. But I am pretty sure he will get overprotective at some point.” Apollo shrugged while I stared, open-mouthed, at him. “You will just have to set him straight.”

Was Apollo giving me relationship advice? This was officially the weirdest moment of my life, and that was saying something. Thankfully Aiden and Deacon returned then, and I was saved from dying of humiliation.

Deacon shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’m just going to go busy myself with… something. Yeah.” Spi

There was something really weird about Deacon’s reaction to Apollo. For his sake, I seriously hoped he hadn’t done anything with Apollo. He might end up a flower or a tree stump.

Aiden strolled into the living room and bowed. “Is there news?” he asked upon straightening.

“He knows about us,” I said.

A second later, Aiden hauled me to my feet and shoved me behind him. In both of his hands were Covenant daggers.

Apollo arched a golden eyebrow. “And what did I say about the whole overprotective bit?”

Well, he did call it. Cheeks flaming, I grabbed Aiden’s arm. “He doesn’t seem to care, apparently.”

Aiden’s muscles tensed under my hand. “And why should I believe that? He’s a god.”

I swallowed. “Well, probably because he could’ve killed me already if he was going to have a problem with it.”

“That is true.” Apollo stretched his legs out, crossing them at the ankle. “Aiden, you ca

The tips of Aiden’s cheeks flushed as he relaxed by a fraction. “I’m sorry for… pulling these on you, but—”

“I understand.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Have a seat, cop a squat, whatever. We need to talk, and I do not have long.”

Taking a deep breath, I sat where I’d been before. Aiden took the arm of the couch behind me, remaining close. “So what’s going on?” I asked.

“I was just with Marcus,” Apollo answered. “He’s gotten Solos on board.”

“On board for what?” I glanced at Aiden. He looked away. Equal parts curious and angry, because I knew that meant he was keeping something from me, I elbowed his leg. “On board for what, Aiden?”

“You have not told her, have you?” Apollo scooted further away. “Don’t hit me.”

“What? I don’t just hit people.” Both stared at me knowingly. I folded my arms to keep from hitting them. “Fine. Whatever. What’s going on?”

Apollo sighed. “Solos is a half-blood Sentinel.”

“Gee. I’ve figured that part out.” Aiden pushed me in the back with his knee. I shot him a death glare. “What does he have to do with any of this?”

“Well, I am trying to tell you.” Apollo rose to his feet fluidly. “Solos’ father is a Minister in Nashville. He’s actually the only son of the Minister; he has been doted on and raised with a lot of knowledge of the politics of the Council.”

“Okay,” I said slowly. Pures caring for their half-blood children wasn’t unheard of. Rare, yes, but I was an example of that.

“Not everyone on the Council is a fan of Telly, Alex. Some would even like to see him removed from his position,” Aiden explained.

“And if I remember correctly, he was outvoted when it came to placing you into servitude.” Apollo glided over to the window. “Word of what he’s involved in will not sit well with those members of the Council, including Solos’ father, who, by the way, is a softie when it comes to the treatment of half-bloods. Having them on our side can only help.”

“What do you mean, his father is a softie?”