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My heart went out to the woman, her kid and the zoo guy, and I prayed whoever had taken them was treating them okay. Or at least as ‘okay’ as the situation allowed. I’d learned enough from Hugh to know that the first hour was the most dangerous for any kidnap victim. The kidnappers would be high on nerves and adrenalin, and if things went pear-shaped, they were likely to cut their losses – a not-so-cheerful euphemism for cutting their victims’ throats, or the equivalent.

The question that jumped into my mind was, ‘Why pick here to snatch her? I’d get it if she was working in a country where the situation is volatile, but this is London.’

Hugh bared his pink granite teeth in a grimace. ‘Mrs Jangali is also the wife of the ambassador from Bangladesh: Mr Balinder Ba

The diplomatic limos in the car park fell into place. Only— ‘Surely, she and the kid weren’t taking the tour on their own? Didn’t they have any security with them?’

Hugh nodded. ‘They were accompanied by their personal bodyguards. Two males. They weren’t harmed.’

‘So they’re suspects?’

‘It is possible they could be involved in some way,’ Hugh agreed. ‘Especially given Mrs Jangali’s co

‘Is that good or bad for the victims?’

A small puff of anxious dust escaped Hugh’s headridge. ‘The negotiator, who’s on her way, tells me that this suggests the kidnappers are “contingent terrorists”. In other words, they’ve taken hostages because they want to negotiate something in exchange. It could be a ransom, the release of prisoners or publicity for some cause.’

Which explained the Media-blackout spell Mary was maintaining.

‘Okay’ I gave Hugh a quizzical look. ‘Want to tell me why I’m here?’

He consulted his notebook again, then snapped it shut. ‘There’s something off about the kidnap. The zoo’s got CCTV. The recordings show that Mrs Jangali, her son, their bodyguards and the zoo employee entered the exhibit here at 7.33 a.m. As soon as they’re inside, the recording freezes. For fifty-nine seconds. At 7.34 a.m. it starts up again. The three victims disappear from the screen and the bodyguards are left standing in the same position. Three seconds later, they look around, realise their charges are gone and call for backup.’

‘And they’re unharmed?’

‘Yes. Unharmed and with no memory of the missing time. There’s nothing to be seen on the rest of the zoo’s CCTVs. Or on any of the surrounding public CCTV. The three victims just vanish.’

‘Magic,’ I stated. ‘Some sort of Invisibility spell, a Transportation spell or a temporary Portal combined with a Freeze spell . . .’ I trailed off, wracking my mental files for anything else. ‘But to be honest, Hugh, it could be any number of spells and my knowledge isn’t the most comprehensive. I think your best bet is the Witches’ Council.’ I gestured towards Mary, who was standing to attention some feet away, and whose mother was on said Witches’ Council. ‘Oh, and the fae, or the Librarian. Any of them should be able to give you more info.’

Hugh nodded. ‘All avenues we’re following, Ge

‘Okay,’ I said, then something struck me. ‘Why take Jonathan Weir, the zoo employee? I mean, if they could keep the bodyguards out of the loop, why not him too?’

‘We don’t know, Ge

‘Unless whatever magic was used didn’t work on him,’ I mused. ‘He could’ve been resistant?’

‘He’s not.’ Hugh flipped over a couple of pages. ‘His partner, David O’Reilly, is one of the zoo’s keepers. He’s stated for the record that Jonathan has no magical abilities.’

‘So, I take it you want me to try and gather up any magic that might be around?’ It was after all, my party trick.

He indicated the entrance to the exhibit. ‘I want you to come in and tell me what you see.’

See, as in magic?’

‘Yes, and as in anything else.’

I frowned. I doubted that I was going to find anything the WPCs hadn’t, and I was begi

And even if there wasn’t anything for me to find, that didn’t mean I wouldn’t do my damnedest to actually discover a clue.

Chapter Thirteen

Inside the big cat exhibit, the roof made the corridor-like place look shadowed and dim after the bright sunshine outside. I wrinkled my nose; it stank of pine-scented cleaner cut with freshly butchered meat and wet fur. My sense of smell was definitely on overdrive, something I was begi

I sca

But as my eyes adjusted to the dimness, there were plenty of people to make up for the lack of tigers. Four WPCs and three uniformed trolls were stationed at intervals along the corridor, while another troll – Constable Lamber, his mottled beige head a pale beacon against a tall, frothy-leaved potted plant – stood to attention behind four males. The marked similarity of three of them with their short black hair, dark-ski

They stared back at me from behind opaque eighties-style aviator sunglasses.

Being stared at like I was a walking zoo exhibit is pretty much the norm for me as the only sidhe in London, and most of the time I don’t notice so much, but the men’s stares were predatory enough to raise the hair on my nape. I made a note to tell Hugh, and see if anyone else got strange vibes from them.

The fourth male was older; mid to late fifties going by the silver threading his black hair and the deep lines marking his brown-ski

‘Mr Ba

I nodded as the ambassador came forward and gave a small bow. ‘Lady Genevieve Taylor,’ he said, his accent pure public school English. ‘It is always a pleasure to greet one of the sidhe fae, even under such difficult circumstances as these.’

‘Nice to meet you too, Ambassador,’ I said, the polite small-talk feeling odd with his wife and kid missing. ‘I’m sorry about your family.’

‘I appreciate your concern. It is devastating that they have been taken.’ They were the right words, but his tone was the same, polite, which was weird considering his eyes had started darting around like he expected someone to jump out at him . . . Unless it was shock?