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I looked down at the blade, then up at his beautiful face.

And did nothing.

Malik smiled and my heart thudded in my chest. ‘Genevieve.’

He whirled round, an edge of darkness swinging from his coat, and strode away, vanishing into nothingness.


The spell dome dissipated, leaving me standing in the much smaller car park of the Leech & Lettuce. To one side Katie, still clutching the vodka bottle, watched over Fi


I gave her a quizzical look. ‘Disappear as in “not seen”, or actually go away?’ I asked.

‘As I told you’—she smiled—‘I enjoy helping people.’

I took the cloak from her, wrapped it around me and vanished from sight.

The police arrived in force. Detective Inspector Crane in the lead, along with a whole slew of paramedics from HOPE. And as the night waned and dawn approached, all that was left were the bodies. The goblins doused them in petrol and set them alight, the acrid fumes smoking and polluting the air. When there was nothing left but ashes, they swept those into a box and marched down to the river. I followed and watched silently as the fast-flowing Thames rushed the scattered ashes down to the sea.

Now I sit in the Rosy Lee Café and stare out of the window. The heat-wave has finally broken and rain is pelting down on London’s dusty streets and sluicing through the gutters.

Katie brings me an orange juice and my usual BLT sandwich with lashings of mayo

Declan kept his side of the bargain and offered the Gift to Melissa. Sadly, it didn’t succeed. Two nights ago, she was cremated at a private family ceremony. Bobby, aka Mr October, was there to support Melissa’s mother, all charges against him having been dropped. Alan Hinkley wasn’t able to attend: he is still in a coma and Bobby is spending his nights beside his father’s hospital bed, waiting for him to recover.

Constable Curly-hair is under suspension pending disciplinary action. She refused to pass on the details of Katie’s abduction to Hugh, or anyone else, because of me. By the time Hugh and his back-up team arrived at the Leech & Lettuce, the sun had gone down and the Earl was waiting. Hugh is currently convalescing in the Cairngorms with his tribe.

Thanks to my boss, Stella, and her campaigning, and Fi


He held my hand and told me he would keep my secrets.

I don’t know what that means, or how I feel about that for now, so I’ve tucked him away in that box in my mind, along with all the other things I’m not yet ready to think about.

Like Rosa.

And Malik.

I’ve heard he is still in London, but I haven’t seen him.

I sip my orange juice and look at the headline in today’s newspaper.


Toni has been quickly convicted of Melissa’s murder—the motive being blackmail over the witch’s secret relationship with a vampire—and as Toni can’t object and Rio is dead, it’s a nice neat ending for all concerned.

I push my sandwich away, no longer hungry, and watch the rain.


My heartfelt thanks go to those who have helped this book on its way.

The Thursday Writers—an uninspiring name for a truly inspiring group of people—Alison Aquilina, Malcolm Angel, Judy Monkton, Doreen Cory, and our erstwhile mentor, Della Galton. And last but not least, Fiona Knight, whose constant encouragement and willingness to splash red and purple paint over my words can never be appreciated enough. Without you all, the reality would still be a dream.

To John Jarrold, my agent, a big thank-you for your belief and support. To the crew at Gollancz, for welcoming me so enthusiastically into the fold. And to Jo Fletcher, editor extraordinaire, thank you for all your wonderful work in making my book so much better.

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