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She was the girl at the mosque. The one in the fur jacket.

The werewolf.

The girl snarled, lips drawing back over longer-than-human canines.


My name was a sharply ordered imperative.

Static again.

Figures appeared in the distance, grey shadows loping over the snow, racing towards me. Hot flesh seared my palm. I squeezed my hand and warm wetness trickled from between my fingers to complete the pattern in the snow as the muscle I held pulsed one last time.

‘Dead.’ The girl’s whisper was a taunt on the wind. ‘My mate dead. You’ve killed him. Taken his heart.’

You must leave, Genevieve. Now!

‘They are coming,’ she screamed.


‘Coming for you.’

My eyes snapped open and I found myself lying on the ground, staring up into a huge furry face. It looked down at me with u

My pulse slowed and I realised I wasn’t lying on the ground but on a thin foam mattress covered by a silver-foil survival blanket. The only person about was Mary, chattering quietly away on her radio. I shut her and the tiger with its pointy teeth out and tried to sort through what just happened.

The damn Morpheus Memory Aid spell, combined with Malik’s blood I’d drunk, had to be backfiring again, this time not even waiting for me to sleep; instead the spell was just throwing me straight into a memory/flashback.

Malik’s memory/flashback.

And a disturbing one at that.

Not that I’d expected any of Malik’s memories of the Emperor and his werewolves to be good, not after Malik had gone hunting him and ended up sicced with the revenant curse by the evil imperial vamp.

Who had to be a truly foul piece of imperial shit indeed if he chained up prepubescent girls and forced them to become werewolves. Because I was betting that was the ritual Malik’s memory had shown me. Ugh. Definitely a disturbing memory to have. Not that the Fur Jacket Girl had seemed upset or traumatised by what was happening to her. No, she’d been raging about her mate being killed. That I’d killed him. Shouting that they were coming. For me.

My pulse sped up. It was the same as the Moon tarot card warning.

Only it wasn’t me who’d killed her werewolf mate in the memory, Malik was.

So was the memory a true one? Or had my subconscious added its own little twist at the end there as a reminder? Not that it mattered when I was pretty sure the Emperor’s werewolves were coming for me, anyway. And at least the memory had confirmed one thing; the werewolves were definitely the kidnappers. The smell of werewolf blood on the bodyguard’s kurta had dropped me into Malik’s memory/flashback.

So, did that mean all werewolf blood smelled the same? Nah, too unlikely. The blood probably belonged to a werewolf Malik knew. Since the male was dead it had to be Fur Jacket Girl. So who was she to Malik? Someone he cared for? The rage he’d felt suggested that. Though his memory wasn’t something you’d want to see happen to anyone, whether you cared for them or not. More importantly, his memory meant Fur Jacket Girl had been one of the werewolves here at the zoo.

Which was disturbing in an entirely different way.

Malik had said he hadn’t seen any of the Emperor’s werewolves for more than five hundred years. So, as Fur Jacket Girl was still around, then she had to be a good half a mille

And no doubt Malik could’ve told me that too. If I’d bothered to ask him.

Crap. I needed to speak to him. If he hadn’t known what was going on last night, I was betting he did now. Only the text-dumping vamp had cut me out of the loop. And yes, I was pretty sure it was all down to his screwed-up protective instincts and his deal with Tavish, but damn, didn’t the idiot vamp know, that all cutting me off would do, was make me furious? And didn’t he know that no way was I going to hole up in some metaphorical ivory tower, however much he wanted me to, not when people were missing and the fae’s fertility was still trapped? So what was his point, really?

I clenched my teeth, swallowing a frustrated scream.

The silver blanket covering me rustled and Mary looked up from her phone. ‘Oh good, you’re awake.’ She crouched down next to me, hitching her black trousers at the knees as she did, a relieved expression on her face.

‘Yeah,’ I said. ‘Sorry, I was thinking.’

‘Thinking?’ She gri

‘I don’t faint,’ I grumbled, as my eyes caught the remains of the sand and salt circle. ‘Any luck with scrying for the kidnappers?’

Chapter Thirty-Five

Mary grimaced. ‘Nada. The blood on the kurta was too old.’

Damn. If the scrying was a bust then I needed to find Hugh and tell him the blood was werewolf. I started to get up—

Mary slapped a heavy hand on my chest and pushed me back down. ‘Stay there until the DI gets here,’ she ordered. ‘He’ll probably want the medic to look at you again. I’ll let him know you’re conscious.’ She thumbed her radio and started giving more orders.

Medic? Again? Hugh was going overboard on looking after the definitely-did-not-faint sidhe. For which I was grateful, but . . . I did a quick mental inventory to make sure all my fingers and toes, and everything in between, felt normal. Everything did so there was no point lying here, waiting for a – no doubt efficient, but human – medic to tell me I was okay as far as they could tell. I mouthed at Mary to cancel the medic, and, brushing away her exasperated hand as she tried to keep me prone, I sat up.

It put my head on a level with the tiger’s. It was sitting on its haunches like a patient dog, less than a foot away from me. The sunlight streaming down highlighted the black stripes marking its orangey coat, and silvered the white fur haloing its lower face and jaw like an old man’s beard. Its long whiskers were almost translucent in the glare. And its stripes weren’t symmetrical as I’d always imagined, but fa

Movement in the undergrowth caught my eye. Another tiger padded up. It lay down with lazy grace a few feet away, its long tail twitching slightly. The first tiger flicked its black-tipped ears and half-closed its yellow eyes, but otherwise ignored its pal. Both stared at me as if I was the most captivating thing they’d seen this year. But unlike the predatory gaze I’d have expected, the tigers looked more as if they were waiting for my next trick.

I frowned. Was that natural? I pinged them, the possibility of werewolves giving me the crazy idea that they might be weretigers. Got nothing but animal back. But then when I’d pinged the werewolves all I’d got back was human, so maybe that’s how they felt to me. I tapped on the glass, mouthing hello. They just kept staring. I pulled a face, stuck my tongue out at them, told them I knew what they were. Still nothing. I caught Mary giving me squinty eyes, so I bit the embarrassment bullet. ‘Do you think they’re weretigers?’