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The smirk on his face faded. “He was killed with a Covenant dagger.”

“Okay.” I sat back in the chair, cocking my head to the side. “Did you know that halfs can be turned now?”

The Head Minister’s eyes narrowed.

I slowed my speech down. “Well, some of those halfs were trained as Sentinels and Guards. They carry daggers. And I think they know how to use those daggers, too.” Eyes wide, I nodded. “It was probably one of them.”

Surprisingly, Telly laughed. It wasn’t a nice laugh—more like a Dr. Evil laugh. “What a mouth you have on you. Tell me, is it because you think you’re so safe? That being the Apollyon makes you untouchable? Or is it just blind stupidity?”

I pretended to think about that. “Sometimes I do some pretty dumb things. This could be one of them.”

He smiled tightly. “Do you think I’m stupid?”

Odd. That was the second time I’d been asked a version of that question within the last twenty-four hours. I gave the same answer. “Is that a trick question?”

“Why do you think I’ve waited until now to question you, Alexandria? See, I know about your little bond with the First. And I know that this kind of distance negates that bond.” His smile became real as my hands clenched the arms of the chair. “So, right now, you’re nothing but a half-blood. Do you understand me?”

“Do you think I need Seth to defend me?”

The hollows of his cheeks started to turn pink. “Tell me what happened that night, Alexandria.”

“There was this giant daimon attack that I tried to warn you guys about, but you ignored me. You said it was a ridiculous notion that daimons could pull off such a stunt.” I paused, letting that jab sink in. “I fought. Killed some daimons and brought down a furie or two.”

“Ah, yes. You fought magnificently from what I hear.” He paused, tapped his chin. “And then a plot was discovered. The daimons were after the Apollyon.”


“I find that strange,” he replied. “Considering that they were trying to kill you in plain sight of Guards and Sentinels. Who, by the way, are loyal to the Council.”

I yawned loudly, doing everything to show I wasn’t afraid while I was shaking inside. If he saw that, then he’d know he was onto something. “I have no idea what goes on inside the mind of a daimon. I can’t explain that.”

Telly pushed off the desk, coming to stand in front of me. “I know you killed the pure-blood Guard, Alexandria. And I also know that another pure-blood covered it up for you.”

My brain sort of emptied as I stared up at him. Terror, so potent and so strong, knocked the air out of my lungs. How had he known? Had Aiden’s compulsion worn off? No. Because I’d be in front of the Council, handcuffed, and Aiden… oh gods, Aiden would be dead.

“You have nothing to say to that?” Telly asked, clearly enjoying this moment.

Pull it together. Pull it together. “I’m sorry. I’m just a little shocked.”

“And why would you be shocked?”

“Because that’s probably the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a long time. And have you seen the people I know? That’s saying something.”

His lips thi

My pulse pounded. “Actually, I’m a great liar.”

He was losing his patience quickly. “Tell me the truth, Alexandria.”

“I am telling you the truth.” I forced my fingers to relax around the chair arms. “I know better than to attack a pure, let alone kill one.”

“You attacked a Master at the Council.”

Crap. “I didn’t actually attack him—I stopped him from attacking someone else. And well, I learned my lesson after that.”

“I beg to differ. Who helped you cover it up?”

I leaned forward in the chair. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You are testing my patience,” he said. “You don’t want to see what will happen when I lose it.”

“It kind of sounds like you havelost it.” I looked around the room, forcing my heart to return to normal. “I have no idea why you’re asking me these questions. And I’m missing the last day of class before winter break. Are you going to give me an excuse or something?”

“Do you think you’re clever?”

I smirked.

Telly’s hand snaked out so quickly I didn’t even have a chance to deflect the blow. The back of his hand co

I gripped the edges of the chair, facing him. That’s what Telly wanted. He wanted me to strike him back. Then he’d have my ass on a golden platter.

Telly smiled.

I returned the gesture, ignoring the stinging in my cheek. “Thank you.”

Anger flared deep in his eyes. “You think you’re tough, don’t you?”

I shrugged. “I guess you could say that.”

“There are ways of breaking you, dear girl.” His smile increased, but it never reached his eyes. “I know you killed a pure-blood. And I know someone—another pure or the First—covered for you.”

A shiver ran down my spine, like icy fingers of panic and terror. I shoved it down, sure to revisit it later… if there was a later. I arched a brow. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve already told you what happened.”

“And what you’ve told me is a lie!” He shot forward, gripping the arms of the chair. His fingers were inches from mine, lips pulled back, face red with fury. “Now tell me the truth or so help me…”

I refused to pull away like I wanted to. “I havetold you.”

A vein popped on his temple. “You are treading on dangerous ground, dear.”

“You must not have any proof,” I said softly, meeting his enraged stare. “If you did, I’d already be dead. Then again, if I were just a half-blood you wouldn’t need much proof. But to take me out, you need the Council’s permission. You know, being the precious Apollyonand all.”

Telly pushed back from the chair, turning his back to me.

I knew I needed to shut up. Taunting him was probably the stupidest thing I could do, but I couldn’t stop. Anger and fear were never a good mix for me. “What I don’t understand is how you’re so certain that I killed a pure-blood. There were obviously no witnesses to his death. No one is pointing a finger at me.” I paused, enjoying the way the muscles in his back tensed under the thin tunic. “Why would you…?”

He turned around, face impressively blank. “Why would I what, Alexandria?”

My stomach churned as realization set in. My suspicions had been correct. I stared at his elegant hands. “How can you be so certain unless you ordered someone—a Guard—to attack me? Then I guess you’d be fairly certain if that Guard did turn up dead, but you wouldn’t have done that. Because I’m sure the Council would be pretty pissed. You might even lose your position.”

So busy gloating, I didn’t even see him move.

His hand caught the same cheek. The burst of red-hot pain stu

“You… you can’t do this,” I said, voice hoarse.

Telly grasped my wrist. “I can do as I please.” Telly hauled me to my feet, his fingers bruising my arms as he dragged me across my uncle’s office. He shoved me toward the window overlooking the quad. “Tell me, what do you see out there?”

I blinked back tears, biting down on the fury threatening to boil over. Statues and sand, and beyond that, the ocean rolled and tumbled with rough waves. People were scattered across the campus.

“What do you see, Alexandra?” His grip tightened.

I winced, hating my moment of weakness. “I don’t know. I see people and freaking sand. And the ocean. I see lots of water.”