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Seven dark shapes loped along the tu

Nets appeared in the hands of the three centurions as they quickly spread out and advanced on Mrs Jangali. She called something that sounded like an order to her son, who crouched down on the windowsill. Then she snarled and crumpled to the ground, her sari disappearing as she shifted into an orange and black tiger indistinguishable from the zoo’s tigers behind the glass. She lunged at the nearest centurion. He dodged out of her way, leaping and rolling in an acrobatic-type move, but not before her claws raked across his chest sending an arc of blood droplets through the air to stain the bodyguard’s green kurta. As the tiger landed and whirled, tail whipping out, the other two centurions flung out their nets and trapped her. Stun magic sparked green, and she dropped like she’d been shot. The two centurions efficiently scooped up the netted tiger as if she were nothing more than a ski

As the third centurion rolled to his feet and sped after the others, the small boy growled and jumped off the windowsill, chasing after them. His action snapped Jonathan, the zoo employee, out of his frozen shock and he grabbed the boy round the waist, only to find he’d seized a wriggling tiger cub. The cub turned on Jonathan and the two fell in a tangled heap of snarls and surprised yells almost at the feet of the Empress.

She shouted a sharp command and the centurion in the portal ran back, threw his net over the struggling pair, then heaved them both up and carried them into the portal. The four wolves circling the bodyguards broke away and loped after him. The Empress gave another pleasant, satisfied smile then gracefully brought her arms down and together in a sweeping motion. The green snake shuddered, ejecting the glyphs as it plunged down to wrap around her throat. She turned and strolled into the portal, the rest of the glyphs springing from the walls and zooming after her as if she were a magical Pied Piper.

Now, Cousin!Mad Max shouted, jerking me into action.

I reached out and calledthe magic.

The snake and the glyphs flew to me, alighting like insubstantial sparrows on my hands and arms, the birds’ tiny talons piercing my flesh with the sharp, hot pain of a vamp’s fangs—

And I found myself staring down at Mad Max’s head, his platinum ponytail dangling over his shoulder, where he was sucking like a blood-starved vamp on my wrist.

My magically ink-stained wrist. The glyphs were writhing over my skin like a fading memory. For a moment I understood what every single glyph meant, as if the knowledge had rushed up into me like a hot spring from deep within the earth. I knew how they’d been drawn. What they would do. I blinked, amazed and full of wonder.

Reverse the magic,Viviane urged.

Almost in a trance I took Mad Max’s ponytail and pulled him from my wrist then swept my foot behind his legs and watched in glee as he sprawled on his arse. He collapsed on to his back, eyes glazed, giggling like he was sloshed, and absently I wondered just how much of my blood he’d drunk. I plucked the black ribbon from his hair. It morphed into a twisting obsidian snake. I flung it out, lifted my arms and castthe glyphs after it. They speared the suspended snake and, as it had for the Empress, the air beneath it split, the portal yawning open on to the torch-lit stone corridor.

Run, quick, before it closes,Viviane yelled.

I ran. And jumped through the portal.

Chapter Fifty-Six

I landed, not in the torchlit stone corridor as I’d expected but in a large open area of sun-browned grass, floodlit by halogen lights on metal pylons. Inside a glyph-etched silver and copper chain circle, which rose over me in a shimmer of red in my sight. The Portal spell was a trap. But then I’d always known that.

I tightened my hold on my ring. I had a weapon. I had a See-Me-Not, along with Locators – magical and more mundane albeit high-tech electronic ones – and Transportation beacons woven into the long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans Mary had given me to wear. And the plan was for me to sit tight, find out everything I could and, if necessary, stall until the cavalry followed me through the portal. The now non-existent portal. Still Hugh and the witches had monitored the spell, and they had Mad Max and another pint of my blood. With luck they’d be along soon.

I sca

Well, not unless the show’s set featured a backdrop of scaffold and plank bleachers, crammed with a crowd of shadowy indistinct figures.

‘Quiet lot? aren’t they,’ I muttered, scowling at the eerie crowd.

Modified Privacy spells,Viviane helpfully informed me from her su

‘Thanks,’ I said drily. ‘I’d never’ve guessed.’

Front and centre stage were two ornate golden thrones, one larger than the other, pi

Spread out behind me were more chain circles, their silver and copper glinting in the bright halogens. Nearly all of the circles held shadowy figures.

They are those who have accepted the invitation to barter their gold coin, Viviane said, twirling her parasol.

‘Nice that the anonymity extends to the i

Around the outer edge of the open space and behind the stage, a twenty-foot wall of pale green magic shimmered with multi-coloured bubbles that drifted slowly upwards, only to sink back again as if the space were enclosed by a huge lava lamp; the magic was obviously keeping folk away, and possibly fuelling any illusions. Standing to attention at intervals around the green wall were vamps, all dressed up as Roman centurions. A lot of vamps. Crap. Were they going to be a problem for Hugh and his witches and trolls in blue? I shook the worry away for later.

Following the curve of the green wall was a semi-circle of exhibition tents facing the stage. They weren’t the standard Carnival ones (which were square or oblong to make the most of the space) but were round, suggesting they covered more magic circles. That didn’t bode well for whatever, or whoever, was probably trapped inside the tents.

The tents contain the speciality lots.

‘Can you ID anyone who’s in the circles or the tents?’ I murmured.