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Malik’s voice was low, intimate and turned my knees weak. Embarrassingly, it took me a moment to catch up with his words . . . Oh right, werewolf blood tasted different. Weird that didn’t affect its smell . . . I got my brain back on to business and looked up at him. ‘Have you met any of the Emperor’s werewolves?’

A conflicted expression crossed his face, part sadness, part . . . anger, maybe? ‘I have. But not in more than five hundred years.’

Werewolves only live a human lifespan. So not much point describing the couple to him. Though really, since he’d tacitly admitted that the Emperor and his werewolves could be about, it wasn’t whatthe couple were that was in question, but wherethey were, and wherethey might be going, so we could locate the victims. But if he couldn’t scent them, we couldn’t follow them.

Damn. Looked like the werewolf trail was a dead end.

I cut Malik an enquiring look, and asked the big one. ‘What about the Emperor? Have you met him more recently?’

His eyes turned cold. ‘I have not.’

Nice unequivocal answer, even if his tone had sent a shiver down my spine. Malik really didn’t like the imperial vamp. ‘So does that mean you don’t know where his lair is?’

‘I do not know where he might be if he is in London, which is the question you are asking, I believe?’


He stepped back and disappointment sifted in me. I sighed. Well, Iwas the one who’d spoiled the moment. ‘My question is, why do you want to know, Genevieve?’

‘I told you. The tarot cards say the Emperor has the answer to releasing the fae’s trapped fertility.’

‘But what has that to do with the Bangladeshi ambassador?’

Something, but exactly what I didn’t know. And I wasn’t going to find out staying here. I hitched my small backpack higher. ‘How about I tell you on the way back to the mosque? If I can’t find the werewolves, then I want to see what info I can get out of the ambassador.’

He pushed his hair back, elegant fingers sliding through its long length. ‘The ambassador is no longer there.’


‘I looked for you at the mosque first. While there I overheard him having an altercation with his security chief. He had received an invitation for an immediate meeting with the British Prime Minster. The security chief did not want the ambassador to go, but moments later the ambassador’s vehicle arrived and I saw him driven away.’

Crap. Tonight was a dead end all round. At least when it came to werewolves, the ambassador and finding his co

I gave Malik a bright smile. ‘How about I tell you what the ambassador has to do with this while we take a walk around the lake?’

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Malik slipped his coat off and hooked it over his shoulder. ‘A walk would be pleasing, Genevieve,’ he said, his voice taking on its earlier intimate tone.

My pulse sped up. Pleasing wasn’t the half of it.

He moved closer and traced a line along my jaw, setting my skin tingling. ‘Or we could make use of the lake?’ Gentle pressure from his hand turned my gaze down towards the water, to where one of the lake’s small wooden boats bobbed. I hadn’t noticed it before. A boat trip out on the moonlit water was heading into Hallmark romance territory. Not that I had anything against that; in fact, I was all for it. The thought of Malik wielding a pair of oars, in the short-sleeved black T-shirt he was wearing, while I sat back and watched (preferably without any embarrassing drooling on my part) had my heart thudding even faster in anticipation.

‘That would also be . . . very pleasing,’ I said, matching his cool, despite knowing his vamp supersenses had to have picked up the faster tempo of my heartbeat.

‘Shall we?’ He held out his hand, black eyes glinting with quiet amusement.

I gave him a mock quelling look and placed my hand in his. His cool fingers closed around mine as he led me down to the short slope and to the boat. As I stepped in the boat rocked gently then settled. I sat on the low seat, my back to the pointy end (stern or the bow? I wasn’t sure: my knowledge of boats is sadly lacking), and tucked my backpack behind me as a cushion. I stretched my legs out and found the small boat surprisingly comfortable.

Malik jumped in confidently. The boat didn’t move, not even the slightest rock. Dropping his coat behind the middle seat, he sat and faced me, legs either side of mine, forearms resting on his thighs, clasped hands dangling mere inches above my jeans-clad legs. He smiled, a teasing lift of his lips and the boat pushed off and seemed to glide out onto the lake under its own power, quiet ripples in the moon-silvered water following in its wake.

‘Show off,’ I murmured.

His smile widened into a grin with a glimpse of fang and my heart did a little happy flip. Not only was he gorgeous, I’d never seen him so relaxed before. But then most of the time we’d spent together we’d been dealing with some crisis or I’d kept my suspicious barriers up between us. Not without reason; Malik usually knew far more about whatever was going on than I did, and just as usually wasn’t keen on letting me in on it.

But for once, whatever was happening with the vamps, Malik seemed to be as out of the loop as I was.

The boat glided over the water, heading under the bridge towards where the lake narrowed and split around a small island covered in small trees and overgrown bushes. A home to the lake’s herons.

Malik’s hand encircled my right ankle. As I jumped, he said, ‘May I?’

Slightly bemused, I nodded, made myself settle back and look relaxed.

He grasped my trainer and pulled it off. It thudded on the bottom of the boat and I had to force myself not to jump again at the cool touch of his hands on my bare skin. Within seconds warmth spread throughout my body, warmth that turned my bones languid and simmered a delicious heat deep inside me. Gods, if he was this good with just my feet . . .

I swallowed and asked, ‘Reflexology?’ less from interest and more to stop my mouth moaning in pleasure.

‘It is similar. This is Sokushin Do. It is the ancient Indian tradition of foot massage for healing and pleasure, taught by monks in the temples in Japan. “Soku” means foot. “Shin” means heart. “Do” means way.’

Well, his touch was certainly finding its way to my heart. And other places.

‘Now, Genevieve,’ he said, his voice weaving round me like silk, ‘tell me about this co

Was his Sokushin Do just a way of softening me up? If it were, I’d happily agree to be softened up like this any time he wanted. I stifled a sigh of bliss then, knowing I was probably going to spoil the moment again, lifted my arm and regretfully released my bracelet. It appeared around my left wrist with its usual chinking of charms. As Malik raised one elegant brow I held it up. ‘Don’t suppose you took your ring back the other night?’

His hands stilled in their tantalising caressing of my sole. ‘No.’

Delighted relief that he hadn’t washed through me, quickly followed by a

‘You ran into Maxim?’

‘Well, it was more the other way round,’ I said, thinking of Mad Max’s roundhouse kick. I propped myself on my elbows and told Malik everything about the leaking Fertility spell and my night with Mad Max (which lit fires of rage in Malik’s pupils, though he didn’t bat an eye at Mad Max using magic, so the crazy sonofabitch had been truthful about keeping his wizarding abilities). Then, after a side discussion assuring Malik I was fine despite Mad Max’s rough treatment and that the Poultice spell was actually working, I asked, ‘So is Max following you or me? And on whose orders?’