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I shook my head, not believing him. ‘Why the fuck would Malik make you king? If he was that powerful, he could make himself king.’

He arched a sceptical brow. ‘With his curse?’

I gritted my teeth. ‘What’s his curse got to do with it?’

‘My princess, do you really think that vampires anywhere would accept a revenant, someone who could turn into a bloodthirsty mindless corpse at any moment, as their liege lord?’

‘They accepted a psychotic, murdering bastard like you.’

‘Those that lived did, yes,’ he agreed prosaically. ‘Those that Challenged me to my face died horribly. As did those that plotted behind my back.’ He threw his arms out with a flourish and gave a low bow. ‘You see before you the magician’s assistant, my princess. The pretty distraction to divert the eye. No one sees my loyal shadow coming, not until the darkness takes them.’ He gri

Was it true? Was Malik the one in control? Or was Bastien still playing games, trying to make me think that? But why? What did it gain him, to make me distrust Malik? Or was that it? Was Bastien trying to drive a wedge between us? But again, why? Especially after he’d seemed so disappointed we hadn’t had sex. I swallowed back bile at the memory of how the bastard had violated me, and tightened my fist around Ascalon’s ring. And what the hell did it all have to do with the Emperor? Though really, second-guessing Bastien was a waste of time; he was the type to sell his own mother, so anything coming out of his mouth was suspect. Time to poke back.

‘If Malik’s the one in charge,’ I ground out, ‘then he doesn’t want me to know, otherwise he would’ve told me. So why are you enlightening me?’

He licked his lips. ‘The pleasure of knowing you know.’


‘Not entirely. I do derive pleasure knowing this causes you emotional pain, princess. Not as much as I wish; I much prefer to cause physical suffering.’ He plucked a dagger from Malik’s— no, the figure’sleft thigh, held it up so the sunshine hit it. The blood glistening on the blade bubbled, and smoke spiralled. He plunged the knife down into the figure’s stomach. The figure made a strangled noise as if stifling a scream. I stopped breathing for a moment. Illusion, nothing more. Wasn’t it?Bastien met my eyes. His were flat and hard, all signs of insanity gone. ‘You are here, bean sidhe, because when the time comes for you to choose, I want to ensure that you know what your choices are.’

Now we were getting to it. ‘What do I have to choose?’

‘Not what, but who. You think Malik al-Khan is your dark knight, your protector. I am here to tell you, he has taken on those mantles for our sake, his and mine, not yours.’

‘Seriously, if this is meant to make me save you and Malik from whatever you’ve got going on with the Emperor, trying to turn me against him is going the wrong way about it.’

‘It is not Malik who will need saving from the Emperor, it is I, my lovely bride. I have already tried to tell you this.’

I clenched my ring. ‘Well, listen up, buddy, I’m happy to kill you now, and save the Emperor the trouble.’

‘But you will not.’

I released Ascalon and bared my teeth in a smile. ‘Bet you can’t give me a good reason not to.’

Chapter Forty-Five

‘If you kill me, princess,’ Bastien said, ‘you will have lost that which the Emperor wants from you in return for information about releasing the fae’s trapped fertility.’

It was a fucking good reason. It was also a fucking cryptic reason. And it threw up a whole slew of questions. I went for the most pertinent. ‘How do you know what I want from the Emperor?’

‘You told my loyal shadow, did you not?’

A question for an answer. Which meant Malik almost certainly hadn’t told him. ‘How do I know you’re not spi

Glee wreathed his face. ‘I believe you will have to trust me, my lovely sidhe. To that end you will find that I have sent an extremely useful gift to the àrd-chea

What the hell did that mean, other than— ‘You know there’s a saying about not trusting Greeks bearing gifts, don’t you?’

‘Ah. Luckily I am not Greek, but Ottoman.’

Right. And thatwas supposed to make me trust him? Still, he was right, I couldn’t risk killing him. Not yet. I clenched my hand round Ascalon, and as if it felt my frustration, the sword slowly shrank back until it was a chunky emerald ring on my finger again.

Bastien smiled smugly.

Goaded, I snapped, ‘You know Malik wants you dead.’

Bastien shrugged dismissively. ‘He will not act on it.’

I snorted. Malik had already acted on it; he’d made a deal with Tavish for help to do the deed. ‘I wouldn’t be too sure of that.’

‘My life is worth more to him than any other, even his own, my princess. It always has been.’

He said it with such confidence that I had to ask, ‘Why?’

‘Because I have long been that part of him that he cares for above all else.’

Again with the cryptic. Irritated, I jumped in with the question I’d avoided before. ‘You mean because you’re his son?’ My voice rose slightly as my doubt, or hope, that he’d deny it crept into my words.

‘A question you can ask him when you next see him,’ he replied, not even blinking. ‘When you do, I want you to give him a message.’

I narrowed my eyes. ‘Why can’t you give it to him?’

‘Malik is not currently taking my calls.’ Impatience crossed his face. ‘And I can no longer reach his mind. There is . . . something preventing me. It may be Malik himself. I do not know. Tell him that too.’

Unease pricked me. Why wasn’t Malik talking to him? Bastien had said Malik was safe from the Emperor, hadn’t he? No, he’d only said that he, Bastien, would need saving . . . ‘What makes you think I’ll see him?’

‘Why, my faithful hound will lead you to his side, my bride. How else will you save me?’

Mad Max would take me to Malik? To save Bastien? Surprise and suspicion washed through me.

‘When he does,’ Bastien continued, ‘tell my shadow these words exactly: I have honoured the agreement between us. I will not harm the bean sidhe, but due to your incessant vacillating, I have made the choice for you.’

Ice trickled down my spine. ‘What the fuck does that mean?’

‘You have heard the message you have inspired, sidhe. It informs all of my decision, now make sure you deliver.’ He reached down to yank the dagger from the figure’s stomach at our feet and lifted it in a salute. ‘Until anon, princess,’ he said, and vanished.

Crap. He’d disappeared too quickly for it just to be vamp speed, so it had to be an illusion. Which meant he was still here. And I had one more question.

‘Come back here, Bastien,’ I shouted. ‘Now. I haven’t finished with you!’

He reappeared, his expression a mix of curiosity and calculation. ‘My, you havechanged from that timid little mouse, princess.’ He raised a brow, and again I saw a resemblance to Malik in his face. I shoved the disturbing image away and said, ‘Tell me how to find that which is lost, and how to join that which is sundered, to release the fae’s fertility from the pendant and restore it back to them as it was before it was taken.’

‘Well, well, would that I could, my princess, it would be a wonderful moment, would it not, if I had something you wanted?’ He threw his head back and laughed, and my heart sank. My growing suspicion was wrong. Fuck. I’d been sure he was in league with the tarot cards, sure he was somehow the ‘Emperor’, and knew the answer.

His laughter cut out and he pointed an accusing finger at me. ‘That mad bitch who is your mother is the one you should be asking, not I.’

Yeah, well, if my fruitcake of a mother ever put in an appearance, I would. Until then, I was being led around the nose by a set of crotchety tarot cards—