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“Are you doing anything for winter break?”

He rolled his eyes. “That would require Aiden taking time off, since he won’t let me off this island without him. He’s been super-paranoid ever since the whole thing in the Catskills. I think he’s expecting daimons or furies to drop in here any minute.”

I cringed. “Sorry.”

“Whatever,” he replied. “It’s not your fault. So I’m not going to be doing anything exciting. I hear my esteemed older brother is playing guard for you.”

I rolled my eyes.

“You know, I overheard him and the Dean talking when he visited the house.”

“What house? Aiden’s cabin?”

Deacon arched a brow. “No, like thehouse.” He saw my dumbfounded look and took pity on me. “Our parents’ house? Well, it’s really Aiden’s house now. It’s on the other side of the Island, near Zarak’s.”

I had no idea that there was another house. I’d just assumed that Aiden had the cabin and Deacon stayed in the dorm. Come to think of it, why in the hell was Aiden living in that tiny shack if he owned one of those huge, opulent houses on the main island?

As if he knew what I was thinking, Deacon sighed. “Aiden doesn’t like to stay at the house. Reminds him too much of our parents, and he hates the whole lavish lifestyle thing.”

“Oh,” I whispered, glancing at the front of the classroom. Our teacher was always late.

“Anyway, back to my story. I overheard them talking.” Deacon’s chair and desk made a terrible scratching noise as he scooted closer to me. “Want to know?”

Luke, who had been sitting on Elena’s desk, faced us. His brows rose when he saw us. “Sure. Spill it,” I said.

“There’s something going on with the Council—that has to do with the half-bloods.”

“Like what?” I asked.

“Don’t know exactly. But I know it has something to do with the New York Council.” Deacon looked away, focusing on the front of the class. “I figured you might know, since you were just up there.”

I shook my head. There was always something going on with the Council, and it probably had to do with the elixir. Then I realized Deacon was still staring at the front of the classroom. I followed his gaze. He was staring at Luke.

And Luke was staring back at him.

Like in the really intense way I sometimes stared at… Aiden.

My eyes darted back to Deacon. I couldn’t see his eyes, but the tips of his ears were pink. After several moments, like too long for one dude to be looking at another dude casually, Deacon leaned back. I thought about the phantom voice I’d heard with Luke in the sensory room. It had sounded familiar… but no way.

“Anyway,” Deacon cleared his throat. “I think I might throw a party for those left behind during winter break. You think Aiden will be game?’

“Uh, probably not.”

Deacon sighed. “It’s worth a try.”

I glanced at Luke again. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“It’s not working.”

Seth made an impatient sound in his throat. “Try concentrating.”

“I am,” I snapped, pushing the windblown hair out of my face.

“Try harder, Alex. You can do it.”

I hugged myself, shivering. It was freezing out by the marshes. The cold, damp wind beat against me and the heavy sweater was no help. We’d been at this for the better part of Saturday. When Seth had suggested I try to blow something up, I’d assumed he’d been joking.

I’d been wrong.

Closing my eyes, I pictured the thick boulder in my mind. I already knew the texture, the sandy color, and its irregular shape. I’d been staring at the damn thing for hours.

Seth moved behind me, taking my hand and placing it against the spot the latest mark had appeared. “Feel it in here. Do you?”

Feel the cord? Check. I also liked the fact that he was now blocking the worst of the wind.

“Okay. Picture the cord unraveling, feel it coming alive.”

I had a feeling Seth was enjoying this way too much, considering how he was pressed against me.


“Yeah, I feel the cord.” I did feel it opening up, slithering through my veins.

“Good. The cord is not just us,” he said softly. “It’s akasha—the fifth and final element. You should feel akasha now. Tap into it. Picture what you want in your mind.”

I wanted a taco, but I doubted akasha could serve me up some Taco Bell. Gods, I’d do some terrible things for Taco Bell right about now.

“Alex, are you paying attention?”

“Of course.” I smirked.

“Then do it. Blow up the rock.”

Seth made it sound so easy. Like a toddler could do this. I wanted to elbow him in the stomach, but I pictured the rock and then pictured my cord shooting from my hand. I did this over and over again.

Nothing happened.

I opened my eyes. “Sorry, this isn’t working.”

Seth moved away, brushing back the shorter stands of hair that fell out of his ponytail. He popped his hands on his hips and stared at me.

“What?” Another gust of biting wind had me shuffling to stay warm. “I don’t know what you want me to do. I’m cold. I’m hungry. And I saw that National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is on TV for some odd reason and I must watch it since you soaked up all the time it was on TV during Christmas.”

His brows inched up. “Watch what?”

“Oh, my gods! You do not know of the trials and tribulations of the Griswold family?”


“Wow. That’s kind of sad, Seth.”

He waved his hand. “It doesn’t matter. Something must trigger your ability to tap into akasha. If only…” A thoughtful look crept over his expression and then he clasped his hands. “The first time you did it, you were pissed. And then when you went all crazy ninja on the furies, you were angry and scared. You have to be pushed.”

“Oh, no no no.” I started backing up. “I know where you are going with this and I’m not doing this with you. I mean it, Seth. Don’t you—”

Seth raised his hand and the air element smacked me in the chest, knocking me flat on my back. Fighting the use of the elements was something I had gotten a bit better with. I did tap into the power then and I felt the cord tense, then snap. I buckled, breaking through what felt like hurricane-force winds. Rising up, my hair blew straight back.

I was going to maim Seth.

Then he was on me, using his weight to force me back against the coarse, dead grass. Small pebbles dug into my back as I squirmed under him. “Get off, Seth!”

“Make me,” he said, lowering his face to mine.

I tipped my hips, wrapped my legs around his waist and rolled. For a second, I had the advantage and I wanted to wrap my chilled fingers around his neck and choke the living crap out of him. I didn’t like being pi

“Not like that,” Seth grunted. He grasped my shoulders, flipping me onto my back. “Use akasha.”

We struggled, rolling through the small bushes. He was growing more frustrated each time he slammed me back, and I was feeling murderous. Rage, sweet and heady, rushed through me, twisting around the cord. I felt it building. My skin was tingling. The marks of the Apollyon seared and pulsed.

Seth’s lips curved. “That’s it. Do it.”

I screamed.

And then Leon was above us, grabbing Seth by the scruff of his neck and tossing him several feet back. He twisted in midair like a cat, landing in a crouch. The marks of the Apollyon came out all at once, blurring across his skin in dizzying speeds. He zeroed in on Leon. There was something deadly in his eyes—the same look he’d given the Master after he’d hit me. I thought of Jackson.

I jumped to my feet, rushing Seth. “No! No, Seth!”

“You really shouldn’t have done that.” Seth advanced, his intentions clear.

Leon arched a brow. “You want to try that, boy?”