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Suddenly, Freya pulled free and ran back to me. ‘Mum smells of coconuts,’ she whispered. Then she was gone, disappearing into the café, along with a telling-off from her mum.

Bemused, I propped my elbows on my knees and my chin on my hands. Ana smelled of coconuts? Ana had been having sex? That’swhy she hadn’t been here, and why she hadn’t answered her phone. But why would Freya tell me? Did it have something to do with finding her Granddad Max, or was she just trying to embarrass her mother because she was angry with her. And who was Ana having sex with anyway? Was sex even advisable in her hugely pregnant state?

Mary sat next to me. ‘So that’s Andrea, she’s your what? Second cousin or something?’

‘Niece is easier,’ I murmured. ‘And she’s decided she wants to be called Freya now. It’s her middle name.’

‘’K,’ Mary acknowledged. ‘She looks a nice kid. Nine, isn’t she?’

‘Not till September.’

‘Nearly the same age as my Emily. They’re all about pushing boundaries at that age.’ She sighed. ‘Oh, and telling you how their friends’ mothers do everything so much better than you do. It makes life difficult.’

‘Yeah, I s’pect it does.’

She patted my shoulder. ‘Ana’s just scared, Ge

‘Yeah, I know,’ I said. ‘So at what point can’t you have sex if you’re pregnant?’

Her brown eyes widened. ‘Interesting change of subject.’ She cut a look to the café, then said, ‘Sex is possible right up to birth, if you’re careful, and if you feel like it. Some even have sex as a way to start labour. Me, I ballooned to the size of an elephant as soon as I hit my third trimester, and Emily spent most of her time dancing pointe on my bladder. Sexy, it was not.’ She shrugged. ‘But everyone’s different.’

Freya was telling the truth about her mum, not that I’d doubted her, but she could’ve been mistaken. ‘Thanks,’ I said.

‘Think it’s important?’

‘To do with the werewolves and them taking Mad Max? Doubt it, but you never know.’

‘Well, I know something that is important.’ Excitement laced Mary’s voice and she showed me her phone. The screen had a shot of a gold coin.

I held my own gold coin in its plastic evidence bag to the screen. The coins could’ve been twins. ‘Snap.’

She laughed. ‘So, you want to guess, or shall I tell you?’

I sat straighter, heart pounding. Hugh’s comment about the gold coin being thrown at Mad Max as payment of some kind came back to me. ‘The Bangladeshi ambassador sent it to you,’ I said slowly. ‘It was given to him by the werewolves the other night at the mosque in some sort of exchange for his wife and kid.’

‘Yes. He’s just come through with the info. Knew you’d get it!’ Mary shot a finger at where Dessa was leaning against her cop car, mouthing, ‘You owe me.’ Dessa pulled a face. Mary turned back to me. ‘The ambassador hasn’t opened up about anything else, though, like whether he knew they were werewolves, or what the coin means. But with your gold coin, at least we have corroborating evidence that the two cases are co

‘Easy,’ I said, smiling. ‘It’s been cleaned of magic in exactly the same way.’

‘Spoilsport.’ She gave Dessa a half-hearted thumbs-down making the cornrowed WPC grin happily. Mary huffed and whipped out her notebook. ‘C’mon then, how do you know?’

‘The hawk did it,’ I said. ‘In the square. With the magical green ribbon snake.’

‘Ha ha. Very fu

An eagle? Well, it went with the whole Roman imperial theme.

Mary waved her notebook under my nose. ‘Specifics, please.’

‘Okay,’ I said. ‘Well, Freya said that the bird smelled like her Uncle Jack. Jack is one of the Morrígan’s ravens. He’s also a changeling. Ergo, the eagle is also changeling. Changelings are human babies raised by the sidhe in the Fair Lands and given sidhe magic. So the eagle changeling used sidhe spells in the kidnaps, and that’s why the zoo, and here, look like a sidhe’s cleaned up all the magic.’

Mary fingers whitened where she gripped her pen then she gave me a not so friendly look. ‘You know,’ she said quietly, ‘that’s the one thing all us witches fear about our babies, that we’ll wake up to find them stolen. Taken to be a changeling. And all we’re left with is a stupid ùmaidh.’

Stupid was right, since ùmaidhmeans dolt or dim-witted. But then most ùmaidhswere made from something inanimate like a fresh cut log, or the longer lived ones from animals – I’d heard piglets were a favourite – so anything more than basic sentience wasn’t part of the spell.

I touched Mary’s arm. ‘Won’t happen. For one to make an ùmaidh, the sidhe would have to offer up a chunk of flesh and sever part of their soul. It’s a big sacrifice to make for something that’s only going to live for a couple of weeks at the most.’

Mary’s mouth twisted. ‘Yes, I know, but they’d get the stolen baby in exchange.’

True. Only if a sidhe really wanted to steal a baby they’d be more likely to leave a Glamoured sprite behind than an ùmaidh. Way easier. But I didn’t tell Mary that. And really she didn’t need to worry anyway. I did tell her that.

‘Reason being,’ I carried on, ‘the sidhe have agreed not to steal any kids from London. They can only take them with the mother’s agreement.’ Gria

Mary’s eyes widened with surprise. ‘Truth?’

‘Yeah.’ I frowned. ‘How do you not know that?’

‘I’ve never heard of it.’ She tapped her pen thoughtfully. ‘Weird. I’ll have to ask Mum, see if she has. It would certainly put a lot of our worries to rest.’ If it’s true.

She left it unsaid. Not stupid enough to say it might be a lie to my face. Though to be honest, I was wondering if Gria

‘So,’ I said briskly, ‘we know the eagle is a changeling, and he/she used the jade ribbon snake to wipe the crime scenes clean magically, but it wasn’t just the magic that disappeared, but the eagle, Werewolf Guy and Mad Max too.’

‘Which means the snake also held some sort of Translocation spell, or it opened a portal.’ Mary flipped back a couple of pages in her notebook. ‘One of the witnesses said he saw a large black shadow fall from the eagle, so that might indicate the portal option.’

I nodded. ‘Yeah, but a portal to where?’

‘I don’t think it can be far; those types of spells take a lot of power,’ Mary mused. ‘It might even have gone to a nearby van. We had a shoplifting perp who was doing that with goods before we nicked him . . .’ Her face lit up. ‘We nicked him when he lifted something we’d planted and we were able to scry for it. So it doesn’t matter where the portal went, because we can find it. Or find Mad Max, anyway, using that gold coin he had in his mouth.’

I handed her the coin in its plastic bag. ‘I picked it up, remember, after Mad Max dropped it, is that going to be a problem?’

‘Not if we keep you with us, and the coin’s got lots of scratches on it, so his saliva should be all over it. The main scrying kit is still back at the zoo, but Dessa’s got a portable kit in the car.’ She jumped up, but I stopped her with a hand on her arm.